الأربعاء، 5 أغسطس 2015

قانون الكراهية جعل الامارات مكان غير آمن للمستثمرين و السائحين

الامارات مكان خطر لمستخدمي وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي

UAE is dangerous place to use social media, human rights groups warn


ان حدوث مثل هذه التجاوزات في الامارات 

 ستضر أكثر مما تنفع لسمعة دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة
مهاجمة ضاحي الكاتب السعودي الحضيف لانه عبر عن رايه الحر 
عن دور الامارات في اليمن ومصر  حرية الراي والفكر والنقد غير مجرمة وهي حق انساني عالمي

Discrimination, Verbal Assaults and the Internet – is the UAE doing more harm than good to its brand

Emirati Police recently arrested a British citizen of Indian origin for allegedly insulting security personnel, the airline’s employee and the UAE, using obscene words, after he missed a connecting flight from Abu Dhabi.

A high-ranking Dubai security chief has launched a criminal complaint against a Saudi writer under the new law against hate crime.
Lt Gen Dhahi Khalfan, deputy chief of police and general security, accuses the writer, Dr Mohammed Al Hadif, of spreading hatred of the UAE on social media.
“We are organising a case now to pursue him, according to the new law,” Gen Khalfan said on Twitter. “Criticism is one thing and hatred is another thing. The case has been filed, Al Hadif is wanted, and it’s time to try him in court.”
Gen Khalfan, the former Chief of Dubai Police, has previously accused Dr Al Hadif of being a member of an organisation linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.
The writer has been a vocal critic of the UAE’s involvement in the Saudi-led coalition to defeat Houthi rebels in Yemen, and of the UAE’s relations with Iran. Last year, Saudi Arabia banned him from using Twitter because of his support for the Brotherhood and for the reinstatement of the former Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi.
The law criminalising all forms of discrimination on the grounds of religion, caste, creed, doctrine, race, colour or ethnic origin was enacted on July 20.
Penalties for those convicted range from six months to more than 10 years in prison and fines from Dh50,000 to Dh2 million.​
To repeat, the defendant isn’t in the UAE, but rather Saudi Arabia. And my assumption is that he’s speaking or airing his views from Saudi Arabia which is outside of the UAE’s jurisdiction.

has done brilliantly at carving out a reputation as a business-friendly country which welcomes all who want to invest and live in the country. However, with other recent cases in mind, is the UAE at risk of damaging its own hard-earned reputation as the place to be by making examples of individuals in difficult circumstances or who are outside of their own jurisdiction?

if the UAE is to continue its brand building project to shape in our minds the image of a country where we all want to be in, live and support. Are these cases doing more harm than good to the UAE’s reputation,


القوانين ستستخدم لاسكات منتقدي والمعارضين في الامارات 

معاقبة الناس على ارائها يضر في بلد مثل دبي يعتمد على السياحة 

law would be used to silence critics. ALL laws there are 

for silencing opposition

Punishing people for criticizing or insulting religions or governments violates our internationally protected right to freedom of expression. It also sets a terrible precedent, especially in a country that relies so heavily on tourism and foreign investment.


  منطق خلفان  يجب سجن مرتادي الشواطئ لقوله الرمال حارة جدا .

 يجب أن يتم تغريم المهندسين المعماريين لقوله برج خليفة هو قبيح . لأنه أهان دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة . 

 Khalfan’s logic, I should be arrested for writing this article. Beachgoers should be jailed for saying the sand is too hot. Architects should be fined for saying the Burj Khalifa is ugly. Because we’ve all insulted the UAE. -



منظمات و نشطاء حقوق الانسان يساندون الحضيف و يسلطون الضوء على انتهاكات حقوق الانسان في الامارات

تقرير للخارجية الأمريكية: الإمارات سجن كبير تتواصل فيه انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان

الفرق بين حرية الراي و خطاب الكراهية

أوباما وقع قانون دانييل بيرل ويحذر الحكومات من قمع المدونيين والصحافيين و كلف الخارجية بمتابعة الحريات الصحافية والمدونات

حالات اختفاء جديدة في الإمارات العربية المتحدة

الأمم المتحدة: القضاء الإماراتي يعاني قصورا خطيرا يعوق تحقيق العدالة.. ولا فصل بين السلطات

الامارات معزولة شعبيا في الخليج

الخوف الذي يعيشه المواطن في الامارات بسبب تعسف وطيش السلطة

مخطط محمد بن زايد ضرب سياحة دبي وشراء الولاءات

Torture-tape Gulf prince accused of 25 other attacks


كيف يثير قانون التمييز والكراهية الإماراتي الكراهية والتمييز مع الآخر؟ 

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