Question About Female Slaves in Islam, “وما ملكت أيمانكم” – Does Islam justify slavery & abusing women
Dear Mr. Hakeem,
My question is about (wam malkat ayaminkum) I see it in the quran a lot I know what it means yet, I don not know what is the explantion behind it or the purpose.
Thank You.
“Islam is valid for every time and place”, this is a slogan we hear all the time, but we (Muslims living in the west, or in the 21st century) try to force it to mean “Islam is valid to our time and place only, and it should fit our understanding of human rights, etc…”
and hence anything that contradicts that reality will be seen by us as “savage” or “inhumane”
Please note that I am not saying that YOU said that, but these are ideas that I assume might be hidden behind your question… there is nothing wrong about that; I also used to think in a similar way, and try to follow an apologetic approach for all Islamic traditions that do not fit a “civilized” society in the way people see and define it nowadays…
But: guess what … Islam was revealed to solve all problems at all times and in different situations, and thats why it provided solutions for different situations:
For a community that was so much accustomed to slavery, it made very strict rules on slave ownership and slave rights (including female slaves)..and of course it paved the ways to free those slaves and made freeing them as the way out of many sins or mistakes..
Just so that you realize what female slaves were for Arabs: there is a verse in the Quran that I always get amazed when I read it:
…And do not compel your slave girls to prostitution, if they desire chastity, to seek [thereby] the temporary interests of worldly life. And if someone should compel them, then indeed, Allah is [to them], after their compulsion, Forgiving and Merciful. [24:33]
This just gives the impression that by forcing the owner of the slave to only treat her as he treats his wife (by being the only one allowed to sleep with her) this is raising the status of these girls much more than the standard ..
there are tons of other issues that need to be discussed, not sure if I answered whats in between the lines of your question, please let me know and if not I will try to elaborate more…
these are also some more articles for your reference, the first one relates directly to “sex with female captives”:
Once again thanks for your trust, and I hope this clarifies some of the doubts you had (or might open new ones

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