الجمعة، 28 سبتمبر 2018

ملف العنف و الاغتصاب ضد المرأة في اميركا

rape, physical violence against Women / woman in America US 

في اميركا 1 من كل 4 نساء تعرضوا للعنف في اميركا
1 in 4 women (24.3%)
in the United States have been the victim of severe physical violence by an intimate partner
امراءة من كل 3 نساء تعرضوا More than 1 in 3 women (35.6%) US have experienced rape,
رجل اميركي يقتل زوجته وابنائه
A Colorado man has been charged with the deaths of his pregnant wife and their daughters last week.
Chris Watts, 33, is facing three counts of first-degree murder and six other counts.

نساء اميركيات تحرش الرجل في المرآة امر عادي
WATCH: While discussing the Kavanaugh allegations, a woman in Montana argues that an 18-year-old male groping a woman "is not a big deal."

في اميركا يضرب الرجل صديقته و رفضت ان تشتكي عليه
A pro baseball player was caught assaulting his ex-girlfriend on a stadium security camera. He’s was blackballed from the major leagues after the video became public

في المانيا كل 3 ايام تقتل لنرأى على يد شريكها

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