الاثنين، 18 يناير 2016

Shia Takfir of Ahlul Sunnah sunni is kafir

Who is not a Shia Ithna Ash'ari (i.e. Twelver Shia)."Kafir

قال عبد الله المامقاني في تنقيح المقال: 1/208 ط. نجف ، باب الفوائد : ( وغاية ما يستفاد من الأخبار جريان حكم الكافر والمشرك في الآخرة على كل من لم يكن اثني عشرياً

Allama Abdullah al Mamqani wrote in Tanqihul Maqal (Major shia rijal book), Volume 1 Page 208 (published in Najaf): ": "The conclusion that is reached from the ahadith is that the ruling of kafir (disbeliever) and mushrik (polytheist) would apply in the hereafter upon anyone who is not a Shia Ithna Ash'ari (i.e. Twelver Shia)."


The denier of Wilayah a kafir as it is a fundamental 

قال محمد بن حسن النجفي في جواهر الكلام : 6/62 : ( والمخالف لأهل الحق كافر بلا خلاف بيننا ، كالمحكي عن الفاضل محمد صالح في شرح أصول الكافي ، بل والشريف القاضي نور الله في إحقاق الحق ، من الحكم بكفر منكري الولاية ، لأنها أصل من أصول الدين

Muhammad b. Hasan al Najafi wrote in Jawahirul Kalam, Volume 6 Page 62: "And the opponent of the people of truth is a kafir, without any disagreement between us (i.e. the scholars), as has been reported by Fadhil Muhammad Saleh in his exegesis of Usul al Kafi, as well as by Qadi Noorullah Shostri in Ihqaqul Haq wherein he declared the denier of Wilayah a kafir as it is a fundamental principle among the fundamentals of religion."


The non shia has no share in Islam in any way

قال يوسف البحراني في الحدائق الناضرة : 18/53 : ( إنك قد عرفت أن المخالف كافر لاحظ له في الإسلام بوجه من الوجوه ، كما حققنا في كتابنا الشهاب الثاقب 

Shaikh Yusuf al Bahrani stated in Hadaiqul Nadhirah, Volume 18 Page 53: "Indeed you know that the non shia has no share in Islam in any way, as we revealed in our book Shahab al Thaqib."

Terms shirk (polytheism) and kufr (disbelief) apply to one who does not believe in the Imamah of Ali 

قال المجلسي في بحار الأنوار: 23/390 ط. بيروت : ( إعلم أن إطلاق لفظ الشرك والكفر على من لم يعتقد بإمامة أمير المؤمنين والأئمة من ولده (ع) وفضل عليهم غيرهم ، يدل على أنهم كفار مخلدون في النار

Baqir Majlisi declared in Biharul Anwar, Volume 23 Page 290 (Published in Beirut): "Note that the terms shirk (polytheism) and kufr (disbelief) apply to one who does not believe in the Imamah of Ali (as) or his progeny, and gives precedence to others over them, proving that they are kuffar destined to reside in hell."

 Sharif al Murtada declared them to be kuffar in this world as well as in the hereafter

قال عبد الله شبر في حق اليقين في معرفة أصول الدين : 2/188 ط. بيروت : ( وأما سائر المخالفين ممن لم ينصب ولم يعاند ولم يتعصب ، فالذي عليه جملة من الإمامية كالسيد المرتضى أنهم كفار في الدنيا والآخرة ، والذي عليه الأشهر أنهم كفار مخلدون في النار   

Abdullah Shabbar wrote in Haqqul Yaqeen, Volume 2 Page 188 (Published in Beirut): "And as for the rest of the non Shias among those who do not have nasb (i.e. are not nasibis), hostility and prejudice, so a number of Shia scholars like Sharif al Murtada declared them to be kuffar in this world as well as in the hereafter, and the prevailing ruling is that they are kuffar destined for hell." 

What is meant by the term 'momin', is Shia Ithna Ash'ari only

What do the modern scholars, especially the 'pro unity' ones (such as Ayatollah Khomeini, Ayatullah Khoei, Ayatullah Tabatabai etc) say about brotherhood between Shias and non Shias?

المكاسب المحرمة ، للخميني ، 1 /250

Makasibul Muhramah by Ayatullah Khomeini, Volume 1 page 250

  المراد بالمؤمن الشيعة الإمامية الاثني عشرية . وأما الأخبار فما اشتملت على المؤمن فكذلك ، وما اشتملت على الأخ لا تشملهم أيضا لعدم الأخوة بيننا وبينهم بعد وجوب البراءة عنهم وعن مذهبهم وعن أئمتهم ، كما تدل عليه الأخبار واقتضته أصول المذهب...وقال: فإنها في مقام تفسيرها اعتبرت الأخوة فيها ، فغيرنا ليسوا بإخواننا

What is meant by the term 'momin', is Shia Ithna Ash'ari only. As for the ahadith which are applicable on the 'momin', so they are meant to be for the Imami shias only. Therefore, the ahadith which mention 'your brother' (for example ahadith on backbiting being akin to eating the meat of one's brother) do not include the non shias (sunnis etc) for there is no brotherhood at all between us Imami shias and the non Shias. In fact, it is absolutely obligatory to do tabarra from them, their schools of thought and their leading scholars, based upon our ahadith which deem it (absolute tabarra from non shias) to be the core of our religion. So whenever brotherhood is implied in religious interpretations, it must be kept in mind that non shias our by no means our brothers.

There is no brotherhood between Sunni and Shiite

مصباح الفقاهة ، للخوئي ، 1 / 505 

Misbahul fuqahah by Ayatullah Khoei, Volume 1 page 505 

ومن البديهي أنه لا إخوة ولا عصمة بيننا وبين المخالفين   

It is a matter of basic common sense that there is no brotherhood or support/partnership between us shias and the non Shias. 
Mocking and cursing the non shias

رياض المسائل ، لعلي الطباطبائي ، 8 / 68

Riyadul Masail by Ayatullah Ali Tabatabai, Volume 8 page 68  

ودعوى الإيمان والأخوة للمخالف مما يقطع بفساده، والنصوص المستفيضة بل المتواترة ظاهرة في رده، مضافا إلى النصوص المتواترة الواردة عنهم (عليهم السلام) بطعنهم ولعنهم، وأنهم أشر من اليهود والنصارى، وأنجس من الكلاب

The attribution of iman (belief) and brotherhood towards non shias is completely invalid. There are explicit and mutawatir ahadith which invalidate this claim, furthermore there are mutawatir ahadith from the Imams (as) mocking and cursing the non shias, as well as calling them worse than Jews and Christians, and filthier than dogs.

Mocking, cursing and doing takfeer of the non shias, 

مستند الشيعة المؤلف : المحقق أحمد بن محمد مهدي النراقي    مجلد : 14  صفحة: 163

Mustanad al Shia by Ayatullah Naraqi,  Volume 14 page 163

 ودعوى الايمان والأخوة للمخالف مما يقطع بفساده.
وتؤكده النصوص المتواترة الواردة عنهم في طعنهم ولعنهم وتكفيرهم، وأنهم شر من اليهود والنصارى وأنجس من الكلاب 

The attribution of iman (belief) and brotherhood towards non shias is completely invalid, and this is evidenced by mutawatir ahadith from the Imams (as) mocking, cursing and doing takfeer of the non shias, as well as calling them worse than Jews and Christians, and filthier than dogs.

Qur'anic verses that it is obligatory to be hostile to non shias

  وكيف يتصور الأخوة بين المؤمن والمخالف بعد تواتر الروايات، وتضافر الآيات في وجوب معاداتهم والبراءة منهم» (جواهر الكلام22/62)

How is it possible to imagine brotherhood between shias and non shias when there are mutawatir ahadith supported by numerous Qur'anic verses that it is obligatory to be hostile to non shias and to do tabarra from them? (Jawahirul Kalam by Shaikh Jawahiri, Volume 22 page 62)  

*Original arabic pages from 'Ma'ani al Nasib' by Ayt. Jamil Hamudi al Amuli
Shiite Shitte shia 

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