السبت، 30 يناير 2016

عنف بين يمينيين متطرفين و و متظاهرين ضد الفاشية في بريطانيا

Violence erupts between far-right ‘infidels’ and anti-fascist protesters in Dover (VIDEO)

At least one man has been arrested in the UK town of Dover following clashes between the self-proclaimed “patriots” and “infidels” protesting EU immigration policies - and the “anti-fascist” demonstrators countering them.
Violence erupts between far-right ‘infidels’ and anti-fascist protesters in Dover (VIDEO)


While the area is known for its white cliffs, Saturday it was filled with white "supremacists" from The National Front, SouthEast Alliance, NorthWest Infidels, and the East Kent English Patriots.
They are all opposed to immigration, as well as EU migration to the UK, and converged on the port in protest.
Countering them were "anti-fascist" groups, including the Kent Anti Fascist Network.

The town center turned into a "war zone" with smoke bombs, rocks, bottles, and bricks thrown between the opposing groups, resulting in injuries on both sides.
The Dover Express reported the town was "in chaos" as the two sides repeatedly clashed,  with some protesters having to be "dragged away badly injured and unconscious."
A service station outside the town was forced into "lockdown" after an altercation erupted in its car park, with right wing groups smashing the windows of a bus and drawing a swastika on it.

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