Crimes against Muslims
Syria Iraq palestine Yemen
Afghanistan Pakistan Burma
Mali Nigeria central Africa
American crimes against Mulims

A detainee with wires attached to him in Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad in 2003 (AP)
Torture report reveals CIA hid secret prison at Guantánamo from Congress
byKerry Eleveld
One of the many revelations that have come to light since the public release of the exhaustive Senate torture report is that the CIA used Guantánamo as a "black site" where it hid prisoners from Congress and public view.
From Carol Rosenberg at the Miami Herald:
The release of 524 pages of the 6,700-page Senate Intelligence Committee report confirms for the first time that the CIA used Guantánamo as a black site — and continued to run the prison that held the alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed and 13 other men even as the Pentagon was charged to prosecute them.
It gets worse. At least six of the prisoners who were secretly held are now on trial.
It also offers graphic details that the U.S. government has hidden from view in the pretrial hearings of six captives it seeks to execute — about the sexual torture and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder of the alleged USS Cole bomber and why a sickly looking accused 9/11 conspirator sits on a pillow at court proceedings.
What the report does not reveal is whether the CIA has given over control of the secret prison to the U.S. military.
“I would find it hard to believe that they let go. Throughout this entire program, the CIA is running from the law at every turn,” says Navy Cmdr. Brian Mizer. He calls the revelation that his client, Abd al Rahim al Nashiri, the accused planner of the USS Cole bombing, “had a tube inserted into his anus” tantamount to rape.
Lawyers defending the prisoners called the release this week "the tip of the iceberg" and are seeking disclosure of the full 6,700-page report. But they also maintain that the material already released offers enough information on which to challenge the capital punishment cases and seek a lesser charge.
Since the 2011 and 2012 arraignments, the death-penalty trials have been grappling with how to handle the mostly hidden role of the CIA in the cases — even as the agency tried to muzzle defense lawyers.
The CIA's use of torture centers abroad made it easier for those countries to torture dissidents
The Toll Of 5 Years Of Drone Strikes: 2,400 Dead
American aggression drones
Killing outside the bounds of law?
The Obama administration claims its use of lethal force, including with drones, is "legal", "ethical", and "wise". But Amnesty International is gravely concerned that the administration is killing people outside the bounds of human rights and the law.
International law permits the use of lethal force in very restricted circumstances. But from the little information made available to the public, U.S. drone strike policy appears to allow extrajudicial executions in violation of the right to life, virtually anywhere in the world.
Public outcry over the killer drone program is growing, leading to President Obama and Congress addressing the issue. Despite all the talk that new laws, rules or a "kill court" are needed, the solution is simple: the Obama administration must follow the law. Congress and the courts must hold them to it.
Urge the U.S. government to follow international law that restricts the use of lethal force.
war crime
eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
Exodus 21:24

Bashar Al Assad crimes against syrian people
America invaded
America invaded
Iraq and Afghanistan and killed thousands of Muslims
American killing the Muslims in Yemen and Pakistan by Drones
America support Israel for killing palestinian
America support syrian regime
who is killing the syrian citizen
America supported undemocratic regimes in the middle east
America supported military coup in Egypt
France killed the Muslims in Mali
France occupied Algeria and killed million Algerian
France media
Syria Iraq palestine Burma Yemen Afghnistan Pakistan
central Africa
Muslims genocide in central african republic

Killing lead by Buddhist Monk against Muslims everybody is silent toward the crimes
the oppression practiced against muslims many don't know about
Burma is a mainly Buddhist country, but 8- 9 per cent of its 60 million people are Muslim.
There is an open resentment of Muslims, openly expressed and they are referred to with the derogatory term 'kala.'
Ashin Wirathu is a firmly anti-Islamic monk who was jailed in 2003 for inciting anti-Muslim violence.
He was released last year as part of the broader amnesty for prisoners and admitted being at Meiktila, although insists he played no part in the violence.
'We Buddhist Burmese are too soft," he told the BBC in an interview. 'We lack patriotic pride.
He urges Buddhists all over the country to boycott Muslim businesses and hands out stickers printed with the number '969', which symbolise elements of Buddhism,
Wirathu accuses Muslim men of repeatedly raping Buddhist women, of using their wealth to lure Buddhist women into marriage, then imprisoning them in the home.
But it seems a fear of Muslim success is driving the discrimination.
'They - the Muslims - are good at business, they control transport, construction. Now they are taking over our political parties. If this goes on, we will end up like Afghanistan or Indonesia,' he said.
'No water for him. Let him die': Horrifying moment Burmese Buddhists set fire to Muslim man in riots which left 43 dead
Extremist fundamentalist terrorist Buddhists murdering Muslims of Myanmar (Burma)
Muslim Holocaust
picture 4 Englishmen after they have tied
The scholar muslims of India
to the barrel of cannon 4execution
Muslim Genocide
people have been killed directly or indirectly by the "war on terror", if they
held hands, they would extend from NYC to L.A.
Muslim Holocaust
picture 4 Englishmen after they have tied
The scholar muslims of India
to the barrel of cannon 4execution
Muslim Genocide
The scholar muslims of India
to the barrel of cannon 4execution
Muslim Genocide
people have been killed directly or indirectly by the "war on terror", if they
held hands, they would extend from NYC to L.A.
Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield by Jeremy Scahill / Amecian crimes
crimes of christianity
Paris: Little and Big Monsters
Terry jones burning Quran
How 'Je suis Charlie'makes matters worse
A Brief History of Western 'Jihadists'
Disinformation war against Islam under the title war on terror
Christians permitted to force others into accepting Christianity
Suicide Bombing: The First Was A Christian
Discussion with Christian about Islam
judge the Muslims only them Scripture
Topics FAQ Islam ِChristianity
Answer to Christians compared between the Prophet Muhammad and Prophet jesus
How 'Je suis Charlie'makes matters worse
A Brief History of Western 'Jihadists'
Disinformation war against Islam under the title war on terror
Christians permitted to force others into accepting Christianity
Suicide Bombing: The First Was A Christian
Discussion with Christian about Islam
judge the Muslims only them Scripture
Topics FAQ Islam ِChristianity
Answer to Christians compared between the Prophet Muhammad and Prophet jesus
Hitler Is a Christian
: عضوة الكونغرس(ميشيل باكمان): مشكلتنا هي مع الإسلام ذاته
: عضوة الكونغرس(ميشيل باكمان):
مشكلتنا هي مع الإسلام ذاته
Congresswoman (Michele Bachmann): Our problem is with Islam itself
Michael Scheuer, the client (CIA former) war against Islam
مايكل شوير، عميل الـ (CIA) السابق: حربنا ضد الإسلام
: عضوة الكونغرس(ميشيل باكمان): مشكلتنا هي مع الإسلام ذاته
: عضوة الكونغرس(ميشيل باكمان):
مشكلتنا هي مع الإسلام ذاته
Congresswoman (Michele Bachmann): Our problem is with Islam itself
Michael Scheuer, the client (CIA former) war against Islam
مايكل شوير، عميل الـ (CIA) السابق: حربنا ضد الإسلام
Biased Media against Muslims
عدة المحاور
الميليشيات المسيحية دمرت معظم مساجد “أفريقيا الوسطى”
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