الخميس، 2 أغسطس 2018

لا مقارنة حجم تجارة العبيد بين العرب و الغرب الرد على تجارة العبيد الرق

Euroupian man insult african salve kid 
he does  put his feet over him as doorMatt

Belgian colonial soldiers sentenced to death a 7-year-old African Child of 1908 for the lack of a harvest"!

Leopold II of Belgium killed more than 15 million people in the Congo and cut off children's hands

Five people killed 185 million human beings.

 1.Mao Tse-tung , "leader of China", killed 79 million. 
2. Joseph Stalin, "leader of Russia" killed 50 million. 
3. ODF Hitler killed 40 million. 
4. Paul Bot, the Cambodian leader, killed 3 million 
5-Leo Bould "King of Belgium", bought the Congo and killed 15 million of them, none of whom were named Ahmed or Mohammed. or Muslim


  . The size of Western slave trade practiced by Western countries uncomparable to the unregulated work of Arab individuals!!

The volume of the huge slave trade practiced by Western countries reached more than 50 million individuals. Companies were established to carry out this trade. They provided protection and volume. In comparison with the number and nature of the purpose of the mines and farms, the manner of dealing can not be compared to the purchase of slaves We know that the household service is limited in terms of the capacity of the slave population. We know that the farms and mines need large numbers. The potential of the owners of mines and farms is greater than that of some Arabs who can afford to buy slave in the Arab region where this region is poor in terms of human numbers and the potential of material and the numbers of the wealthy and able less than the numbers of poor and hence the number will be low depending on these data in addition to the treatment differs with the treatment of slaves in the West In addition to the Arabs are not those who do Because they were not in control of the slave-labor areas of West Africa or the so-called slave-trade tank. If we assume that there are kidnappings that Islam does not tolerate, they are very unique cases compared to Westerners and a clarification of the mix of Westerners The Arabs of Slave, says the traveler (Snook Hurgernge) (European public opinion has confused the treatment of Muslims to their slaves and the treatment of Americans to the Negroes) The English world (Wester Mark) that the slavery of the Christian Europeans, especially the British colonies was more cruel and harsher than the slavery of non-Christian peoples Old and modern, and supported by colonial rulers and a large number of Catholic clergy, both Protestant and Protestant were based on the Bible and did not prevent slavery, but support and Christ himself did not end slavery and did not say a word condemning him.

The professor of rugged roles of the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania said that West Africa was the reservoir for the transatlantic slave trade. East Africa was individual and recently acquired. It did not compete in West Africa trade in size. Arabs did not kidnap the slave trade, but bought what was sold inside the labor market. As domestic servants and estimated the number of 1700 per year while Portugal sold hundreds of thousands of slaves in Mozambique to the French slave traders and the Portuguese settlers arm some of the local population and are called Shkunda to bring slaves to East Africa to be sold to the French and the rest In 1884-1858, the Scottish explorer Leftg Stone referred to the scenes he saw during his journey to explore the Zambezi River and the vandalism of the slave hunter by the Portuguese and the Portuguese slave traders, and to hang the roles of the Portuguese. The Portuguese, like the Arabs and Swahili, The areas they control for religious, political and economic reasons. Sir Freeman Grayville and Alison Smith say in the OXFORD HISTORY OF AFRICA that there is some emergency trade across sub-Saharan Africa to North Africa and East Africa and the roles of the robbers state that the slave trade in East Africa had no extension More than half of the first half of the eighteenth century and the claim that it has a long and undeniable stretch of time, the market of Zanzibar began in 1840 and the British Treaty with the Governor of Zanzibar Burgos was held in 1873, which did not increase the period of work Zanzibar market forty years while the Europeans have The slavery of the slave for more than four hundred years, and with the European racism towards color and sex, the Africans were brutally treated and isolated in areas where they live as if they were separated from the community living in a ghetto like Harlem in New York America and the Apartheid system in South Africa until churches there are private churches For black in America, even today, and even some of them are burned while the slaves in the Arab countries are mated between them and the Arabs and treated as a member of the family did not torture them and were assimilated in the Arab community and we see in America, blacks suffer from racism despite the existence of civil rights law and Muslims do not have racist terrorist groups kill and burn as groups Koklas Klan Racism, which was founded in 1866 and is still active in racial and other groups called the White supremacy group, that Britain needed half a century to apply to the owners of the British slave and agree with the Spaniards, Portuguese and French, It was found that the Americans resisted the intervention in the slave trade and forced it to compensate the British slave owners. As we have already said, the motive was economic and political to push the slave trade to a halt, while Britain's treaty with Zanzibar, Oman and Bahrain was interpreted in favor of these countries. These countries are so much that there is no obstacle in the implementation of the treaty and will not have effects on Arab society as a result of the prevention of slavery because it is not an organized trade and has no roots in the interests of the society from the above it is clear that Islam did not initiate slavery, but proceeded to expand and expanded his opponent to reverse Christianity and that any individual exceeded does not weld

Finally, most of the slaves who were abducted from Senegal, the Gambia, Guinea and others were Muslims and forcibly forced to ascend, as evidenced by many documents in the museums of Jamaica and other Caribbean countries. The history books mention the role of the Catholic Church and its participation drenched in the blood of Muslim slaves, The Muslim Slaves was forcibly evangelized.
The most notorious crimes of European colonization in Africa have colonized the Congo and conquered the people to work and the defaulter was punished by cutting his hand or his sons 

What Belgium did in Congo 1

ماذا فعلت بلجيكا في الكونغو ١ pic.twitter.com/BWlCvbwulL

What Belgium did in Congo2

ماذا فعلت بلجيكا في الكونغو ٢ pic.twitter.com/Bg73Ev3c5k

Malcom x and macca and racisim

- الإسلام والعنصرية العرقية
Malcom x and racism 

Who is Malcolm X ?! What did he said about Islam? And how has 

changed modern history ?!

من هو مالكوم إكس؟! ماذا قال عن الإسلام؟ وكيف غير التاريخ الحديث؟!

Minister Louis Farrakhan, Saviours' Day 


Islam's position on racism

موقف الإسلام من العنصرية

Farrakhan Speaks on Darfur, Sudan: "Arabs" enslaving Black Africans? Truth Revealed

 Muhammad Ali  views

Obama Explains Islam

اوباما يشرح الاسلام

Window to Islam- Khalid yasin

Sheikh Khalid Yasin - We are one

(Classic Interview) Minister louis Farrakhan RIPS Mike Wallace a new A--Hole

An announcer  tried 
  mocking and   to distort the image of Islam

رجل مسلم يمسخر مذيع ومذيعه أرادوا تشويه صورة الأسلام (مترجم)

slave / slavery in the Holy Book 

Is there human equality in the Bible in both the Old and the New Testaments

in America Mexican Children stolen from Parents at the Southern Boarder and being held captive by ICEgov to either use them as slave labour or fostered our to be sexually exploited while they’re Devastated Families are sent to Prison!!

Canada America uses mexican slave labour to harvest food about 500,000 Temp Foreign Workers work here after 5 years permit ends GET OUT of Canada 

Russain are the white Slave of Europe fuck White Slave

Jewish rabbis: all the world are not people, they are just animals. Slaves and servants for our interests! . And certainly you won't see anyone describing them as extremists! pic.twitter.com/1q3iIXMqtF

Pedophilia with 3-year old slave girls in the Bible

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