السبت، 6 يونيو 2015

Crimes and discrimination against Muslim women by Christians

Muslim woman thrown off moving train in Australia

Hate Crime Toward ISLAM

Muslim mother 'attacked for wearing hijab' as she went to collect children from London primary school

Colchester murder: Religious hate crime a line of inquiry

I’ve been spat on, had my hijab pulled off, been detained for hours by the TSA & missed speaking engagements.” 

SCOTUS rules, 8-1, against Abercrombie & Finch for denying job to Muslim applicant who wore hijab -- via @jamieson http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/01/supreme-court-abercrombie_n_7464534.html?1433169878 …
Top US court rules for Muslim woman denied Abercrombie job over hijab

Quebec judge wouldn't hear case of woman wearing hijab

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