Biased Media against Muslims
The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.
Malcolm X
Truth is on the side of the oppressed.
Malcolm X
Double standards,look at how media portrays these incidents.Spot a difference?
The French : why he hits me
The Muslim: I ask forgiveness and I apologize
The biased Media blamed all muslims for an act done by 2 person
(The cartoon shows A Muslim apologize for an act he do not
have a responsibility for it )
Jim Clancy suggesting Israeli propaganda had hand in Charlie Hebdo attacks
Swedish Security Guard Violently Abuses 9-year-old
Muslim boy.

One Tweet Perfectly Sums Up the Big Problem With How We Talk About Terrorism by
CAIR: 100+ Muslim Scholars, Leaders to Issue Open Letter Refuting ISIS Ideology
3. Right to free speech vs. responsibility in exercising that right. The exerciser of free speech in question in Paris was a satirical magazine that seems to specialize in cartoons that are bound to offend a lot of people. It is fair to say that in the centuries of struggles for civil liberties, this is probably not one of the nobler vehicles for the cause. We are not talking Thomas Paine here. What is that “je suis Charlie” stuff supposed to mean? That we are all dedicated to putting down religious prophets? With most rights also go responsibilities, and prudence in the exercise of those rights, with an honest effort to bear in mind the consequences of what one does or says. Responsible, prudent exercise of a right does nothing to diminish or compromise that right.
We in the United States should have had occasion to think hard about such matters recently with the episode involving a comedic Hollywood movie that offended the North Koreans—and ordinary North Koreans, not only the regime, were offended. If North Korea conducts computer sabotage against an American company, we certainly should strongly object to that. But we also might imagine how we would react if a North Korean film company, or any other film company for that matter, were to produce a movie with a plot centered around assassinating the president of the United States. We would understandably object, and it is unlikely that we would be discussing the issue primarily in terms of artistic freedom or a right of free speech.
Paul R. Pillar
Criticizing French conduct Seumas Milne The Guardian
double standard for free speech
Charlie Fired Cartoonist For AntiSemitict cartoon insult Muhammad is free of express
In the Bible Kill who insult jesus God revenge of Mocking Elisha
Hamza Yusuf - Propaganda Media
Disinformation war against Islam under the title war on terror
Islamophobia and islamization of Europe
Christian terrorism
American Home-grown Terrorists? white supremacy
The Ideological Roots of Christian
Crimes of Christianity
Hate crime toward Isalm
Muslim soldiers defended France and the Allies in World War 2
The Benefit Of Saying "Allah"
The difference between Islam and Christianity
The True Religion
Islam or Christianity has a problem ?
You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.
Malcolm X, Malcolm X Speaks
Time is on the side of the oppressed today, it's against the oppressor. Truth is on the side of the oppressed today, it's against the oppressor. You don't need anything else.
Malcolm X, Malcolm X Speaks
The only people in this country who are asked to be nonviolent are black people."
War against islam
people have been killed directly or indirectly by the "war on terror", if they
held hands, they would extend from NYC to L.A.
Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield by Jeremy Scahill / Amecian crmes
War against islam
people have been killed directly or indirectly by the "war on terror", if they
held hands, they would extend from NYC to L.A.
Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield by Jeremy Scahill / Amecian crmes
The CIA's use of torture centers abroad made it easier for those countries to torture dissidents
Terry jones burning Quran
Crimes against Muslims
hate crime UK
Paris: Little and Big Monsters
How 'Je suis Charlie'makes matters worse
Discussion with Christian about Islam
judge the Muslims only them Scripture
Topics FAQ Islam ِChristianity
Answer to Christians compared between the Prophet Muhammad and Prophet jesus
The CIA's use of torture centers abroad made it easier for those countries to torture dissidents
Terry jones burning Quran
Crimes against Muslims
hate crime UK
Paris: Little and Big Monsters
How 'Je suis Charlie'makes matters worse
Discussion with Christian about Islam
judge the Muslims only them Scripture
Topics FAQ Islam ِChristianity
Answer to Christians compared between the Prophet Muhammad and Prophet jesus
عدة المحاور
Intellectual elite researchers and scholars of history and religion What they say about Muhammad
Jesus and The Virgin Mary in Islam
Prophet Jesus in the Quran
WHO was Jesus?
Intellectual elite researchers and scholars of history and religion What they say about Muhammad
Jesus and The Virgin Mary in Islam
Prophet Jesus in the Quran
WHO was Jesus?
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