The Time line of the damage made by Obama in the Middle East
Misconduct with allies in the region such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia
Support the rule of the mullahs in Iran who commit crimes in Iraq, Syria and Yemen with the support of the US and threaten the security of allied as Saudi Arabia
which It is in a historic alliance since Roosevelt and even provides support for the US economy through buying US bonds
Supporting the military coup against the legitimate government in Egypt
History will record that thousand of civilians were killed in Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Turkey during Obama presidency by his support to the Tyrants
Supporting the coup against the elected government in Turkey
Turkey is a big country NATO members stupid to deal with Kurdish terrorist against important ally like Turkey
Supporting the Terrorist militia PKK against Turkey an allied to America
US Counter-#ISIS Envoy @brett_mcgurk pictured with #YPGfounding member (& former PKK) Polat Can in #Kobani, #Syria
US Support the coup against the democratic Governomet of Turkey
Pentagon Allies Jailed in Turkey Amid Coup Backlash, General Says
Negative points which will be recorded on the Obama & Kerry's failure in the inetrnatnal relations with allies as Turkey's1
Turkey which went to Russia and Saudi Arabia, which has lost Trust in US Obama is betting on losers as Cuba and Iran .2
رالف بيترز نائب رئيس الاستخبارات الامريكيه سابقاً بكل صلافه يتحسر على ضياع فرصة الانقلاب بتركيا
Support criminal sectarian government in Iraq against Sunnis under the title of fighting isis
More than 80 shitte militia in Iraq
Obama’s Last Big Military Gamble
American Solder
Historic testemony and painful on the US occupation of Iraq
Why’s Obama Covering for Russian War Crimes in Syria?
وزير خارجية فرنسا ينتقد اوباما و كيري في سوريا
French foreign minister criticism of US resolve over Syria … …
فريد زكريا الي متى تتجاهل اميركا معاناة السوريين
How long will America ignore Syria’s suffering?
The right target for the U.S. in Syria: Hezbollah
Philippine President accuses US of bombing children in Syria,Iraq killing blacks
Philippine President accuses US of bombing children in Syria,Iraq killing blacks
Empowering the mullahs
اميركا تعمل على تمكين ملالي ايران
ديلي تلغراف: إيران تهديد إرهابي سيئ كما تنظيم الدولة
Iran is as bad as Isil in mistreating civilians
Iran is as bad as Isil in mistreating civilians
Struan Stevenson's speech- British Parliament- Thursday 30 June 2016
“Iran cannot be part of the solution to the conflicts raging in Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Libya. It is part of the problem.”
Obama’s Kerry must serve as Iran’s chief salesman?”
Iran & Hezbollah shia / shitte Terror
Iran Sectarian constitution and interference in other countries and export of revolution
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia Is A Great American Ally
How Barack Obama turned his back on Saudi Arabia and its Sunni allies
Why Saudi Arabia matters
What do you know about Saudi Wahhabi
أعظم فتنة في اميركا الصحافة العاهرة التي تعرض نفسها للبيع
America’s Greatest Affliction: The Presstitute Media — Paul Craig Roberts
جامع وقائع تعاون ايران و اذنابها الشيعة مع اميركا و اسرائيل ضد الاسلام و المسلمين
ملف التحالف الإيراني الأمريكي : ماهي حقيقته وأبعاده و نتائجه ؟
US alliance with Iran against the Sunnis in Iraq and with the Kurds and Iran and Bashar against Sunnis in Syria / US links with Isis
America invaded guatemala for the sake of Banana
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