Former CIA Dir James Woolsey
U.S not be a loyal ally
had tipped away from support of Saudi
Christopher Harmer, a former deputy director of future operations at the US Navy's Fifth Fleet, based in Manama.
"We've withdrawn totally from Iraq. We are in the process from withdrawing from Afghanistan. We have substantially curtailed our naval presence in the Middle East. And the US president has announced a foreign-policy pivot to Asia," said Christopher Harmer, a former deputy director of future operations at the US Navy's Fifth Fleet, based in Manama.
"Those are four actions that say to the GCC that, whatever the situation, you have to deal with it without a lot of help with America,"
اميركا تعمل على تمكين ملالي ايران
Empowering the mullahs
Lies of Obama & Kerry
Iran threat to Saudi
Saudi FM AdelAljubeir in an exclusive interview with Wolf Blitzer at CNN -
مثال على غدر اميركا في الخليج / البحرين ودور السعودية في افشال مخطط ايران واميركا
GCC can you believe Kerry
#Kerry 2013: #Assad is Hitler
Kerry 2014: Assad Must Leave
Kerry 2015:Assad
after Transition
Kerry 2016: Assad Stays, Can Run Elections 

مفكرو أمريكا يفضحون مخططات تفكيكها للمنطقة العربية
جامع ملف الحرب المسيحية ضد الاسلام
آثار العلمانية على المجتمعات الغربية
بوش قام بغزو العراق لهزيمة جوج و ماجوج
Biblical belief of Bush
invaded Iraq to defeat Gog magog
Bush, God, Iraq and Gog'
كيري: روسيا وإيران وحزب الله ،أنقذوا الأسد وسوريا من تنظيم داعش وتصريحاتكم
"أيام الاسد معدودة وفاقد للشرعية" و"حزب الله إهاربي" أين هي؟ نفاق
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