الجمعة، 10 يونيو 2016

ملف العمليات الانتحارية و الارهاب عند المسيحيين /المسيحية / النصارى

ملف المسيحية النصارى حرب الاسلام كراهية


كيف نفهم العمليات الانتحارية سلطان العامر


روابط مواضيع العمليات الانتحارية التي قام بها المسيحيين و الهندوس و البوذيين و الملحدين http://aljazeeraalarabiamodwana.blogspot.com/2016/03/blog-post_524.html  

90% من الاعمال الارهابية التي تعرضت لها اميركا قام بها غير مسلمين


الكنيسة الكاثوليكية اباحة احتلال و استعباد واغتصاب ارض غير المسيحيين


الغرب و حضارته المادية والانحدار الاخلاقي و انتشارالجرائم و القتل في مجتمعاتهم


Deviant Christians

Mass suicide Followers of The People's Temple Christian Church in 1978 Led by the Rev. Jim Jones committed suicide Christian 914
 Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God Killed more than 500 
Oklahoma bombing, which was carried out by racial extremist Timothy McVeigh
 Group Davidian Followers David Cyrus burn themselves were killed, including 16 infants in 1993

Terrorism analyst Paul Cruikshank blames most terrorism in Europe on Muslims, when 97% is Euro Far Right, separatists, Far Left


A Brief History of Western 'Jihadists'

Christian terrorism

Christian terrorism

crimes of christianity

Crimes in Europe and moral collapse

West suffers a lack of family and moral and religious values


Answering / Our Radical Islamic BFF, Saudi Arabia

villepin accused the arrogance of West created Isis terror

  listen the rabbi about islam

Islam or Christianity has a problem

Crimes against Muslims

hate crime UK 


 In the first section of his book Juergensmeyer devotes
individual chapters to terrorist attacks by members of each of the world‟s major religions,
 and then follows up in the second section with a discussion of the common themes and rationalizations used by these religious terrorists to justify their violent attacks. Juergensmeyer  begins his book by writing that during the 1990s the United States had
witnessed a series of terrorist attacks by Christian extremists. 
“The abortion clinic
 bombings in Alabama and Georgia in 1997; the bomb blast at the Olympics in Atlanta in
1997; the tragic destruction of the federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995 …and
a host of violent episodes associated with American religious extremists-including the Christian Militia, the Christian Identity movement and Christian anti-
abortion activists.”
 But Juergensmeyer then goes on to note that although these religiously motivated terrorist attacks were a relatively recent phenomenon in the United States, other democratic nations had also been dealing with similar religiously justified attacks during the latter half of the 20

th century. 

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