الأحد، 1 نوفمبر 2015

Crimes of Bashar Al Assad against Syrian People

#AssadHolocaust drops #Napalm #CW #Chemical Attack Aug 2015

#Syria #AssadChemicalCrimes

#Assad is The man who's an even bigger danger than ISIS

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Syrian government has starved, tortured and executed thousands

صور جرائم الطاغية بشار الاسد في حق الشعب السوري

The cause of our problems is #Assad - the symptom is #ISIS’


Bashar Assad link with ISIS


Assad's Mufti: Our sons will set out to become martyrdom-seekers in Europe


Bashaar Assad Terror Syria


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270,000 killed
 7 million internally displaced 
4.2 million external refugees 
13 million in need of assistance

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IMAGE: The Zaatari Syrian refugee camp in Jordan, now equivalent to being the country's fourth largest city.

هكذا حول الاسد وايران الزبداني الي ركام 

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