الاثنين، 6 يوليو 2015

مشاركة ايران القوات الاميركية في غزو افغانستان اعترافات صريحة الحرس الجمهوري الايراني قاتل جنبا الى جنب مع الامريكان في هرات

مشاركة ايران القوات الاميركية في غزو افغانستان

اعترافات صريحة الحرس الجمهوري الايراني قاتل جنبا الى جنب مع الامريكان في هرات ايران ساعدت في اطاحة طالبان

Iran helped overthrow Taliban, candidate says

By Barbara Slavin, USA TODAY

Members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards fought alongside and advised the Afghan rebels who helped U.S. forces topple Afghanistan's Taliban regime in the months after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the guards' former leader says.

In an interview by e-mail, Mohsen Rezaie, a candidate in Iran's presidential elections next week, says the United States has not given Iran enough credit. He says Iran played an "important role in the overthrow of the Taliban" in 2001 (Related: Full text of interview (http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2...nterview_x.htm)).

Even before U.S. forces entered Afghanistan, Iran backed the Northern Alliance, a loose coalition of warlords and militias from the Tajik, Uzbek and Hazara minorities. The alliance fought the ruling Taliban, a regime dominated by majority Pashtuns that imposed a harsh Sunni Islamic government.

Current and former U.S. troops and officials confirm Iranians were present with the Northern Alliance as U.S. forces organized the rebels in 2001. They say U.S. forces had no interaction with the Iranians. They deny the Iranians made meaningful contributions on the battlefield.

Rezaie is the first to claim that Iran played a key role in capturing the Afghan capital, Kabul, at the climax of the war.

Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman says he has "no knowledge of (Iranian) assistance." The CIA refused to comment.

Former CIA Afghan team leader Gary Schroen says there were two Iranian guard colonels attached to a Northern Alliance commander, Bismullah Khan, outside Kabul when U.S. Special Forces arrived in September 2001.

Schroen, author of First In: An Insider's Account of How the CIA Spearheaded the War on Terror in Afghanistan, says, "There was never any (U.S.) interaction (with the Iranians), but we saw them." He downplayed the Iranian role.

"We knew they were on the ground," says John McLaughlin, former deputy director of the CIA.

Two officers who served with Task Force Dagger, the Special Forces group that conducted the first U.S. military operations in Afghanistan, say they knew Iranian agents or troops were present.

One, an Army Special Forces officer, says Iranians in the Northern Alliance stronghold of Mazar-e-Sharif were sabotaging U.S. efforts by competing for the loyalty of local warlords. An Army Special Forces battalion commander says he encountered an Iranian intelligence agent in Kunduz, scene of one of the war's biggest battles. A third Army officer says U.S. forces reported the presence of Iranians in the city of Herat with alliance leader and warlord Ismail Khan. All three spoke on condition they not be named.

Predominantly Shiite Iran nearly went to war against the Taliban after the massacre of Afghan Shiites and nine Iranians in Mazar-e-Sharif in 1998.

The Bush ********************istration became the prime backer of the Northern Alliance after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told CBS' Face the Nation on Nov. 11, 2001, two days before the fall of Kabul, that there were places in Afghanistan "where there are some Iranian liaison people, as well as some American liaison people" working with the same Afghan forces.

James Dobbins, a former State Department official who worked with diplomats from Iran and other Afghan neighbors to create the first post-Taliban government, says the Iranians "were equipping and paying the Northern Alliance. Russia and India were also helping, but at the time, Iran was the most active."

It is unclear how many Iranians were present at the fall of Kabul. Rezaie says "some" guard commanders were there. "They were special forces for urban warfare (with) experience ... during the Iran-Iraq War (1980-88). They were very effective and active ... but American Army propaganda quickly claimed most of these achievements in its own name."

The Bush ********************istration would have been loath to praise the Iranians, in particular the Revolutionary Guards. The guards are Iran's main vehicle for supporting groups the United States regards as terrorists, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon, says Kenneth Katzman, an Iran expert at the Congressional Research Service in Washington.

In 2002, President Bush labeled Iran a member of an "axis of evil" along with Iraq and North Korea.

After the fall of the Taliban, Iran offered to help train and equip a new Afghan army, Dobbins says. The offer was rebuffed by the Bush ********************istration, which accused Tehran of giving safe passage to fleeing members of al-Qaeda, backing Palestinian militants and trying to develop nuclear weapons.

Rezaie, 50, one of eight candidates permitted to run by Iran's clerical regime, appeared to be underlining Iran's role to draw attention to his candidacy and show a desire to improve relations with the United States. Other candidates in the election, including the front-runner, former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, promise they would improve ties broken 25 years ago while Iran was holding U.S. diplomats hostage.

Rezaie says that "everything is possible" to restore relations. He praised the late Ronald Reagan and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright for reaching out to Iran and says, "If they (the Americans) make us a rational offer," he will push for closer cooperation


و هذه الترجمة 

الترجمة بالقوقل 

ايران ساعدت في اطاحة طالبان ، يقول المرشح 

من باربرا سلافن ، يو اس اي توداي 

اعضاء في الحرس الثوري الايراني قاتلوا جنبا الى جنب ، ونصحت الثوار الافغان الذين ساعدوا القوات الأميركية في اسقاط نظام طالبان في افغانستان في الاشهر التي اعقبت الهجمات الارهابيه في 11 ايلول / سبتمبر ، حراس الزعيم السابق يقول. 

وفي مقابلة عن طريق البريد الالكتروني ، محسن رضائي ، وهو مرشح في الانتخابات الرءاسيه ايران الاسبوع المقبل ، ويقول ان الولايات المتحدة لم تعط إيران الاءتمانيه الكافية(يقصد المكافأة). يقول ايران تلعب "دورا مهما في الاطاحة بنظام الطالبان" في عام 2001 (المتصله : النص الكامل للمقابلة). 

وحتى قبل دخول قوات امريكيه في افغانستان قامت ايران بدعم التحالف الشمالي ، وهو ائتلاف فضفاض من امراء الحرب والميليشيات من الطاجيك والاوزبك والهزارا الاقليات. التحالف حاربت طالبان الحاكم ، نظاما تسيطر عليه اغلبيه البشتون التي فرضت الحكومة الاسلامية السنيه القاسيه. 

حاليين وسابقين من القوات الامريكية ويؤكد المسؤولون الايرانيون كانوا موجودين مع قوات التحالف الشمالي كما نظمت القوات الاميركية المتمردين فى عام 2001. يقولون كانت القوات الامريكية أي تفاعل مع الايرانيين. فهي تنكر على الايرانيين ساهمت مساهمه على ارض المعركه. 

رزاي هو اول من يدعي ان ايران لعبت دورا رئيسيا فى الاستيلاء على العاصمة الافغانيه كابول ، في ذروه الحرب. 

واعلن المتحدث باسم البنتاغون بريان وايتمان يقول له "لا علم (الايرانيه) المساعدة". المخابرات الامريكية رفضت التعليق. 

وكالة المخابرات المركزية السابق الافغانيه قائد الفريق غاري سشروين تقول ان هناك اثنين من الحرس الايراني العقداء المرفقه الى قائد التحالف الشمالى ، بيسموللاه خان خارج كابول عندما القوات الخاصة الامريكية وصلت فى سبتمبر 2001. 

سشروين ، صاحب أول : بواطن الامور في الاعتبار الكيفيه التي تقودها المخابرات الامريكية الحرب على الارهاب في افغانستان ، ويقول : "لم يكن هناك أي تفاعل (الولايات المتحدة) (الايرانيون) ، لكننا شاهدنا منهم". وهو ما يقلل من الدور الايراني. 

"كنا نعرف انهم على الارض" يقول جون مكلوغلن ، النائب السابق لمدير وكالة المخابرات المركزية. 

اثنين من الضباط الذين عملوا مع فرقة الخنجر ، ومجموعة من القوات الخاصة التي أجرت أول العمليات العسكرية الامريكية فى افغانستان ، ويقولون انهم يعرفون عملاء ايرانيين كانوا موجودين او القوات. 

واحد ، وهو ضابط في القوات الخاصة للجيش ، يقول الايرانيون في معقل التحالف الشمالى مزار شريف وتم تخريب الجهود الامريكية التي تتنافس على ولاء امراء الحرب المحليين. القوات الخاصة للجيش قائد الكتيبه يقول انه تصادف ايراني المخابرات في قندوز ، ومسرح واحد من اكبر معارك الحرب. ثالث ضابط في الجيش تقول القوات الامريكية عن وجود ايرانيين في مدينة هيرات زعيم تحالف مع أمراء الحرب واسماعيل خان. وتحدث كل ثلاث بشرط الا يتم تسميته. 

ايران ذات الاغلبيه الشيعيه تقريبا ذهبت الى الحرب ضد طالبان بعد مجزرة الشيعه الافغان وتسعة ايرانيين في مزار الشريف في عام 1998. 

ادارة بوش اصبحت مؤيد رئيسي لتحالف الشمال بعد الهجمات الارهابيه في 11 ايلول / سبتمبر 2001. وزير الدفاع دونالد رامسفيلد قال سى بى اس 'تواجه الامة في 11 تشرين الثاني / نوفمبر 2001 ، قبل يومين من سقوط كابول ، ان هناك اماكن في افغانستان" حيث توجد بعض اتصال الشعب الايراني ، وكذلك بعض الناس الاتصال الامريكية "العمل مع نفس القوات الافغانيه. 

جيمس dobbins ، وهو مسؤول في وزارة الخارجية السابقين الذين عملوا مع دبلوماسيين من ايران وغيرها من دول الجوار الأفغاني الى انشاء اول حكومة ما بعد طالبان ، وتقول ان الايرانيين "تجهيز ودفع تحالف الشمال. روسيا والهند تساعد أيضا ، ولكن في الوقت كانت ايران الدولة الأكثر نشاطا. " 

ومن غير الواضح كم من الايرانيين كانوا متواجدين في سقوط كابول. ك يقول "بعض" قادة الحرس كانوا هناك. "كانت القوات الخاصة لحرب المدن) مع (الخبرة... خلال الحرب الايرانيه العراقية (1980-88). فهما يدركان جيدا وفاعلا... ولكن الجيش الامريكى الدعايه بسرعة ادعى ان معظم هذه الانجازات باسمها . " 

ادارة بوش قد لا يميل الى ثناء الايرانيين ، وخصوصا الحرس الثوري. حراس ايران هي الاداه الرئيسية لدعم جماعات تعتبرها الادارة الامريكية للارهابيين مثل حزب الله في لبنان ، يقول كينيث كاتزمان ، ايران ، الخبير في داءره البحوث في الكونغرس في واشنطن. 

وفى عام 2002 فان الرئيس بوش اعتبر ايران دولة عضو فى "محور الشر" الى جانب العراق وكوريا الشمالية. 

وبعد سقوط طالبان ، ايران عرضت المساعدة على تدريب وتجهيز الجيش الافغاني الجديد ، ويقول dobbins. العرض بالرفض من جانب ادارة بوش التى اتهمت طهران اعطاء ممر آمن لفرار أعضاء القاعده ودعم المقاتلين الفلسطينيين ومحاولة تطوير اسلحه نوويه. 

ك (50 عاما) احد المرشحين الثمانيه يسمح لها تديرها ايران النظام الكتابي ، ويبدو ان تأكيد دور إيران في توجيه الانتباه الى الترشح وابداء الرغبة في تحسين العلاقات مع الولايات المتحدة. المرشحين الآخرين في الانتخابات ، بما فيها الجبهة العداء ، والرئيس السابق اكبر هاشمي رفسنجاني ، وهي وعد من شأنه ان يحسن العلاقات كسرت منذ 25 عاما بينما ايران لا تزال تحتجز رهائن دبلوماسيون امريكيون. 

ك تقول ان "كل شىء ممكن" لاعادة العلاقات. واشاد الراحل رونالد ريغان والسابقين مادلين اولبرايت للوصول الى ايران ويقول : "اذا كانوا (الاميركيون) تجعلنا رشيد العرض" ستناضل من اجل توثيق التعاون


حقد دفين و خبث مبطون على اهل الاسلام 

مع ذلك مازال بعض الجهال و الحمقى و عباد الهوى يتحببون اليهم و يستنصرونهم 

حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل


و هذا نص اخر عن الموضوع يصف قتال الايرانيون جنبا الى جنبافي معركة هرات في ديسمبر عام 2001

Iranian Special Forces Reportedly Fight Alongside US in Battle for Herat 

Publication: Foreign Broadcast Information Service

Date: 11/16/2001

[FBIS Transcribed Text] The Afghan war has produced at least one set of improbable bedfellows: the US and Iran. That is why the battle for Herat in southwest Afghanistan (http://www.spongobongo.com/no9980.htm) on Monday, November 12, stood out from the Northern Alliance's other rapid-fire wins. Beyond giving the anti-Taliban movement a key city and control over the main routes to Iran and Turkmenistan, winning Herat may be remembered as a turning point for America's foreign relations outside Afghanistan (http://www.spongobongo.com/no9980.htm) too, because it brought the US and Iran together militarily for the first time since the anti-American Shiite revolution swept to power in Tehran in 1979. This landmark conjunction is bound to make waves in the India subcontinent, the Persian Gulf and the Middle East. 
DEBKA-Net-Weekly's sources in Washington and Tehran reveal that US Special Forces, mainly Rangers and the Delta Force, mounted the Herat campaign jointly with special force units of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, the Pazdaran, a force that symbolizes implacable Iranian Shiite abhorrence for America, the "Great Satan" The last time the two armies met, it was as foes. On April 7, 1980, US commandos led by the crack Delta Force and Iranian special forces confronted each other in a disastrous operation ordered by US President Jimmy Carter to free hundreds of Americans held hostage by Khomeini's zealots in the U.S. embassy in Tehran. The United States never revealed the cause of its failure. Forewarned, the Iranians waylaid the US Special Forces as they landed on the salt flats of southern Iran. In the ensuing havoc, several US transport planes and helicopters tried to evade Iranian fire and take off in a hurry. A Hercules C-130 collided with one of the American helicopters and both aircraft went up in flames. Seven US commandos were killed that day. 
That confrontation 21 years ago is relevant to current events in Afghanistan (http://www.spongobongo.com/no9980.htm). Then was the first time in US military history that special forces were armed with computerized communications, navigation and targeting equipment. Each commando carried a personal battlefield computer, providing direct communication between field commanders and headquarters in the rear. Back in 1980, the computers were large and cumbersome, hampering their user's movements. But the US rescue team was hampered by more than hardware; unbeknownst to Washington, a Soviet intelligence source working with the East German HVA intelligence agency had passed the new US computers' operating codes to Iran. 
The Iranians could therefore eavesdrop on US transmissions at every level. They even picked up the rescue team's detailed report as it was relayed to President Carter, who was standing by in the White House situation room for news. 
The situation in Afghanistan (http://www.spongobongo.com/no9980.htm) this week was a completely different story. This time, Iranian special forces were freely handed US communications and operational codes in a gesture from Washington to Tehran -- freely except for the fact that their range was limited to a radius applicable only to the local US command structure in and around Herat. 
According to DEBKA-Net-Weekly's military sources, the US-Iranian dialogue leading up to this military and intelligence cooperation in Afghanistan (http://www.spongobongo.com/no9980.htm) began in late September and flowed through two channels: The first had two branches - one, American business representatives employed in the past year by firms with investments in Iran. Those firms were managed by Richard Cheney before he was elected vice president; two, CIA officers left to hold down various undercover duties after the 1991 Gulf War period, when Cheney served the first President Bush as defense secretary. Both groups have been acting as Iran's lobby in Washington, advocating the lifting of U.S. economic sanctions and a larger American stake in the Iranian economy. The second channel was military. DEBKA-Net-Weekly's sources reveal two secret visits to Tehran in recent weeks by General Tommy Franks, Head of US Central Command (covering Afghanistan (http://www.spongobongo.com/no9980.htm) and the Near East), attended by armed forces staff officers and CIA Iranian Desk staffers. They held intensive discussions with Iranian army and military intelligence chiefs, as well as General Yahya Rahim Safavi, commander of the Revolutionary Guards, on Iran's contribution to the US war against terror and role in its aftermath. 
What the Americans were after was for an Iranian elite unit to cross into Afghanistan (http://www.spongobongo.com/no9980.htm), infiltrate Herat and form insurrectionary cells to rise up against their Taliban masters when the Northern Alliance attacked the city. Generals Franks and Safavi agreed on a plan and shaped its details. It worked like clockwork. Iranian commandos set up a secure base for themselves in Herat. A group of eight to 10 US Special Forces officers joined them as the advance guard of the Northern Alliance. Under an Americans guarantee, the thrust into Herat and the central Afghanistan (http://www.spongobongo.com/no9980.htm) province of Bamayan was left entirely to the forces of the Shi'ite militia chief, former governor Ismail Khan, and no one but the Shi'ite Hazara ethnic contingents led by Karim Khalili were deployed in the city and region. On these terms, Iranian agents organized the local insurrection as arranged and the rebel leader invited the Northern Alliance, or rather, Ismail Khan, to liberate the town


A US Special Forces team of officers and CIA personnel meanwhile remained in Tehran to oversee the smooth operation of the joint venture -- the first time the CIA was allowed to set foot in the Iranian capital since 1979. Not only were they present on this alien terrain, but the Herat campaign had US and Iranian military-intelligence teams working opposite each other for a shared objective. Oddly enough, the American team is still in Tehran even after Herat's fall, Khan's takeover and his attempts to consolidate his rule with the help of the Iranian Special Forces still there. According to DEBKA-Net-Weekly's Iran and Gulf experts, the ramifications of the US team's presence in the Islamic republic are noteworthy -- both in domestic terms and for the region.

[De***ion of Source: Jerusalem DEBKA-Net-Weekly E-mail-Text in English -- Independent, somewhat sensationalist, electronic magazine focusing on international terrorism, security affairs, and espionage]

اعتراف خاتمي باعادة التعاون مع اميركا في العراق
شهادة الطفيلي عن ايران 


دلائل التعاون بين ايران و اميركا و اسرائيل


مقتطفات عن العلاقة بين ايران و اذنابها الشيعة واسرائيل وعمالة مراجع الشيعة لاميركا و بريطانيا


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