Iran is defeated in Syria and Iraq by Sunni
Iran is defeated in Syria Iraq finished as a state Saudi and Turkey are the strong countrys
Iran and Iraq both are losers
Iran's history is history of defeats and oppression and enslavement persia exposed to the occupation 1
by many people the Arabs ruled persia more than 600 years what kind of civilization2
and they do not have them own alphabet they use Arabic characters 3
AlJubeir has won the confidence of 2 Kings and the people of his country's supports him
when Al Jubeir attacked by Iran indicates that he inflict them and he is in the right path
he represented his country which it has the ability to protect its interests
Iran is a weak state economically and militarily, as we seen it has defeated in Syria and Iraq
Iran do not find something covering its weakness only by lips saudi act by doing not by it saying 2
ملف ايران روابط عن تاريخ / اقتصاد / العلاقة مع العرب وغيره

Iran killing Iranians by Cranes
ملف العنصرية الكراهية في المناهج الايرانية ضد العرب و السنة
العنصرية الفارسية وعقدة النقص اتجاه العرب
قواعد اساسية لفهم العقلية الفارسية و فك شفرة السياسة الايرانية
الامير تركي الفيصل انعدام الثقة في القيادة الايرانية لازدواجية سياستها
Iran is a weak state economically and ethnically fragmented and ideologically and religiously
جامع ملفات مواضيع الشيعة ايران
Iran is a weak state economically and ethnically fragmented and ideologically and religiously
google translation
Iran is a weak state is not tempted by political propaganda, Iraq under Saddam they said was the fourth most powerful army in the world what was his fate
Military strength is not measured by the number of the population but the technology and financial capacity and Iran, although it is the largest state oil gas producing countries, but it has a budget deficit of up to a third if Iran loses one staff of the force, but a money
Iraq in its war with Iran was less than the population of Iran, but managed to defeat Iran and made Khomeini drank cm Cup defeat
If the second factor is the strength of advanced weapons to Iran and not have a weapon
Advanced technology either Korean Scud missiles recycled adjusted they are considered backward and scrap Korean missile
Is American cruise missiles course not
Social upheaval in Iran, and the crimes committed by Iran against the Iranian people
Bagram remind the mullahs' regime against the Iranian people
Iranian dead Neda Agha Soltani was killed by police because she expressed her opinion in the Iranian elections fraudulent
Image of slain Iranian
Neda Agha Soltani was killed by Iranian police
Repression is not new in Iran
What we see from the killing and arrest of peaceful demonstrators in Tehran
Criminality clerical regime in Iran against the Iranian people, since Khomeini's coup to the day and the Iranian people live in misery and murder across the Iranian army officers liquidation and the Iranian people symbols until the Iranian Bani President issued earlier escaped from Iran and is the master and the president of Iran, what is the case Erati poor. Now Abtahi, a generalized and master in prison and the sons of some detainees references.
It butcher Iran Sheikh Sadeq Khalkhali to the killing of demonstrators in the streets of Tehran to rape loyal men and women in the Wali al-Faqih Vice Mahdi Khamenei prisons
Then mention some of the mullahs' regime which rejected the Iranian people, which controls the Iranian people through repression and prisons and forgery offenses.
Iran butcher famous judge Sheikh Ayatollah Sadeq Khalkhali, who was executed more than 1,700 personal
The man who was proud to be issued death sentences for 1,700 senior officials and army generals in the Covenant in the monarchy, he resembles unable to move his fingers a kid. And often was crying in silence, announcing remorse for what he did something leader Ayatollah Khomeini.
The achievements of the Islamic Republic of Iran:
1 killed political prisoners detained in prisons collective crimes.
2 assassination of political opponents outside Iran.
3 murder of political crimes in Iran.
4 political injustice.
5 support for international terrorism and domestic.
6 violation of human rights in each category.
7 the lack of civil rights.
8 increasing numbers of graves in Iran.
9 journalists imprisoned and killed.
10 women's rights violation.
11 control literature.
12 to force the Iranians to escape from Iran and the resort of five million refugees during World and brain drain.
13 year and the persecution of Christians, Baha'is, Jews
14 oppression of religious minorities.
15 Internet filtering.
16 theft of the wealth of Iran by Mullah transfer funds to overseas.
17 destruction of Iran's economy.
18 of widespread poverty through Iran.
19 hyperinflation.
20 devaluation of the Iranian rial.
21 increase in unemployment and the unemployed.
22 increase in the crime rate.
23 promoting corruption, prostitution and drug addiction.
24 housing crisis in Iran.
25 public health crisis in Iran.
26 conflict with neighboring countries.
27 harboring terrorists and planning terrorist attacks against countries such as the hijacking of aircraft, such as the abduction of the Kuwaiti Jabriya plane and the attempted assassination of the Amir of Kuwait and the bombing Mecca process
28 Iran-Iraq war that cause millions of deaths and injuries, the disabled and the homeless.
29 making weapons of mass destruction, nuclear and threaten the security of neighboring countries.
30 environmental and air pollution in the Iran crisis.
31 destruction of Iran wa impairment Iranian currency.
32 university students attacked and killed a number of students and the arrest of another preparation
32 intervention in the affairs of other countries, espionage and recruiting customers through Shiite whistleblower
Of the Iranian regime's crimes
The assassination of former Iranian Prime Minister Shahpour Bakhtiar in Barris
Former Iranian President escape during the reign of Khomeini, Bani Sadr to Paris
House arrest for religious Shiite man Almentzera
Iranian thinker prison known Aghajari
Iranian journalist Zahra Kazemi was killed
The death of a young Iranian blogger in prison
Iranian blogger Omid Reza Mirsayafi died Wednesday in a prison where he was being held on charges of insulting the Supreme Leader of the Republic.
According to human rights organizations that Mirsayafi, aged 25 years, is a "second political prisoner dies in prison in two weeks, after a political activist Amir Saran."
Other organization quoted Dr. Hisham turquoise, a doctor who was detained in the same prison, said Mirsayafi taking overdoses of medication was followed.
For his part, Mohammad Ali Dadkhah young blogger's lawyer said that the prison authorities had contacted him to inform him that his client "committed suicide," she said to him, Dr. turquoise "to inform him down tempo beats the heart of Omid. And he was immediately taken to the prison clinic, but the doctors did not take his case seriously and said he pretends to disease. "
According to the turquoise blogger was suffering from depression.
Immediately, Aldadkhah request to open an investigation in this case, but no reaction not yet been issued for the Iranian authorities.
The court has sentenced Omid Syafi'i in November to 30 months in prison after being convicted because of the Supreme Leader of the Republic and also the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini.
The subject of BBCArabic.com
Amnesty International: 30 years after the Iranian revolution, the continuation of human rights violations in Iran
The Iranian citizen request political asylum to Malaysia and what did not work attempts made to burn the same question if Iran were also Khomeini Eranin promised before the fall of the Shah that he would make the Commission Do Believe Khomeini in his promise to them of course not Vhahm Iranians fleeing from Iran after around Khomeini to state enveloped poverty, misery, and out of desperation is one of the Iranians fleeing Iran burned himself to seek asylum and perhaps because of the background of the Parsee people of Iran chose the means to commit suicide by fire because it is holy to the Persians.
While the system Eranie distribute money to pay the Iranian people and Hezbollah of Lebanon branch of educating Party members Krochehem money from the Iranian people and the Iranian people live in extreme poverty and other Alnzmat supported by the Iranian regime food on the Iranian people, the poor account
Iranian citizen ignites the fire himself to seek asylum
News text
Kuala Lumpur: Student died political asylum nine hours after he put himself in front of a flaming bemused onlookers outside agency for refugees, the United Nations here yesterday.
Ghulam Hassan Anwary of Iran, aged fifty years burned himself in a desperate attempt to pull the attention of the transactions of its failed, minutes after evading a taxi at the High Commission Office of the United Nations for Refugees (UNHCR UN) in Jalan cried Petaling.
Rape of males and females of the reformists in Iran's prisons Sheikh Mehdi Karroubi
The leader of an Iranian opposition party: sexual abuse in Iranian prisons
Tehran - said the leader of "Etemad Melli Party" (National Trust) Iranian opposition on the website of the party that some political prisoners from the young people who were arrested during the protests that erupted after the announcement of the presidential election results in Iran, had been subjected to sexual abuse during their detention.
Mehdi Karroubi and transfer of detainees have been released saying that some of the girls had been subjected to violent rape inside the prison led to the disruption of genital mutilation.
Karoubi said in a letter addressed to the Chairman of the Expediency Council, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the young men also had been "brutally raped".
He added that sexual abuse led to depression and serious psychological problems among the victims.
He explained, "Etemad Melli" website that the letter was sent to Rafsanjani since ten days ago, but the former president, who belongs to the opposition is the same, did not respond to speech Karroubi, prompting the deployment of the message content on the Internet.
And led protests at what frequency on fraud in the presidential elections in June 12 last to the arrest of more than a thousand demonstrators Most were released, but more than 100 people are still in prison.
Some prisoners were held in Kahrizak prison south of the Iranian capital, known as the "Tehran's Guantanamo", which closed last month for lack of the necessary standards for the rights of detainees.
He stressed police chief Ismail Ahmadi Moghaddam on Sunday and a violation myself inside Kahrizak prison, saying, "There are some violations in this center and some officials there do not follow instructions."
The police chief said he was arrested on the head of the prison and then expelled from the service, and the expulsion of two bodyguards of service.
He also assured the Iranian Attorney General Qurban Ali League Najafabadi, the presence of psychological abuses in Kahrizak prison, describing it as "unwarranted" and demanded the punishment of those responsible for the mistreatment of prisoners.
Sunday August 09, 2009
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