الثلاثاء، 15 مارس 2016

الوشم محرم في المسيحية

The Bible Forbid Tattoos

في كنعان بدلاً من استخدام الحبر، كانوا يصنعون علامات جارحة بأدوات حادة مختلفة لكي لا تزول من الجسم، وذلك نوحاً على موتاهم وإكراما لآلهتهم. ومن ذلك نفهم تحذير الناموس للشعب من هذين الأمرين أي وضع الوشم وجرح الجسد بأدوات حادة (لاويين 19: 28). ولكن كوننا مسيحيين يجب علينا أن نأخذ بعين الاعتبار أموراً أخرى قبل أن نقرّر وضع الوشم على أجسادنا عالمين أن جسد أولاد الله ليس ملكاً لهم بل هو هيكلا لله أبيهم (1 كورنثس 6: 19-20) يجب على المؤمنين تفحّص الدوافع التي تقودهم وما إذا كانت تعطي المجد لله أم لا (1 كورنثس 10: 31). كما يجب على كل من يريد أن يتبع الله أن يفكّر جيّداً هل وضع وشم أو علامة على الجسد سيقود الآخرين إلى معرفة الله أم الهدف هو مجرّد إظهار المنطقة التي وضع عليها الوشم. مع العلم أنّ وضع الوشم على الجسد قد يكون له تأثيراً سلبياً على الحياة المهنية، فالكثير من أصحاب الأعمال لا يفضّلون توظيف من لديهم وشم. لذلك علينا أن نراجع أنفسنا هل وضع وشم أو علامة على أجسادنا سيعكس للآخرين الرسالة الحقيقية التي نريد أن نظهرها للعالم فالوشم هو علامة دائمة على الأجساد يصعب إزالتها. هذا كلّه بالإضافة للتكلفة المادية الباهظة التي تنفق لرسم الوشم. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، ثمة مخاطر طبية وتحذيرات من بعض الأعراض التي قد تحدث نتيجة الوشم (كالالتهابات الجلدية، والحساسية، والعدوى) مما قد يؤول إلى مضاعفات أكبر على المدى البعيد. آخذين بعين الاعتبار جميع ما سبق، حريّ بالمؤمن أن يفكّر بتأنّي قبل أن يسلّم جسده لمثل هذه الأمور.

لينغا: https://www.linga.org/varities-articles/NzQ5MA


In Canaan, evidence indicates that instead of marking the body with ink, more extreme scarification measures, like branding, slashing or gashing the skin were used. Archeology, backed by biblical texts, indicates the Canaanites would customarily slash their bodies for ritualistic purposes (1 Kings 18:28), especially to mourn their dead and honor their gods. Leviticus 19:28 seems to imply this when it says, “you will not make cuttings in your flesh, for the dead, nor print marks on you.” In light of this information from Egypt and Canaan, it would seem God was forbidding scarification, not tattooing as we know it.

With this said, while there may be no clear passage in the Bible addressing tattoos, this is hardly a license for unrestrained tattooing. You still need to think before you ink, especially if you’re a Christian. The following are guiding questions to help you think through your decision.

Modification – Since the Bible does not explicitly forbid tattoos, are there any limits? We know our body is not our own, but rather God’s temple (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). The Bible has a high view of the body as God’s handiwork, which is not to be disfigured. Non-Israelites did not hold this view. Today, some have permanently modified their bodies to look more like animals or aliens than humans, who alone are created in his image. We must ask ourselves how much we can modify our bodies to suit our desires while not disfiguring the beauty of the human form as God made it.

Motive – Why get a tattoo? If it is in rebellion to parents, it is clearly not acceptable (Ephesians 6:1-3). And while artistic self-expression can be OK, our primary motive for anything we do should be to glorify God (1 Corinthians 10:31). This means seeking to honor and draw attention to him, not ourselves. Getting a tattoo for purposes of witness may be acceptable, but remember, this is not the primary or most effective way to evangelize. It is in no way a substitute for verbally communicating the gospel. You are not fulfilling the Great Commission simply because you have a tattoo of a Bible verse.

Modesty – Modesty means not being self-promoting. Are you seeking to direct people’s thoughts toward God or yourself? Tattoos often accentuate certain areas of the body and get our thoughts on that body part. It is hard to believe that anyone with a “tramp stamp” (a tattoo on the lower back) is really seeking to direct people’s thoughts toward God. Thinking modestly will lead you to think about, and even limit, the size, number, and locations of tattoos.

Marketability – Will employers want to hire you? Numerous companies don’t want your tattoo to be visible, and it can actually prevent you from being hired. Many employers will restrict your tattoos, requiring you to cover them up because they are not socially acceptable from a business standpoint.

Message – What is it about yourself that you want to communicate to the world? Tattoos are powerful messages, automatically conveying what you value. They are nearly permanent and will likely be with you for life. A growing experience with tattoos is what has officially been termed, “tattoo regret.” As you mature, you may, like increasing numbers of people, regret your tattoos because you have outgrown their messages and changed your values.

Money – Is this the wisest use of money? One website, Tattoo Info, says, “In America, you can expect a basic price of $80 to $100 an hour...very few shops will ever touch you for less than $40” (2004-2009). We are responsible to God for how we use our money. It’s also important to keep in mind that the removal technologies being developed are even more expensive than the cost of getting a tattoo in the first place.

Medical concerns – There are real health risks with tattoos. The Mayo Clinic warns, “don’t take tattooing lightly”. They’ve resulted in severe allergic reactions, infections, unsightly scars, and blood-borne diseases like Hepatitis B and C. Tattooing deliberately opens skin and exposes your blood to unknown bacteria. Tattoo parlors are not medical clinics, although they are puncturing skin and exposing blood.

Please, think before you ink. Don’t make this decision hastily or rashly. Use these guiding questions to think through your decision. Discuss them with mature Christian adults you trust.

This article originally appeared in Reach Out, Columbia

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