الأربعاء، 30 ديسمبر 2020

فريق عمل منظمة الصحة العالمية المعني بلقاحات تنظيم الخصوبة. تشكيلها وأهدافها وأنشطتها البحثية




1991 Jan;6(1):166-72.
 doi: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.humrep.a137252.

The WHO Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation. Its formation, objectives and research activities



Over the past 18 years, the WHO Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation has been supporting basic and clinical research on the development of birth control vaccines directed against the gametes or the preimplantation embryo. These studies have involved the use of advanced procedures in peptide chemistry, hybridoma technology and molecular genetics as well as the evaluation of a number of novel approaches in general vaccinology. As a result of this international, collaborative effort, a prototype anti-HCG vaccine is now undergoing clinical testing, raising the prospect that a totally new family planning method may be available before the end of the current decade.

PIP: The WHO Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation is one of several Task Forces, consisting of international, multidisciplinary groups of scientists and clinicians collaborating in research on specific goals, established in 1972. Its accomplishments are reviewed here. The Task Force convened a meeting in 1974 to select criteria for tissues and molecules capable of mounting antifertility responses. These molecules had to be restricted to the target tissue, sequestered in the reproductive tract, present transiently, and chemically characterized. Some of the antigens considered were sperm enzymes and membranes, as well as a data bank of sera naturally immunized against sperm. Other were anti-ovum and placenta molecules such as zona pellucida, the SP-1 placental antigen, and the placental hormones chorionic somatotrophin and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCH). Trophoblast-derived monoclonal antibodies and gene libraries are being screened. Anti-hCH is the vaccine composed of a portion of the beta subunit complexed to a carrier antigen, diphtheria toxoid, in a water- oil emulsion with an adjuvant has been tested in a phase I clinical trial in 1986-1988. A Phase II trial is being planned to see if the immune response in women is large enough to be capable of preventing pregnancy. Further improvements in the vaccine are being envisioned, such as incorporation of the peptide carrier conjugate and immune stimulant into biodegradable microspheres, hopefully to produce a longer-lasting immunity and a more stable vaccine. While the WHO Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation has been forced to cut back on some avenues of research, its success has stimulated other centers to take up several important projects, e.g. the sperm LDH and zona pellucida vaccines.

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الثلاثاء، 29 ديسمبر 2020

هل لقاح كورونا الذي طورته شركة فايزر الأميركية، بالتعاون مع شركة بيونتيك الألمانية،

معجزة طبية ستهزم «كوفيد 19»، كما أكد والتر إيزاكسون في «الواشنطن بوست»؟

أم انه تم القفز على حقائق وثوابت البحث العلمي وأخلاقياته، كما جاء في مقال

الباحث جهاد الزويري، الذي نشره موقع «الجزيرة» الإلكتروني؟ هل خضعت التقنية الحيوية

التي اعتمدت للتمحيص العلمي الكافي؟ هل تعكس نسبة النجاح المعلنة (%90) الحقيقة

من الناحية العلمية الاكلينيكية؟ يرى إيزاكسون، الأستاذ في جامعة تولين، ومؤلف كتاب

سيصدر في مارس المقبل عن تعديل الجينات ومستقبل الجنس البشري، ان نجاح اللقاح المذكور

يعني أن عام 2020 سيُذكر في التاريخ باعتباره العام، الذي بدأت فيه اللقاحات الجينية تحل

محل اللقاحات التقليدية. ويشير الى ان اللقاحات الجينية تقدم جزءًا من الترميز الجيني، الذي

سيوجه الخلايا البشرية لتنتج مكونات الفيروس المستهدف، التي تحفز جهاز المناعة لدى المريض

. ويؤكد ان هذه إحدى معجزات ثورة التكنولوجيا الحيوية، حيث تصبح معرفة الترميز الجيني في

أهمية الترميز الرقمي، وتصبح الجزيئات بمنزلة الرقائق الدقيقة الجديدة. برمجة وإعادة برمجة

بحسب ما جاء في مقاله المعنون «كنت مشاركاً في تجربة فايزر..»، فإن اللقاح الذي طورته

الشركتان يستفيد من الوظائف الأساسية التي يؤديها الحمض النووي الريبوزي، اذ يحمل التعليمات

في شأن نوع البروتين المطلوب صنعه، من الحمض النووي الموجود في نواة الخلية، إلى

منطقة التصنيع في الخلية. وفي حالة لقاح «كوفيد 19»، فإن المطلوب صنعه يكون نسخة

من البروتين الشائك الموجود على سطح الفيروس. ويمكن أن يحفز هذا البروتين الشوكي

جهاز المناعة لإنتاج أجسام مضادة تحمي من الفيروس. ويزف إيزاكسون البشرى بإمكانية

إعادة برمجة لقاحات الحمض النووي الريبوزي بسهولة، مشيرا الى ان فيروسات جديدة

ستظهر بعد هزيمة «كوفيد 19»، وعندما يحدث ذلك، لن يستغرق الأمر اكثر من أيام لترميز

تسلسل جديد من الحمض النووي الريبوزي، لصنع لقاح مضاد للتهديد الجديد. وسوف تتيح

الأدوات المصنوعة من الحمض النووي الريبوزي امكانية تعديل المادة الجينية، وابتكار لقاحات

قابلة لإعادة البرمجة بسهولة بالغة. سرية وغموض في الجهة المقابلة، ينبه المحاضر

والباحث في مجال مناعة الأمراض المعدية والسرطانية في جامعة ليفربول جهاد الزويري،

الى ان تقنية ناقل الرسائل الجيني، التي يعتمد عليها لقاح «فايزر» و«بيونتك»، لا تزال

قيد البحث، ولم تؤت أكلها لكي تستخدم عمليا على الإنسان، فهي لم تتعد الاستخدام على

الحيوانات المخبرية، ولم تكن نتائجها مشجعة كي تصل الى التجارب الإكلينيكية البشرية

، في غضون أشهر قليلة. والزويري، الذي سبق له ان استخدم في أبحاثه طريقة «الجينات

الانتحارية» لإحداث تحفيز مناعي ضد الخلايا السرطانية، يرفض الادعاء بأن اللقاح

ناجح بنسبة %90، محذراً من خطر السرية والغموض المحيطين بجانب كبير من الدراسة،

مشيرا الى ان تأثير اللقاح على جهاز المناعة غير معروف، ويسأل: «ماذا لو كانت نوعية

وكفاءة المناعة التي تكونت عند المجموعة، التي لم تلقح، مشابهة أو أفضل من المجموعة

التي لقحت؟ حينئذ ستنقلب النتيجة، ويكون اللقاح فاشلا بنسبة %90، وهذا ليس مستبعدا

ً ولو نظرياً على الأقل». عواقب محتملة يحذر الزويري من الآثار الجانبية المتوسطة والبعيدة

المدى للقاح المذكور، التي تظهر خلال سنوات، إذ «يحتمل أن تحدث أمور نتوقعها وأمور

خارج سياق التوقعات». ويذكر من العواقب المحتملة حدوث رد فعل مناعي غير حميد معروف

بالاستجابة المناعية المصاحبة لإفراز الإنترفيرون من النوع الأول، يؤدي إلى حدوث التهابات

وتفاعل مناعي ذاتي ضد أعضاء وأنسجة الجسم، كما ينبه الى ان وصول اللقاح الى الغدة

الصنوبرية قد يؤدي الى حدوث حالة «القبول لانعدام رد الفعل المناعي». ويتوقع نظريا

حدوث تنافس بين الشيفرة الوراثية، التي يحملها اللقاح وبين الشيفرات الوراثية القادمة م

ن نواة الخلية. ويقول: سيمرر اللقاح قريبا لتبدأ حملة تطعيم عالمية ستكشف مصير

اللقاح الحقيقي على ملايين البشر، وستظهر محدودية الفعالية خلافا لما ظهر إعلاميا

(%90)؛ بل أقل بكثير وستكون لفترة قصيرة جدا (أشهر)، فالفيروس يتغير باستمرار

متقدماً على اللقاح بخطوات، والأعراض الجانبية ستبدو أكثر وضوحاً على فئات

عمرية مختلفة، ومرد ذلك كله القفز على حقائق وثوابت البحث العلمي وأخلاقياته

. ويختم الباحث بالإشارة إلى «أن اقتناع الناس من الناحيتين العلمية والأخلاقية

بلقاح جديد (لفيروس جديد، متحور ومرض لم تعرفه البشرية من قبل)،

ومصنع بتقنية حيوية جديدة لم تجرب من قبل على الإنسان لهو أمر صعب

من دون توفر دليل يبدد تلك المخاوف؛ ولكن لا ندري لعل الله يحدث بعد ذلك

أمرا، فهناك محاولات أخرى كثيرة بعضها في مراحلها النهائية، وأخرى ستلحق

بها خلال أشهر عسى أن يكون من بينها لقاح أو أكثر يساعد في التخفيف

من حدة هذا الوباء العالمي». Volume 0% لقاح فايزر

للمزيد: https://alqabas.com/article/5823731

الجمعة، 25 ديسمبر 2020

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Modern Medicine as Satanic Cult (Encore) https://henrymakow.com/2020/12/modern-medicine-as-satanic-cult.html?_ga=2.95323612.1504213039.1608598564-868860797.1468708452


كلام مرعب الحذر يردد شياطين عصابة الماسون العالمية ان الامور لن تعود الي طبيعتها الا بعد تطعيم كل سكان الارض بحرب بيولجية اجرامية و ان الكمامات و التباعد و الاغلاق مستمر الي ما شاء الله خطة السيطرة على العالم عبر نشر اللقاحات و تطعيم كل سكان الارض

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ملف الاطباء و الباحثين المتخصصين في اميركا و اوربا يحذرون من حطورة  لقاح كورونا كوفيد 19 
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Henry Kissinger
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لمن لا يصدقون إن اللقاح سيكون له شريحة نانو وخاصية التتبع..سيتم تصنيع اللقاح في فايزر ومودرنا ..ثم يشحن لهذه الشركة التي تضيف له الشريحة وتقوم بتوزيعه في امريكا ودول العالم ويتم تلقيح البشر به Herb


الأربعاء، 23 ديسمبر 2020

6 اسباب للقول لا للقاحات

Six Reasons To Say NO to Vaccination
Posted on 03/01/2018 by EraOfLight8 Comments ↓

no vaccinations eraoflightdotcomVaccination is an extremely controversial topic these days. Whatever side of the aisle you may fall with regard to your opinion about vaccination, one thing is for certain. The choice to vaccinate or not vaccinate is a decision that has the potential to greatly impact the health of you and most importantly, your children for the rest of their lives.

As a result, this decision should not be taken lightly and it should not be made in a vacuum. In other words, don’t just take your pediatrician’s word that shots are safe. It is possible for doctors to be wrong. They are human, after all. In reality, your doctor is simply parroting the standard line about vaccination from the American Medical Association (AMA) playbook. If you think you are getting their honest assessment, think again.

You should neither assume shots are dangerous just because your friend down the street doesn’t vaccinate her kids.
Image result for vaccine warnings

The key here is education; making an informed decision by investigating the facts with an open mind and knowing exactly what you are getting yourself into before you commit to do anything.

With that in mind, the list below will briefly detail to you the reasons why I did not vaccinate my own children and will never consider a shot for them for any reason even in the event of a so called “pandemic.” Please remember that I come from a medical family. My own Father (retired) is a MD as is my brother and my cousin (who was a pediatrician, now deceased). My husband’s mother is a nurse. There is no shortage of opinions on this subject in my family, I can assure you.

So, don’t use family pressure as an excuse to do what you need to do once you investigate the facts for yourself and make an informed decision. There is no more foolish choice than to do something because it is someone else’s wishes and not your own. It is your body, after all and these are your children. There is no one on earth who knows what is best for them except you and your spouse – not even and most especially not your doctor! Make your decisions feeling confident in this knowledge.
#1: Pharmaceutical Companies Can’t Be Trusted (Ever)

Let’s just list a couple of the (many) times over the past 10 years where a drug or drug regimen has been deemed unsafe and downright dangerous and yet the pharmaceutical companies covered it up FOR YEARS in order to continue raking in the profits for as long as possible. This should be an easy task.

How about hormone replacement therapy for women? The standard of care for a menopausal woman for over 40 years was HRT. Even women with no complaints were advised that this treatment was helpful as it reduced chances for a heart attack and cancer and even helped them feel younger. Were any, I repeat ANY of these claims true? Not a whit. Breast cancer risk is doubled for women on HRT, 41% increased risk for stroke, 29% increased risk of heart attack, and the list goes on and on.

How about Vioxx? Before this dangerous drug that caused thousands of deaths from heart attack and stroke was finally removed from the market, evidence surfaced that Merck had withheld information and even doctored reports on its dangers years before. As of November 2007, Merck had agreed to pay $4.85 billion to settle approximately 27,000 cases from victims claiming injury or death of a family member using Vioxx. While this is a huge sum of money, in reality it represents less than one year’s profits for Merck. Does it pay for a drug company to lie about a drug’s safety and efficacy? You betcha. The risk of payouts to victims from getting sued is lower than the lure of huge and long lasting profits while a drug’s patent protection remains in effect.

I could cite other examples, but I’m trying to keep this post as pithy as possible. Please comment if you have other examples of pharmaceutical company deceit. It will help others reading this blog who might still be on the fence about this issue.

Remember the old proverb, “Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me twice, shame on me”? These corporate behemoths have proven themselves to be completely untrustworthy based on past behavior. In a court of law, if such a company were an actual witness, an attorney would never put them on the stand due to a serious lack of credibility. Are you really going to take these companies at their word that these shots are safe when money and profits are impacted by their answer?

The idea that people can question “Big Pharma” corruption when it comes to dangerous pills, responsible for killing thousands and the subject of countless class action lawsuits, and then resort to name calling and ridicule when other people question those same companies over the safety of vaccines is preposterous. – Jay Syrmopoulos, The Free Thought Project

UPDATE: Merck, the manufacturer of the MMR vaccine is currently embroiled in two lawsuits for falsifying data on the effectiveness of the mumps vaccine. One of these lawsuits was brought by two of its own scientists! Just another example of a the lying and fraud perpetuated by the drug companies with regard to vaccination.
#2: ALL Vaccines are Loaded with Chemicals and Heavy Metals

Here is a list of the damaging ingredients in vaccines on the market today verified either by independent testing and/or listed on vaccine inserts:

Nagalase, squalene, polysorbate 80, glyphosate (Roundup), e-coli, MSG, antifreeze, phenol (used as a disinfectant), formaldehyde (cancer causing and used to embalm), aluminum (associated with alzheimer’s disease and seizures), glycerin (toxic to the kidney, liver, can cause lung damage, gastrointestinal damage and death), lead, cadmium, sulfates, yeast proteins, antibiotics, acetone (used in nail polish remover), neomycin and streptomycin. And the ingredient making the press is thimerosol (more toxic than mercury, a preservative still used in many vaccines, not easily eliminated, can cause severe neurological damage as well as other life threatening autoimmune disease). These vaccines are grown and strained through animal or human tissue, like monkey and dog kidney tissue, chick embryo, calf serum, human diploid cells (the dissected organs of forcibly aborted fetuses), pig blood, horse blood and rabbit brain (1, 2).

What’s more, recent vaccine testing results published in January 2017 revealed that ALL of them are contaminated with heavy metals not declared on the ingredients list or in the product leaflets. In another round of vaccine testing conducted in Germany, the vaccines were found to be contaminated with the following:

– ALL vaccines tested contained mercury in small amounts (even the ones that were supposedly “mercury free”).

– Half the vaccines contained toxic, carcinogenic nickel in small amounts.

– Slightly over 1/3 of the tested vaccines contained small amounts of arsenic.

– Over 90% of the tested vaccines contained uranium (yes, the stuff used to make nuclear bombs).

– ALL tested vaccines contain minor traces of aluminum, *even if not labeled*. Gardasil, Gardasil 9 and Synflorix contain TWICE as much aluminum as indicated.

– The aluminum content in the so-called attenuated vaccines is around 1000-6000X times above the safe limits for drinking water! And these vaccines are supposedly “safer”? By the way, aluminum adjuvants commonly used in vaccines have been identified by immunologists as a trigger for later development of food allergies in children.

Can you imagine injecting this cocktail of poison directly into your child’s tissues? Anyone who thinks that these contaminants even in small amounts are safe especially for a growing child is just plain out of his/her mind. At least if you ate these ingredients, your body would have a chance to detoxify and eliminate them before any permanent damage could be done. But, to inject them deep into the body’s tissues where the toxins are absorbed directly into the blood is the most damaging and lethal approach imaginable. How could anyone especially a doctor possibly think this approach to enhancing immunity to infectious disease is a good idea for the long term health? As it turns out, more doctors are realizing the folly of shots as a growing percentage of pediatricians are declining or delaying shots for their own children!

It sure didn’t make any sense to me. Here I am, 20 years later, still very happy with my decision NOT to vaccinate my children. What’s more, my three children thank me all the time for not vaccinating them. Why? They see all the health problems their vaccinated friends have, and they are grateful to have been spared the misery.

Sadly, I know many parents and caregivers with 20/20 hindsight who greatly regret their decision to vaccinate. I don’t know ANYONE who has not vaccinated and regrets their decision, however. Which group do you want to be a part of in 10 years?
#3: Vaccinated Children are the Unhealthiest, Most Chronically Sick Children

A comprehensive survey of nearly 12,000 children in the USA and Europe was conducted in 2010. The research revealed the truth about the health of vaccinated vs unvaccinated kids. The conclusion? Vaccinated children are more chronically ill than unvaccinated children with rates for autism, ear infections, ADHD, asthma and allergies as much as 30% higher than unvaxed children (source).

Another large comparative study of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children published in May 2017 unearthed similar findings (source).

Take an informal poll of the folks in your circle and see for yourself. Observation is a powerful tool, so put it to use. The kids with the most health and behavior problems – allergies, asthma, ADHD, autism, coordination and other gross motor issues, and the list goes on – are the ones that are right on track with their vaccination schedule.

It’s not just physical illness that plagues vaccinated children either. Research out of Yale and Penn State demonstrated a strong association between vaccination and mental illness in children. 95,000 children were analyzed by the Department of Public Health Science at the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine and Yale University. A strong association between children receiving vaccinations and then immediate development of brain-related autoimmune and inflammatory disorders: ADHD, OCD, anxiety, depression, bipolar, anorexia, and chronic tic disorder was found (source).

For compelling anecdotal evidence, ask Moms with several children, some of whom are vaccinated and some who are not, which of their children are the healthiest. In my own circle, the Moms I know who have one or two older kids who are fully vaccinated and the younger kids who did not get any shots tell me that, hands down, that the unvaccinated children are healthier and have less problems (usually none).

There is plenty of research available NOW for any open-minded, thinking parent to realize that vaccination of a child is a very bad idea. Throw out your preconceived ideas, read the science and realize the reality that shots will very likely doom your child to a life of autoimmune or mental disorder hell. Playing the odds for a healthy child with a robust immune system free of mental health issues critically involves the decision to forgo shots.

The excellent graphic below pretty much says it all. Vaccinated children suffer from far more challenges both mentally, physically, and behaviorally than unvaccinated children. This is the dirty little secret Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know!

Graphic from the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute.

vaccination dangers
#4: Other Countries Are Waking Up to the Dangers of Vaccination

In 1975, Japan raised its minimum vax age to 2 years old, The country’s infant mortality subsequently plummeted to such low levels that Japan now enjoys one of the lowest level in the Western world (#3 at last look). In comparison, the United States’ infant mortality rate is #33.

In Australia, the flu vaccine was suspended in April 2010 for children under 5 because an alarming number of children were showing up in the emergency rooms with febrile convulsions or other vaccine reactions within hours of getting this shot.

In the UK, they don’t even require the chicken pox vaccine because it causes so many health problems not just for children, but also triggers the grave risk of a shingles epidemic for adults (source). By the way, the shingles vaccine doesn’t even work, which is likely why the UK continues to not offer the varicella vaccine to children.

Need I say more?
#5: Numerous Vaccines Have Already Had Problems/Been Removed from the Market

Here is a brief list of some of the vaccines that have caused serious injury in recent years. Please comment with others that you know of if they are not on this list:
In Feb 2002, GlaxoSmithKline removed the Lyme Disease vaccine from the market citing poor sales when in fact a number of people who received the vaccine reported symptoms worse than the disease itself such as incurable arthritis or neurological impairment.
The Rotavirus vaccine (Rotashield) was removed from the market in 1999 due to an association between the vaccine and life threatening bowel obstruction or twisting of the bowl! Interestingly, my pediatrician at the time (who was a lifelong friend of our family) had highly recommended that this vaccine be given to my newborn baby at the time. I trusted my instincts and said no to the shot – am I glad I did! My pediatrician (remember, lifelong family friend) subsequently dropped me as a patient. Guess he wasn’t such a friend after all! This article contains the full story about pediatricians dropping unvaccinated patients and what to do about it. Don’t be bullied parents!
A warning was issued concerning the second Rotavirus vaccine (Rotateq) in 2007 as it caused the same twisting of the bowel problem in 28 infants (16 of which required intestinal surgery). This second vaccine has not yet been removed from the market as far as I know.
Another vaccine that has had a lot of problems but is not yet withdrawn is the Gardasil vaccine for adolescent girls. A few years ago, Merck, the 50 billion dollar pharmaceutical company and vaccine manufacturer, recalled 743,000 contaminated Gardasil shots that contained glass particles. Fainting, paralysis, slurred speech are just a few of the reactions reported and yet this vaccine continues to stay on the market. At least 1600 adverse events have been reported since its approval in 2006, yet doctors are continuing to recommend this shot to their patients. Why this vaccine hasn’t already been removed from the market is astonishing. In Japan unlike the US, citizens are permitted to sue vaccine manufacturers for damages, and as of this writing, a class action lawsuit is pending against the makers of HPV vaccines (source).

If the vaccines above have had serious problems, the others probably do too as vaccine manufacturers follow the same basic formula when coming up with each new shot.
#6 You Can Always Get Vaccinated, But You Can Never Undo a Vaccination

Procrastination is usually considered a character flaw, but in the case of vaccination, delaying the decision for as long as possible plays to your advantage. The longer you wait to vaccinate your child, the better. A child’s immune system continues to develop for years after birth. The blood/brain barrier does not fully develop until adolescence. The longer you wait, the more likely your child’s immune system will be able to handle the onslaught with minimal damage.

If you don’t know what to do, don’t do anything!

Conversely, you can never undo a vaccination. There are holistic therapies that can detox a child from the vaccine’s poison, but the damage that is done can never be 100% repaired. And, I have NEVER met a fully vaccinated child that is healthier and more robust than a well nourished, unvaccinated child. Period.

While I would like to convince you to never vaccinate your child, if I can simply convince you to delay it for a few years that is certainly better than vaccinating a baby. If you can simply commit to waiting until your child is school age to vaccinate, so much the better than if you vaccinate as a toddler and so on. Time is on your side and waiting is the best policy when it comes to shots.

Another vaccine alternative to consider is homeoprophylaxis. This nontoxic method to boost immunity safely is gaining rapid popularity due to the numerous scientific studies involving millions of people to support its efficacy. And, if your child starts to regress after shots, be sure to do the emergency vaccine detox recommended by developmental pediatrician Dr. Mary Megson.

By the time your child is older, more research will have been done, you will have an opportunity to learn more and become more comfortable with your decision to wait. Who knows? Your attitude of wait and see may turn out to be permanent like mine was 20 years ago.

الثلاثاء، 22 ديسمبر 2020

مؤتمر اباطرة المال والمشاهير اليهود المؤثرين

World Jewish Congress: Billionaires, Oligarchs, Global Influencers for Israel
contact@ifamericansknew.org November 24, 2019 billionaires, Henry Kissinger, history, oligarchs, Ronald Lauder, Rothschilds
World Jewish Congress: Billionaires, Oligarchs, Global Influencers for IsraelWorld Jewish Congress: Billionaires, Oligarchs, Global Influencers for Israel

A photo collage of some attendees of the 2019 WJC gala: Michael Mirilashvili ($3 billion), Moshe Kantor ($4 billion), Henry Kissinger ($180 million), Ron Lauder ($4 billion), Leonard Lauder ($21 billion), Boris Lozhkin ($500 mill), Baron David de Rothschild & Lord Jacob Rothschild (family net worth estimates range from billions up to $700 trillion.) Collage created by If Americans Knew. (Photo collage by If Americans Knew)
Billionaires, Russian oligarchs, Ukrainian ambassadors, international financiers, the Rothschilds, and glitterati of all sorts gathered at the 2019 gala for the World Jewish Congress, as reported by Jewish Voice and others
The gathering represented unparalleled power & wealth (and not a little corruption)… martialled on behalf of Israel…

By Alison Weir

The World Jewish Congress (WJC), which calls itself “The Representative Body of over 100 Jewish Communities Worldwide,” held its annual gala at the Pierre hotel in New York City on Nov. 6.

It bestowed its annual Theodor Herzl Award (named after Israel’s founding father) on former U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley for her work on behalf of Israel. Some previous awardees have been Joe Biden and Henry Kissinger.

One of the WJC’s main issues is support for Israel. Among its many activities in this realm, it collaborates with the Israeli government to defend Israel from criticisms of its human rights abuses and discriminatory system.

The WJC defines many factual statements about Israel to be “antisemitic,” and labels legitimate opposition to Israeli violence and oppression against Palestinians “antisemitism.” As a result, its top issue, combating “antisemitism,” often consists of efforts to suppress information about Israel’s oppression of Palestinians and to combat efforts on behalf of Palestinian human rights.

At one of its recent international conferences to oppose this newly defined “antisemitism,” US Special Envoy Elan Carr proclaimed that every law enforcement office and every prosecutorial agency throughout the world must “force everybody who has even a hint of antisemitism to undergo a tolerance program.” (More on this below).

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2015 WJC reception for President of Israel
A Glittering Guest List

The Jewish Voice described the recent World Jewish Congress gala in New York:

“It’s 6 PM on Wednesday November 6th in New York City and dozens of Secret Service are gathered at the Pierre to protect billionaires, politicians and global influencers at one of the premier evenings of the year.”

JV reports that “the illustrious guest list was unparalleled,” and provides a lineup that represents extraordinary wealth and power (and, in a number of cases, diverse types of malfeasance).David de Rothschild, Jacob Rothschild, Ron Lauder, Robert KraftDavid de Rothschild, Jacob Rothschild, Ron Lauder, Robert KraftBaron David de Rothschild, Lord Jacob Rothschild, Ronald Lauder, Robert Kraft at WJC Gala Nov 6, 2019.

JV provided the names of some of the guests, to which are appended their net worths when available (these fluctuate over time) and additional information:
Henry Kissinger (net worth $180 million, former Secretary of State and National Security Advisor under two presidents)
The Rothschilds (estimates of net worth range from $400 billion up to $700 trillion, from the famous Rothschild banking family, more information below)
Robert Kraft ($7 billion net worth, NFL Patriots owner, received Israel’s Genesis Prize at a lavish ceremony in Israel, where he pledged $20 million to combating anti-Semitism and the Palestinian-led boycott movement against Israel, charged with two counts of soliciting prostitution in Florida -Boston’s WBUR radio reports: “The diamond-studded legal guns representing the 78-year-old New England Patriots owner (one of them a former Epstein lawyer) may save him… ” meanwhile, the women are facing up to 15 years in prison)
Thomas J. Tisch (net worth $121 million, former chancellor of Brown University, son of billionaire Laurence Tisch, former CEO of CBS)
Leonard Lauder ($21 billion net worth, elder son of Estee Lauder)
Judy Glickman Lauder (wife of Leonard Lauder, widow of Louis J. Glickman)
The Safras (of the ‘sometimes clandestine’ banking dynasty that started over a century ago, Chella Safra is WJC Treasurer)Safra dynasty ottomansSafra dynasty ottomansThe Safra banking dynasty began under the Ottoman Empire. Chella Cohen Safra is the WJC treasurer. Image from Business Insider article: The Safra Dynasty: The Mysterious Family Of The Richest Banker In The World.
Ira Rennert (net worth $3 billion, previously, $6 billion, investor, known as a “junk bond billionaire,” found guilty of corruption in 2015, placed a mill in Baltimore’s outer harbor into bankruptcy, causing more than 2,000 workers to lose their jobs, owes Baltimore $8 million in unpaid city water bills, allegedly used money he looted from his business to build a 29-room mansion & compound – a garage holds 100 cars)
Dick Parsons (former Time Warner CEO, CBS chair, & Citibank chair; in 2012 shareholders filed a lawsuit against Parsons and some other executives for “stuffing their pockets while running the bank into the ground“)
Ben Ashkenazy (net worth $4 billion, Israeli American real estate tycoon, a benefactor of the 2015 AIPAC Real Estate Luncheon at New York’s Grand Hyatt Hotel)
Jack Chehebar (real estate mogul, sued for alleged breach of contract, accused of beating his son)
Ray Kelly (longest serving commissioner in the history of the New York City Police Department, for a period was an Interpol vice president, charged by Muslim groups of discrimination: “The commissioner oversaw a spying program that targeted Muslims based solely on their religion, showed poor judgment by participating in a virulently anti-Islamic film, and approved a report on terrorism that equated innocuous behavior such as quitting smoking with signs of radicalization”)Lauren Vernon, Ray Kelly and Larry LeedsLauren Vernon, Ray Kelly and Larry LeedsSocialite Lauren Vernon, NY City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, and financier Larry Leeds at 2019 WJC gala.
Oligarchs from Russia, Ukraine

Also among “the super power players who descended on the foyer of the Pierre,” JV reports, “were numerous oligarchs from Russia, Ambassadors from the Ukraine, and dozens of inner circle investors who rarely venture out to weekday galas.”

Among the oligarchs at the event was Kazakh Israeli billionaire Alexander Mashkevitch, net worth $3.6 billion. Israel’s Ha’aretz newspaper calls him “one of the biggest oligarchs to have emerged from the former Soviet Union.” Mashkevitch is alleged to have ties to organized crime in the U.S. and has been accused of a $55 million money-laundering scheme in Belgium. He has also been investigated for organizing a sex party on a luxury yacht in Turkey. (His daughter was also recently charged with fraud.)
Working to counter support for Palestinian human rights

Mashkevitch is president of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (a Regional Affiliate of the WJC) and said to be its “most generous philanthropist.”

The Times of Israel reports that the EAJC regularly collaborates with Israel’s Ministries of Foreign Affairs and of Strategic Affairs and works “to counteract the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) movement” (BDS is founded on the principle that “Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity).

According to the TOI, the EAJC works “to influence global public opinion in Israel’s favor.” TOI states: “EAJC’s public diplomacy program cultivates relationships with thought leaders in its 25 constituent countries. These thought leaders include businesspeople, academics, journalists, politicians, cultural leaders, and bloggers. EAJC encourages these individuals to visit Israel and likewise sponsors prominent Israelis to speak to such groups abroad, with EAJC acting as an intermediary between the Israelis and their foreign counterparts.”

It is unlikely that the thought leaders brought by EAJC learn about Israel’s systemic discrimination against its non-Jewish inhabitants, including Christians, and Israel’s ongoing violence against Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.

Also present at the WJC Gala was the EAJC’s First Vice President Emmanuil Grinshpun, a leader of the Jewish community in Moldova, a member of the European Jewish Parliament, honorary consul of Kazakhstan in the United States and board member of the Chabad Russian Center in South Florida (info on Chabad is here). Grinshpun has been involved with Veaceslav Platon, reportedly “considered by Moldovan law enforcement to be a mastermind of financial crime.”Photo of Alpert, Balembsky, Mashkevitch, Ashkenazy, GrinshpunPhoto of Alpert, Balembsky, Mashkevitch, Ashkenazy, GrinshpunGuests at World Jewish Congress Gala at the Pierre in New York City, Nov. 5, 2019. (L-R) Michael Alpert, Alex Balemebsky, Alexander and Larisa Mashkevitch, Ben Askenazy and Emmanuil Grinshpun.

JV does not name the other oligarchs who attended the gala, but a few of the Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs connected to the WJC are:

* Boris Lozhkin – a WJC vice president (net worth appears to be about $450-500 million, President of the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine, on the board of the EAJC, Lozhkin has been accused of corruption in Ukraine, fired as chief economic advisor to the president of Ukraine last year after allegations of fraudulent financial transactions involving millions of dollars came to light)

* Andrey Adamovsky – WJC vice president (Ukrainian businessman, vice-president of the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine, in 2015 was found guilty of defrauding his former business partners of $34.7 million, and in 2016 he was again found guilty of fraud)

* Michael Mirilashvili – on the WJC Steering Committee (Mirilashvili, net worth $3 billion, has been embroiled in various charges of corruption)Mikhael Mirilashvili and his son Yitzhakis with Israeli minister Yaffa Deri.Mikhael Mirilashvili and his son Yitzhakis with Israeli minister Yaffa Deri.Billionaire Mikhael Mirilashvili and his son Yitzhakis with Israeli minister Yaffa Deri. The three were suspected of corruption.

* Moshe Kantor (aka Viatcheslav Kantor) – member of WJC Executive Committee (net worth $4 billion; JTA reports that in 2006 he was detained in Israel on suspicion of money laundering, in Russia he had reportedly been fired for being involved in a business scandal, holds triple citizenship: Russia, UK, Israel)

* God Semenovich Nisanov – WJC vice-president (net worth $3.5 billion, reportedly a “king” of Moscow real estate, part of what Russian media call “one of the most corrupt facilities of the last 5 years,” alleged gun running; diverse other accusations)
The Powerful, Politicians & a Princess

Jewish Insider lists some of the additional attendees:Senator Chuck Schumer and Peter KingSenator Chuck Schumer and Peter KingSenator Chuck Schumer and Congressman Peter King, 2015. Schumer, who calls himself “a guardian of Israel,” praised King as “head & shoulders above everyone else” in Congress.
Rep. Peter King (Republican Congressman from New York, member of the Homeland Security Committee and Financial Services Committee, Ranking Member of the Sub-Committee on Emergency Preparedness, served as Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee in 2005-2006 and again in 2011-2012, notorious for anti-Muslim extremism, over $100,000 in pro-Israel contributions were given to King between 1998 and 2010)
Jason Greenblatt (known as the designer of the Trump peace plan on Israel-Palestine)
Joel Grey (net worth $10 million, actor, presented with the WJC’s Teddy Kollek Award, named after the former Israeli mayor of Jerusalem, interview here, Deputy Israeli Consul General in NY)
Israel Nitzan (Deputy Consul General of the Israeli Consulate in New York, largest Israeli mission in the world, coordinates interfaith dialogue and outreach nationally)
Princess Firyal (married into Jordanian royal family, after divorce was longtime companion of New York venture megafund capitalist Lionel Pincus, partner of Eric Warburg of the banking family that began a few centuries ago)
Stanley Chera (real estate developer, close friend of Donald Trump, raised tens of millions of dollars for his presidential campaign, involved in questionable real estate deal)
Izzy Tapoohi (president and CEO of Birthright Israel Foundation)
Linda Mirels (daughter of South African businessman Nathan Kirsh, who is a major shareholder of an Israeli company that provided technology for Israel’s apartheid wall)
Malcolm Hoenlein (executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, which advocates for Israel)
Ze’ev Rubenstein (Israel Bonds vice president, accused of being implicated in Netanyahu corruption case, some analysts have called Israel Bonds “junk bonds” and compared theme to a Ponzi scheme)Ze'ev Rubinstein, Israel Bonds vpZe'ev Rubinstein, Israel Bonds vpZe’ev Rubinstein, Israel Bonds vice president, implicated in Netanyahu corruption cases.
Dore Gold (a top Israeli official under Netanyahu & Sharon, born in Connecticut, funded by Sheldon Adelson)
Rabbi Benjamin Goldschmidt (son of the Chief Rabbi of Moscow and the President of the Conference of European Rabbis)
Dr. Ruth Westheimer (sex therapist)
George Klein (a founder of the Congressional Republican Jewish Committee)
Brooke Goldstein (founder of the Lawfare Project, says “there’s no such thing as a Palestinian person”)
Siggy Flicker (TV personality, Israeli)
Danny Danon (Israeli Ambassador to the U.N.)
Ezra Friedlander (founder of U.S.-Israel Security Alliance, which takes delegations to Israel, CEO of the Friedlander Group, political connector e.g. “NYC’s Top Elected Officials Grace Sukkoth Celebration” – video here) Ezra Friedman with NYC elected officialsEzra Friedman with NYC elected officialsEzra Friedlander and NYC elected officials at Frieldander Group event, October 2014.
Mark Botnick (assistant to Ron Lauder, former press secretary for New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg)
Michal Grayevsky (senior advisor to Ron Lauder, president of JCS International (JCSI), Lauder’s global media company, headquartered in New York)
Justin Hayet (Senior Project Manager, Israel Diaspora Initiatives at the Genesis Philanthropy Group)
Betty Grinstein (wife of founder of Israel’s Reut Institute)
Eve Stieglitz (WJC Jewish Diplomatic Corps)
Peter Thoren (works for Leonard Blavatnik – the richest man in the UK in 2015; Blavatnik has numerous connections in Hollywood, is friends with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has been donating to both Republican and Democratic U.S. politicians, including Trump, in June Blavatnik and his wife gave as much money as any other individual donation the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has ever received in its entire history; in 2009 he hosted an event for The Atlantic, organized by Editor Jeffrey Goldberg)Alex Blavatnik, Emily Blavatnik, Peter Thoren THE ATLANTICAlex Blavatnik, Emily Blavatnik, Peter Thoren THE ATLANTIC(L-R) Alex Blavatnik, Emily Blavatnik, Peter Thoren at Blavatnik’s event for The Atlantic, February 24, 2009.
Lauder, Haley, Kissinger

The longtime president of the WJC is multi-billionaire Ronald Lauder, an heir of the Estée Lauder cosmetics company. At the age of 37 Lauder, a Republican fundraiser, sought and succeeded in obtaining a position in the Defense Department (Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and NATO affairs), and then an ambassadorship.

Lauder kicked off the gala’s speeches by decrying “the rise in anti-semitism,” giving as an example Bernie Sanders’ recent statements calling the situation in Gaza “inhumane” and declaring that some of the $3.8 billion annual U.S. aid to Israel should go to Gaza instead.

Sanders’ speech was a reference to the fact that Israel has made Gaza into “the world’s largest open air prison.” A Norwegian NGO reports: “More than 50 years of occupation and 10 years of blockade have made the lives of 1.9 million Palestinians living inside the Gaza Strip unbearable. That is why they now are protesting and risking their lives.” (Despite these and previous strong criticisms of Israeli actions, Sanders continues to say he is a supporter of Israel.)

In contrast to Lauder’s condemnation of Sanders, he lavished praise on this year’s WJC Herzl awardee, former U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley.Photo of Kissinger, Lauder, HaleyPhoto of Kissinger, Lauder, HaleyHenry Kissinger (former US Secretary of State), Amb. Ronald S. Lauder (WJC president), Nikki Haley (former U.S. Ambassador to the UN). Kissinger called her “an all-star politician adept at the machinations of Washington and the UN.”

Lauder called Haley “one of the greatest women in the world” and said he hoped she would seek higher office. (Before being named ambassador, Haley had been governor of South Carolina. She had no previous international expertise; her college degree was in accounting.)

Lauder told the audience: “In my years of service in the diplomatic world and as president of the World Jewish Congress, I have met many heads of state, dignitaries, and ambassadors who have worked diligently in support of Israel and defended it across the international stage. Throughout her tenure, US Ambassador to the UN, H.E. Nikki Haley, proved to be a giant in this realm…”

Henry Kissinger, who served as Secretary of State and National Security Advisor under Presidents Nixon and Ford, introduced Haley. Kissinger is famous for his shuttle diplomacy and assistance to Israel (some of his actions in that regard led to the disastrous oil boycott against the U.S.).

JV reports that Kissinger praised Haley “as an all-star politician adept at the machinations of Washington and the UN.” Kissinger said that Haley “did a fantastic job by leaving no attack against the US unanswered and helping Trump move the US embassy to Jerusalem.”

JV called Haley’s speech “very campaignlike” and reported that she received a lengthy standing ovation for her remarks.
Previous Herzl Awardees: the Rothschilds, Biden, Kissinger

Previous recipients of the Herzl award have included the Rothschild family, Joe Biden, and Henry Kissinger, who was introduced by longtime TV news celebrity Barbara Walters. (The Lauder video is here, Walters video here, and Kissinger video here).

Current Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden received WJC’s Theodor Herzl award in 2016, and was introduced by Henry Kissinger. (Actor Kirk Douglas was also honored that year.)

Last year the award went to the Rothschild family, an international banking dynasty begun in the 1700s.

Lord Jacob Rothschild and Baron David de Rothschild, chairman of the World Jewish Congress Governing Board, accepted the award on behalf of the family. In his acceptance speech, Lord Rothschild announced:

“On behalf of our family, we are so proud to be given your medal in the name of Herz….. As David Wolfson said in his eulogy for Herzl in 1904, Herzl’s name will, and I quote, ‘remain sacred and unforgotten for as long as a single Jew lives on this Earth.’ To have our family’s name linked with Herzl is a great honor.” (Video of the speech is here.)

Lord Rothschild noted that when Herzl had originally approached the Rothschild family to help in the establishment of the State of Israel, they had initially refused. However, they eventually changed their views, and Rothschild noted that the family played an integral role in the creation of the state. Rothschild stated: “Herzl and the Baron came to share a single objective – the redemption of Israel and the rebirth of the Jewish nation in its historic land.”

At the time, Palestine was inhabited by a population that was approximately 80 percent Muslim, 15 percent Christian, and 5 percent Jewish. The establishment of a Jewish state would require a massive “ingathering” of Jews, and a massive expulsion of the indigenous population. In the thousands of years of ancient history in the region, Jewish dominion had lasted at most a few hundred years.Lord Jacob Rothschild with interview was conducted by former Israeli ambassador Daniel TaubLord Jacob Rothschild with interview was conducted by former Israeli ambassador Daniel TaubTV interview of Lord Jacob Rothschild conducted by former Israeli Ambassador Daniel Taub, Feb. 2017. Lord Rothschild described how a Rothschild family member had helped obtain the Balfour declaration, a key document in eventually establishing a Jewish state in Palestine.

In a 2017 television interview, Rothschild said that his relative Dorothy de Rothschild had played a hidden but decisive role in the eventual creation of Israel. She had connected Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann to the British establishment, eventually procuring the Balfour Declaration, which opened the door to Jewish colonization of Palestine.

Balfour said that Dorothy “told Weizmann how to integrate, how to insert himself into British establishment life, which he learned very quickly.” Lord Rothschild said: “It was the most incredible piece of opportunism.” (For more on how the Balfour Declaration was obtained, see this.)

In his WJC acceptance speech, Rothschild announced: ”It is now eight generations since our family left the Frankfurt ghetto, over 200 years ago.” He continued: “It is a source of pride to us that our family remain involved and committed to Israel and Jewish communities in Europe.”

JV reports that Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer praised the Rothschild family for funding the Israeli Knesset and Supreme Court buildings and for currently financing a National Library in Israel. (More here)

No one seems to know the net worth of the Rothschild family. Estimates for the extended family range from $400 billion up to MSN News’ report of up to $700 trillion. Lord Rothschild himself is reported to have a net worth of $5 billion.
2018 Gala: More of the Same

Jewish Voice published an article about last year’s gala entitled, “Moguls, Politicos & Opinion Makers Gather at Pierre Hotel for Historic World Jewish Congress Dinner.” Attendees at the 2018 gala (in addition to many of the above) included:
Leon Black (net worth $8 billion, his firm has been accused of fraud, he is connected to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein – also here and here)
John Paulson (Inside Philanthropy gives his net worth as $10 billion; his mother was a Jewish immigrant from Lithuania and he donates to Birthright trips to Israel, the WJC & other Jewish causes; he has ties to both Trump & to Clinton)
Joseph Chetrit (real estate developer, settled a lawsuit claiming he helped launder money stolen from Kazakhstan)
James Wolfensohn (former president of the World Bank, Special Envoy to the Middle East Quartet, Mayne reports that at one time his net worth was $400 million)
World Jewish Congress History & Present

Plans to create a Jewish world congress were first officially proposed in 1917 by the American Jewish Congress, following earlier recommendations by Theodor Herzl. A major purpose was to promote a Jewish state in Palestine, which at that time was inhabited by a population that was approximately 90 percent Muslim and Christian.

(While many powerful Jewish American leaders supported the movement to create Israel, including Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, most Jewish Americans at the time had little interest in the movement and some actively opposed it. Although today virtually every mainstream national Jewish organization supports Israel, there are many Jewish Americans who are critical of Israel.)

Conferences to create the WJC were then held in London in 1926, in Zurich in 1927, in Geneva in 1932, 1933 and 1934. Finally, in 1936 the First Plenary Assembly, held in Geneva, officially established the World Jewish Congress.

According to its website, the WJC today “represents Jewish communities and organizations in 100 countries around the world. It advocates on their behalf towards governments, parliaments, international organizations and other faiths.”

The website announces: “The Talmudic phrase ‘Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh beZeh’ (All Jews are responsible for one another), encapsulates the raison d’être of the WJC.”

It states that in the 1940s the WJC “successfully lobbied the United Nations and governments to support the establishment of the State of Israel.”Photo of World Jewish Congress plenary session in 1948Photo of World Jewish Congress plenary session in 1948Delegates at the Second Plenary Assembly of the World Jewish Congress in Montreux, Switzerland, June 28, 1948.

Statistics on the organization’s annual revenue and expenditures seem unavailable. The U.S. section alone, a tax-exempt organization that is just one of the dozens of member communities around the world, has revenue in the range of $25 million.

in 2005, when then WJC chairman Rabbi Israel Singer was charged with diverting $1.5 million to his personal use, there were calls for an independent audit. The WJC eventually removed Singer, and he was required to return the money, but no public audit seems to have taken place.

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‘Antisemitism’ – Criticisms of Israel

The WJC is playing a significant role in the international project to change the traditional definition of antisemitism to a new, expanded version that includes criticisms of Israel.WJC 2019WJC 2019The World Jewish Congress International Meeting of Special Envoys and Coordinators Combating Antisemitism (SECCA), Bucharest, June 17, 2019.

The new formulation for the definition of antisemitism was originated by an Israeli minister in 2004, and Israel partisans have steadily inserted it into a variety of national and international entities. For example, U.S. Antisemitism Envoy Hannah Rosenthal adopted it for the U.S. State Department in 2010.

In June and October of this year, the WJC hosted officials from around the world for the “World Jewish Congress International Meeting of Special Envoys and Coordinators for Combating Antisemitism (SECCA).” Attendees discussed the alleged “need” to “obligate EU member states” to adopt the new definition.Elan Carr at World Jewish Congress conference on antisemitismElan Carr at World Jewish Congress conference on antisemitismElan Carr, US envoy against anti-Semitism, at a WJC summit on antisemitism. Carr said every law enforcement office around the world must “force everybody who has even a hint of antisemitism to undergo a tolerance program.”

At the October conference in Germany, US Special Envoy Elan Carr said: “Every law enforcement office and every prosecutorial agency must incorporate [tolerance programs] as part of their standard operating procedures. They have to force everybody who has even a hint of antisemitism to undergo a tolerance program.”
Enabling Israel’s Violence against Palestinians

Below is the WJC banner video featured on its website and Facebook page:

The WJC’s vast wealth and power support Israel, which was established in 1948 through a war of ethnic cleansing and is maintained through apartheid-like policies and continual confiscation of Palestinian land. U.S. taxpayers give Israel over $10.5 million per day, thanks to efforts by the WJC and the numerous other members of the pro-Israel lobby in the U.S.

Recently, Israeli forces assassinated a Palestinian resistance leader, then used the response by some Palestinian factions to commit a three-day bombardment of Gaza that has so far killed 34 people, injured 111, and damaged homes and schools. A third of those killed have been women and children. No Israelis have been killed.

Over the years, Israeli policies have caused Gazans to be among the most poverty-stricken populations on earth. Since March 2017, thousands of Gazans have been participating in weekly unarmed demonstrations against their oppression by Israel and the theft of their ancestral homes and land (70 percent of Gazans are refugee families forced out by Israel in 1948). Every week Israeli forces have shot some of the participants. Among those killed and maimed have been women, children, medics, and journalists.

In addition to this, every week Israel commits a wide variety of human rights violations against Palestinians in both the West Bank and Gaza. Below is a video showing some of these actions during a typical recent week, Oct 3-9. (A detailed record of that week is here. The video is also on YouTube.)

This is what the World Jewish Congress, with its billionaires and oligarchs, its glittering galas and international projects, is enabling.

Alison Weir is executive director of If Americans Knew, president of the Council for the National Interest, and author of Against Our Better Judgment: The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel.

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