في بلادنا العربية هناك معتقدات شعبية تعتقد حدوث النحس من امور مثل النعل المقلوبة او المقص المفتوح في الفنج شوي ينسج على نفس المنوال بان هناك امور تجلب النحس في البيت اوطريقة ترتيبه تعمل على ابعاد النحس وجلب الطاقة كما يدعون مثل الاعتقاد ان وضع المرآة داخل الغرفة يؤثرعلى الطاقة مستمدة من خرافات الديانة الطاوية
وفي النص الانجليزي ادناه العديد من الخرافات التي ينشرها دعاة الفنغ شوي التي قد تعزز التشاؤم والوسوسة و الاعتقاد بالنحس في المكان الفلاني بسبب الطاقة السلبية الفنج شوي يزرع الخوف في النفس حتى في اختيار لون باب بيتك لانه يجلب الحظ مثل خرافة ا صبغ لون الباب بلون احمر وانت مثلا لاتحب اللون الاحمر فكل مرة تمر من الباب لترى لون لاتحبه هذا ليس مريح للنفس بل يشعرك بالضيق
خرافة وضع ساعة الحائط في غرفة النوم سيء
Displaying Clocks is Bad Feng Shui
Mandarin Ducks Bring Everlasting Love
تعليق صور البط الصيني يجلب الحب في المنزل
البناء في الصين وفق الفنع شوي
عند زيارة السياح إلى "هونغ كونغ" سيلفت نظرهم فجوات عديدة بناطحات السحاب، كونها غير مألوفة الشكل. يسميها السكان المحليين يسموها "بوابة التنين"، وهي موجودة كي تسمح بمرور التنين الجبال إلى الماء، وذلك وفقا لفلسفة "فنغ شوي" الصينية !
انقل مقال بالعربية لعل يعطي فكرة عن الفنج شوي
اقتباس من مقال عن الفنع شوي
بداية الاقتباس
محيطك الخارجي لا يؤثر فقط على صحتك والعلاقات ، بل يؤثر حرفيا على نجاحك في كل مجالات حياتك. هناك العديد من الكتب التي يمكن أن توفر لك الكثير من المعلومات وإذا كنت قد سمعت عن فنغ شوي من قبل ولم تطبقه بعد ، نحن نقدم لك 5 ملاحظات يجب أن تطبقها على منزلك حتى تتحول الأفكار الداخلية والمحيطه إلى وئام واتزان.
1- تجنّبي العيش أو العمل في بيئة تحتوي طاقة "ين" أكثر من اللازم. ومن الأماكن التي تحتوي على طاقة "ين" المقابر، والمستشفيات، والكنائس. أيضا، يجب أن تتجنّبي جذب طاقة "ين" كثيرا إلى فضائك عن طريق فتح النوافذ والأبواب بانتظام والسماح لضوء الشمس بالدخول.
نهاية الاقتباس من مقال منشور ينقل امور لادليل علمي لها انما مبني وسوسات و اعتقدات باطلة
5 ملاحظات يجب تجنبها في منزلك من فنغ شوي
Chinese FENG SHUI - part I
Chinese Feng Shui tells how to improve your health, emotions, family life and bussiness status. The literal translation of Feng Shui means "wind and water" which are in Chinese tradition two main life forces. Both of these elements shape our environment, time, lives and destiny. Most people have natural feeling about enviroment and can designate is the atmosphere in the house where we are living happy, dark or sometimes scary.
Chi - Feng Shui positive energy
Have you ever thought about landscaping - the position of furniture, a variety of useful and decorative items and plants in your home and workspace - can this actually affect your life?
Chinese people believe in positive affect of this and invest Feng Shui elements even today in modern life. The ancient science of spatial planning, which is called Feng Shui assumes that the whole environment: people, facilities and atmosphere are imbued with a form of living energy that is called "CHI". If anyhow this energy is blocked, certain aspects of your life will go wrong!
Basics of Feng Shui
About home
* To use mosaic or mirrors made of tiles. It splits up your character and symbolically it can split up your life.
* To combine work with sleeping. Different types of energy can collide and derail your performance in both areas. If you have to hold working desk in your bedroom, at least what you can do is to separate working part of that room from sleeping part using plants, mirrors or mobile (mobile is a mixture of various figurines that usually hung from the ceiling and constantly swings).
* To enter more than one change at a same time. In addition to this, this change is too difficult to submit.
About home
* To remove all things from the house that you do not need.
* The most important thing from Feng Shui is discharge between all wastes from the house and cleaning.
* To make rooms with more light. Windows should always be clean. If you let the sunlight enter your home, the whole atmosphere in the house meets positive charge of energy.
* To repair all leaking faucets. One can draw your health or wealth. If you change the broken light bulbs and repair broken windows than you actually stop loosing positive energy.
* Put neon light instead of usual light. Flashing neon light distorts normal flow of energy and transforms negative energy into positive.
* Remove basket and dust bin outside the area of health and wealth.
About plants
Plants are like a sponge. They can slow down the energy that goes out through a long hallway. Because they are alive, they have a power to move stationary energy from corners. If the bussiness is stagnant, put alive plant in a bussiness part of the house. The plant will breathe life into your career. According to Feng Shui, plants are very important part of life.
About crystals
Crystals increase the energy and this is the reason why they can improve each area where they are positioned. If you want to increase your lovelife, place a crystal in a square which is reserved for the "relationships". The best round crystals are cut in many areas iridescent. If they hang on the windows it will boost the solar light and improve the whole room. Crystals may not be placed near the mirror, according to Feng Shui.
About mirror
According to Feng Shui mirrors are of the key importance. Mirrors reflect the energy, as well as reflecting the character of the person who is looking at the mirror. It should always be set on the wall in a way that the overhead can be seen at least thirty inches of space - you can be assured that in this way is reflected your aura. It provides space for the development of ideas. Check if all your mirrors are framed, with good quality and with the reflect in it that is clear. Round and oval mirrors have best effects. Small convex mirrors can be used with special effects, the short time it should be left in certain areas to bring more energy. The mirror if not used for a long time can lead to the excessive activity. Mirrors in the hallways can get in the energy into the room - but be sure not to set them one against the other (this will capture the energy between the mirrors and it will not be able to pass on). Never put mirrors in the bedroom. During the sleep, a mirror positioned by a bed have a role of returning the emotions to us, so we will not be able to wake up refreshed. If you can not organize the bedroom without a mirror - cover them with pieces of cloth before going to sleep.
About Jingle Bells
In Chinese tradition the use of different kind of bells is very often (a variety of hanging bamboo sticks, stones, shells). They are hanged and wing to produce a pleasant ringing sound. Chinese people regulary hold them in the front of the house to attract the positive energy called "CHI". It is recommended to put one bell in front of the house, near the entrance. Jingle Bells sound very pleasant and people automatically hear the bells and feel comfortable when entering the house.
Chinese FENG SHUI - part II
About money
If you concentrate on area of money, it can really change your life. For example, according to Feng Shui, one expert had a client who owned very successful restaurant and who suddenly started to make losses - people simply stopped coming to his restaurant. After the reviewal of one Feng Shui expert, he found that in the area of wealth (which was in the yard) growing tree was sick and begin to dry. When the wood was removed, the restaurant started to work again. This is only one of many Feng Shui superstitious story.
In the area of resources, it is recommended to put an ornament or an image that fulfills you and makes you joyful. But, not even accidentally, put fake money in it. If your area of resources and wealth is in the bathroom, there is the real risk that your money "flows into the gutter". Hold down the lid on the cup and put the mirror on the outside of the bathroom door to refuse the energy that can leave the water. Add a plant or put the crystal in the window to keep the energy inside.
About career
If at your work everything goes backwards, according to Feng Shui, you can add crystals in career area of your home - as simbol of power. It will immediately undertake your job. The next step you need to take is to check the status of your phone and desk and to see on which side of the world you are looking at from windows. East is good for early stages of bussiness - for synchronisation of energy with the rising sun. NorthWest is ideal for leadership and organisation or for people who want a responsible job. SouthEast brings creative energy; the West is ideal for bussiness dealings. South can bring stress.
About health
Health or "TA'I CHI" area is located in the centre of house, apartment or a room. This area must be held in perfect order, must be clean, and with enough light and ventilation. Frequent cleaning of the chandelier can bring prosperity. The bedroom is also very important for health, because people charge batteries during a sleep. Also, it is important to consider arranging of bedroom. Feng Shui is the worst if the beam in the attic cross the room above the bed. Annotated experience shows that people with health problems usually have cutted area over their beds with a beam. It is affirmated that married couples which are faced with separation usually had a beam, cutted in lenght, over their bed. If your bed is located above the beam and you can not move a bed, try to minimalize its impact by implementing a false ceiling. However, the best solutin is to sleep in another room.
It is recommended for everyone to try to find the best position for a bed in the house. In this way, you will discover the best energy, according to Feng Shui. A man can be refreshed in a best way if his had is facing the West. Sleeping with had facing the North, brings calm - but it can lead your life in a too calm direction.
About love
If you are single, and you do not appreciate to be alone anymore, try to reorganize your apartment. You will probably find a lot of isolated objects that refect your lonelines. What you need to do - is to try to "steam" the negative energy. Place the double candle holders, pictures of couples, romantic landscapes in your bedroom, in part of relationships. And keep in mind, that this should be easy. Also, be aware that red is the colour of passion. Be care about the amount of red colour: if there is too much red colour, this can bring a tumultuous and strange relationship.
The direction in which you turn your head can affect your love life. North side can make humiliated relations; so probably no one will ever know about you. The South side can bring passion. The West is good if you already have someone and will allow you to establish a strong bond. The East and SouthEast will help you to meet new people.
General warning
Feng Shui experts warn that changes must be introduced slowly, one by one. In any case, you need to be resolved of all unnecessary things, then gradually introduce the changes and wait to see their effects. As soon as you notice that something is wrong, it is recommended that you turn the things in its original state.
Experts also warn that, if everything in your life is just right, nothing should be changed, regarding the principles of Feng Shui.You were probably, on some instinctive way, able to compensate all problems that could appear in areas of home. Chinese recommend: do not mend, what is not broken!
خرافة من الفنغ شوي
لا ينصح
فنج_شوى بان تتواجد المرايا داخل غرفة النوم مقابل السرير بحيث ترى نفسك فيها وانت نائم عليه
خرافات الفنج شوي الخطأ
Feng Shui Myths That Are False
خرافات الفنغ الفنج فنج فنغ شوي المتمدة من الديانة الطاوية / وراي المسيحية في دعوى التناغم مع البيئة ومصادر الطاقة في المنزل
خرافات الفنج شوي الخطأ
Feng Shui Myths That Are False
خرافات الفنغ الفنج فنج فنغ شوي المتمدة من الديانة الطاوية / وراي المسيحية في دعوى التناغم مع البيئة ومصادر الطاقة في المنزل
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