الجمعة، 20 نوفمبر 2015

whom we must blame Muslims or Christians or the Jews

French philosopher, Michel Onfray,

 said, in a televised interview, that the westerners kill the Muslims of and interfere in their issues then when they try to defend themselves we accuse them with terrorism.Responding to Charlie Hebdo's incident, he went on saying that Muslims are not fool as we have stereotyped ideas about them, adding that "we kill hundreds of them on a daily basis which is more than those killed in Paris attack."


French philospher

michel onfray : Iniquities of Muslims and our crimes in their countries is the cause of terrorism

intellectual French 

because of our colonialism and crimes against muslims they bite back


Prime Minister dominique de villepin
villepin accused the arrogance of West created Isis terror

Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield by Jeremy Scahill / Amecian crimes

 Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield by Jeremy Scahill 


Analyze the reactions of those who have lost the hope the justice
the people are tired of the injustice of the tyrants and sought freedom and had found that the West are supporting the tyrants

the West and the tyrants became as two sides of the same coin, the oppressed said How we convey our message to the West to understands how we are suffering let them feel some of our pain and suffering
German intellectual say the West who is killing the Muslims


Sweden connects Paris massacre with 'Palestinian desperation'


عاقل في الكونجرس الأمريكي.... شئ لا يصدق

American policy against muslims

Ron Paul

 Islam defend

Jeremy Corbyn says media ignored ME terror attacks compared to Paris coverage

Classified Evidence: US Soldiers Raped Boys In Front Of Their Mothers at Abu Ghraib 

Hate Crime Toward ISLAM

 جرائم الكراهية في الدول الغربية


Islamic Extremism: What You’re Not Being Told http://theantimedia.org/islamic-extremism-what-youre-not-being-told/

Muslims Defend Islam From Being Hijacked by ISIS


Islam or Christianity has a problem http://aljazeeraalarabiamodwana.blogspot.com/2015/01/christianity-produced.html …

David Reybrouck mail to the French presid don't fall into the same mistake of Bush It led Bush to invade Afghanis http://deredactie.be/cm/vrtnieuws.english/News/1.2497899 …

The Onion Predicted All Of This Back in 2003 

‘Wahhabi’ Myth by Haneef James / ISIS and Baath party connection

This chart shows the 10 countries that gave out the most death sentences in 2014.

America among Top 10 countries

Isis accused of killing 120 French in Paris a decision taken by UN to fight Isis while al-Assad killed 300 000 Syria and displaced millions they want him to stay in office to continue his crimes

Isis accused of killing 120 french in Paris a decision taken by UN to fight Isis while al-Assad killed 300 000 Syria and displaced millions they want him to stay in office to continue his crimes

Researchers Create “Hate Map” of the U.S. With Twitter Data http://www.technologyreview.com/view/514816/researchers-create-hate-map-of-the-us-with-twitter-data/ …

church shooting charleston south carolina


2 College Students Arrested After Making Online Threats To Kill Black People At Mizzou

من اجل شخص او شخصين او عدّة عشرات من الاشخاص راحوا ضحايا لعمليات "ارهابية" ، ترى جيوش بلادهم استنفرت بكامل قوتها و جبروتها لتذهب لاخر الدنيا لتثأر و تقتص من قاتليهم و تقيم دولهم الدنيا ولا تقعدها من اجلهم ، اما عندنا في سوريا فيستهدف جيش الاسد و شبيحته السوريين اينما ذهبوا وفي كل مكان في العالم و يجند كل كلاب و حثالات العالم لملاحقة السوريين لكي يبق ذلك الوضيع الذليل في السلطة لبضعة اشهر اخرى !

CNN reporter shows empathy for refugees, gets suspended


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