الثلاثاء، 13 سبتمبر 2016

مؤتمر الشيشان يحيك امرا اكبر من دعوى اقصاء السلفية انما ينفذ اجندة تفكيك الاسلام

قيد التنسيق والمراجعة

فقدان مصردورها القيادي
مؤتمر الشيشان 2016 جاء استمرار لحرب صليبية على الاسلام تقودها قوى الشر  روسيا واميركا الذين يقتلون السنة في العراق وسوريا3

مؤتمرشيشان 2016 حرب الاسلام ذو  بعدين عسكري وفكري  عسكري تتولاه اميركا   روسيا ز ايران  فكري تتولاه الامارات لنشر الصوفية


تحالف روسي بقيادة بوتين مع مصر السيسي لاعادة هيكلة الاسلام
وفق للروؤية الروسية و الاميركية
تمثل ذلك في حضور المشايخ الرسمين من مصر وسوريا واليمن
برعاية بوتين تم اعتماد الدين الاسلامي الصحيح
من خلال اعادة تفسير القرآن وطرح مسألة خلق القرآن وجعل الاسلام يمكن تغييره واللعب فيه مثلما تفعل الكاثوليكية لتغيير في معتقداتها لتناسب العصر مثل اباحة اللواط وتنصيب المرآة قسيسة

بوتين والسيسي يريدون اسلام خاضع خالي من ايات الجهاد ومدافعت المشركين

الاسلام لم يقبل ان يعيش في مرتبة متساوية مع المشركين

مؤتمر الشيشان الشجرة التي تخفي العابة

راس جبل الجليد
محاربة الدين و استخدام الصوفية بيادق ضد الاسلام والدين

الخطة الاممية لنزع البشر من دينهم لتاسيس دين جديد هو الدين العالمي

النظرة الاممية للدين


محاربة الكراهية
يجب اسقاط الولاء والبراء
الصوفية و الشيعة و لائهم الي اليهود و النصارى /المسيحيين


 الصورة القبيحة للغرب التي لم تشاهدها من قبل
http://aljazeeraalarabiamodwana.blogspot.com/2016/06/blog-post_912.html … …
مؤامرات الغرب على المسلمين و العرب بلسانهم

هل ايات تبث الكراهية عندما تبين ان النصارى واليهود كفار يدخلون النار
النصارى يحتفلون بالكريسماس وهو ميلاد ابن الله المسيح كما يؤمنون
اعتقال مواطن اماراتي لانه قال رايه في الكريسماس وان النصارى في النار
النصارى  اباحوا احتلال اراضي غير الكاثوليك واستعبادهم واليهود كذلك يدعون على الاسلام

ملف المسيحية النصارى حرب الاسلام كراهية


The Ugly Face of American Fascism
why they Hate US

الصوفية و الشيعة و لائهم الي اليهود و النصارى /المسيحيين


Greatest Threat to Free Speech in the West: Criminalizing Activism Against Israeli Occupation

 freedom of expression has been violated, now France’s highest legal instance ruled otherwise.” In Canada last year, officials threatened criminal prosecution against anyone supporting boycotts against Israel.


وعد الجفري باقامة مؤتمر اخر يناقش الحاكمية والجاهلية وغيرها من مصطلحات

في البداية كل ماذكرت عن الحاكمية كمثال منحوت من الشريعة

١ (الحاكمية):

{إن الحكم إلا لله}

إلا: من أقوى أدوات الحصر والقصر والإفراد والتوحيد.

٢ (الجاهلية):

{أفحكم الجاهلية يبغون ومن أحسن من الله حكما لقوم يوقنون}

بالنسبة للحاكمية(وأن احكم بينهم بما أنزل الله..)

بالنسبة للجاهلية(أفحكم الجاهلية يبغون)

٣ (الولاء والبراء):

{لَّا يَتَّخِذِ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ الْكَافِرِينَ أَوْلِيَاءَ مِن دُونِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ }

لولاء (والمؤمنون والمؤمنات بعضهم أولياء بعض)

البراء(إنا برءاء منكم ومما تعبدون من دون الله)

كذلك في البراء(لا تجد قوما يؤمنون بالله واليوم الآخر يوادون من حاد الله ورسوله و لو كانوا آباءهم أو إخوانهم ...)

٤ (الفرقة الناجية):

وَمَن يُشَاقِقِ الرَّسُولَ مِن بَعْدِ مَاتَبَيَّنَ لَهُ الْهُدَىٰ وَيَتَّبِعْ غَيْرَ سَبِيلِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ

الفرقة الناجية(الذين آمنوا ولم يلبسوا إيمانهم بظلم أولئك لهم الأمن و هم مهتدون) ولا شك أنهم ينجون بذلك

ملاحظة:الظلم هو الشرك

٥ (الاستعلاء):

{وَلَا تَهِنُوا وَلَا تَحْزَنُوا وَأَنتُمُ الْأَعْلَوْنَ إِن كُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ }

٦ (حتمية الصدام):

{وَلا يَزَالُونَ يُقَاتِلُونَكُمْ حَتَّى يَرُدُّوكُمْ عَنْ دِينِكُمْ إِنِ اسْتَطَاعُوا}

حتمية الصدام(ولولا دفع الله الناس بعضهم ببعض لهدمت صوامع و بيع وصلوات و مساجد يذكر فيها اسم الله كثيرا..)

الدفع يكون بالتدافع..

٧ (الخلافة والتمكين):

{وعد الله الذين آمنوا منكم وعملوا الصالحات ليستخلفنهم في الأرض كما استخلف الذين من قبلهم وليمكنن لهم}

الخلافة والتمكين

الخلافة(ليستخلفنهم في الأرض و ليمكنن لهم دينهم الذي ارتضى لهم)

لتتحدث عن الولاء والبراء و الصوفية تتضامن مع بوتين الذي استحل دماء المسلمين

انت وامثالك خصومهم عند الله يوم القيامه خبت وخاب مسعاك

محمد ماضي ابو العزايم رئيس الاتحاد الصوفية نحن في تحالف صوفي مسيحي لمواجهة خطر الإسلاميين!
https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=bcrL8oQc1P8 …
تحالف  اليهود النصارى الشيعة ـ الصوفية ـ الأحمدية ـ الأحباش ضد السلفية 
فهمي هويدي: حملة تفكيك الإسلام

]دوافع دينية في غزو العراق

Blair-Bush deal before Iraq war revealed in secret memo 👇
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/feb/03/iraq.usa …

 بلير قال ان عقيدته المسيحية وراء غزوه العراق كذلك عقيدته المسيحية ستجعله يورط الامارات 
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/tony-blair-chilcot-report-iraq-war-inquiry-biography-prime-minister-sir-anthony-seldon-a7124536.html …

توني بليز المسلمون لايتوافقون مع العالم الحديث 
Many millions of Muslims  incompatible with the modern world / Blair

Biblical belief of Bush 
invaded Iraq to defeat Gog magog 
Bush, God, Iraq and Gog'

http://www.counterpunch.org/2009/05/22/bush-god-iraq-and-gog/ …

الامارات تدعم مؤسسة الايمان التي اسسها توني بلير المتخصصة في الحركات الاسلامية

 القوة الناعمة هى الرافعة الحقيقية لدورها القيادى. إذ تمثلت فى علمائها ومثقفيها وفنانيها وقادة نضالها الوطنى ضد الاحتلال البريطانى. والقوة التى أعنيها تقاس بمعيارين أحدهما أو كلاهما هما القوة الذاتية السياسية أو العسكرية أو الاقتصادية، وقوة التأثير والإشعاع فى المحيط. أما القيادة فترتبط بالعنصر الثانى بالدرجة الأولى، وفى الخبرة المصرية فإن قوة التأثير والإشعاع ظلت صاحبة الحصة الأكبر فى الحفاظ على دورها القيادى. إذ ظلت تجربتا محمد على وجمال عبدالناصر حالتين استثنائيتين فى المشهد المصرى خلال القرنين الأخيرين.

معاهدة السلام أفقدت مصر دورها السياسى فتراجع تأثيرها فى العالم العربى، وحين خرجت من الصراع فإنها حيدت قوتها العسكرية، ولأسباب طويلة ومفهومة فإنها كانت خارجة من ميزان القوة الاقتصادية، وتزامن ذلك مع تراجع قوتها الناعمة خصوصا على الصعيد الثقافى، الذى وجد منافسين له فى الدول العربية الشقيقة. وذلك التنافس شمل المجال الفنى الذى أبرزته وأنعشته ثورة الاتصال. بالتالى فلم يعد لمصر ما تنفرد به فى الوقت الراهن. وظلت ريادتها منسوبة إلى التاريخ بأكثر من تعبيرها عن الواقع الراهن.

الشاهد أن مصر حين لم يعد لديها ما تقدمه فإنها فقدت دورها القيادى. وظل المقعد شاغرا منذ ثمانينيات القرن الماضى. صحيح أن دور الدول النفطية برز خلال تلك الفترة متكئا على الثروة الاقتصادية بالدرجة الأولى، إلا أن ذلك لم يحل مشكلة القيادة، الأمر الذى أوصل العالم العربى إلى ما وصل إليه من تصدع وتشرذم. من ثم تحققت نبوءة الدكتور حمدان التى قال فيها إن سقوط مصر إيذان بسقوط العالم العربى بأسره.
 الاختلاف الذي تغير ان المؤتمر  في الشيشان 2010 كان عنوانه  (الإسلام دين السلام) وفي اطار وضع الحرب في الشيشان اوزارها 1
 الاحتلاف ان مؤتمر الشيشان الحالي 2016  لايناقش امر خاص في اوضاع اليشيشان الداخلية انما في مسالة تخص اعادة هيكلة للاسلام 2
مؤتمر الشيشان 2016 جاء استمرار لحرب صليبية على الاسلام تقودها قوى الشر  روسيا واميركا الذين يقتلون السنة في العراق وسوريا3
مؤتمرشيشان 2016 حرب الاسلام ذو  بعدين عسكري وفكري  عسكري تتولاه اميركا   روسيا ز ايران  فكري تتولاه الامارات لنشر الصوفية


فهمي هويدي يكتب عن "نهاية" الشرق الأوسط وسقوط العالم العربي
Remembering Holocaust, Ban urges all to denounce ideologies that pit people against each other


الازهر السنة الشيشان


الرد على مغالطات مقال مؤتمر غروزني، شمعة تتحدى الظلام / أحمد عدنان

علاقة الكتاب المقدس بالإرهاب الأميركي في العالم الإسلام

حوار مع رافضي و خارجي عن بلاد الحرمين جزيرة العرب السعودية


باحث اميركي بروس ريدل يتكلم عن الوهابية


 Yes I Am Wahabi


What are Wahhabi??

Sheikh Yusuf Estes - What is Wahabi ?

Yusuf Estes--Salafis dan Wahhabi [sub indo]

WAHABI / WAHHABIES -Who are they? (by Yusuf Estes)


 ببيان أخطاء يوسف استس الخطيرة في أصول العقيدة الإسلامية
Chapter 13

Chapter 13
The UN Declares Total War on the Family
Abolition of the family!.... Do you charge us with wanting to stop the exploitation of children by their parents? To this crime we plead guilty.1
— Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto, 1848

The kindergarten or infant school has a significant part to play in a child's education. Not only can it correct many of the errors of home training, but it can prepare the child for membership ... in the world society.... As long as the child breathes the poisoned air of nationalism, education in world-mindedness can produce only rather precarious results. As we have pointed out, it is frequently the family that infects the child with extreme nationalism. The school should therefore use the means described earlier to combat family attitudes that favor jingoism.2
— United Nations Educational, Social, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 1949

The people who have taught us to believe whatever they were told by their parents or their teachers are the people who are the menace to the world.3
— Dr. G. Brock Chisholm, Director General of the UN's World Health Organization, speech of September 11, 1954

If we want to talk about equality of opportunity for children, then the fact that children are raised in families means there's no equality.... In order to raise children with equality, we must take them away from families and communally raise them.4
— Dr. Mary Jo Bane,

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Clinton administration Every child is our child.5
— motto of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
One of the most terrifying features of totalitarian society is the control and brainwashing of children and youth by the Omnipotent State.

The 20th century's experiments with such "education" must never be forgotten, for they produced monstrosities of unimaginable evil: the Hitler Youth; Mao's Red Guard; the Young Pioneers of Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, and Fidel Castro; and the cold-blooded murderous youth of the Cambodian Khmer Rouge.

Children were "transformed" through a "reshaping of consciousness." They were taught to publicly denounce (and even execute) their parents, to reject all tradition, to renounce their religion and embrace atheism (or, in the case of Nazi Germany, to embrace Hitler's Teutonic paganism), and to betray their countries.

Matt Cvetic, who for nine years was an undercover agent in the Communist Party USA for the FBI, attended a secret meeting of top-level Communists in 1948, at which a Soviet agent relayed a speech that Stalin had given directing the American Communists to put new emphasis on the recruitment of youth.

Here is part of Stalin's speech:
Comrades, Hitler gained control of the Youth in Germany before he was able to wage a successful Nazi Revolution in Germany. We Communists gained control of the Youth in Russia before we were able to wage a successful Communist Revolution in Russia, and Comrades, we must gain control of the Youth in the United States if we are to wage a successful Communist Revolution in that nation. For this purpose, we are ordering our Comrades to set up a new Communist Youth group in the United States.6
As Cvetic pointed out,
"Within a few short months after this meeting, more than 6,000 American students were recruited into this new Communist Youth movement known as the Labor Youth League." 7
This youth apparatus has gone through various structural and name changes over the years, but its purpose has remained unchanged. In 1983, it was reorganized and renamed the Young Communist League (YCL), the name under which it still operates.

However, the primary danger to American children and youth at that time emanated not from the YCL or other groups overtly associated with the Communist Party. Those efforts that were openly Communist only reached tens of thousands of young people. Far more dangerous were the pro-Communist, pro-UN, internationalist programs in our schools that were reaching tens of millions of students.

Thanks to generous funding from the Carnegie Endowment, the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, and the other Insider foundations, subversive textbooks and curriculum materials were flooding our schools. Thousands of teachers were being programmed at college to serve as "change agents."

Change agents like Lydia Shchevchenko.

In his memoirs, former Soviet dictator Nikita Khrushchev told of the lasting influence of this childhood teacher on his life:
I suppose you could say my political education began during my boyhood in the little village of Kalinovka where I was born. My schoolteacher there was a woman named Lydia Shchevchenko. She was a revolutionary. She was also an atheist. She instilled in me my first political consciousness and began to counteract the effects of my strict religious upbringing. My mother was very religious, likewise her father — my grandfather....

When I think back to my childhood, I can remember vividly the saints on the icons against the wall of our wooden hut, their faces darkened by fumes from the oil lamps. I remember being taught to kneel and pray in front of the icons with the grown-ups in church. When we were taught to read, we read the scriptures. But Lydia Shchevchenko set me on a path which took me away from all that." 8
Where did that path lead?

Nikita Khrushchev's subsequent career was detailed in a seven-part study, The Crimes of Khrushchev, published by a congressional committee in 1959.9

During Stalin's bloody purges, the report notes, Khrushchev,
"as the Number 1 Communist official in the Moscow area ... sent thousands to their death, scores of thousands to hideous slave-labor camps."10
When Stalin was ready to launch his planned genocide of the people of the Ukraine, Khrushchev,
"was sent in 1937 as Stalin's trusted killer.... When his two-year Ukrainian purge was over, an estimated 400,000 had been killed and terror gripped the whole population." 11
Later, he added to his infamy, gaining the title of "the Butcher of Budapest" for his ruthless subjugation of Hungary.12

State-of-Mind Marxists How many would-be and wanna-be Khrushchevs have been created by Lydia Shchevchenko's myriad counterparts in America? The thought is frightening; the number is certainly far greater than most Americans would ever imagine. Khrushchev was born in 1894 and the time period of his revolutionary formation referred to above was probably around 1900-1910, before the Czar was overthrown and Lenin came to power. Khrushchev did not say whether Lydia was actually a member of one of the Communist organizations in Czarist Russia.

The important point is that it is not necessary for someone like Lydia to be an actual disciplined Party member in order to be an effective "change agent" in carrying forward the Communist revolution.

As Lenin said,
"We must build Communism with non-Communist hands."13
Lydia Shchevchenko was, at the very least, a "state-of-mind Marxist." She had consciously rejected God and country, embraced the "revolutionary faith," and dedicated herself to its propagation. Like Lydia, there are many thousands of American educators who have imbibed of the "revolutionary faith," and, to varying degrees, have adopted and propagated its tenets.

Many are "state-of-mind Marxists" without even knowing it. Some of these consider themselves Democrats, Republicans, liberals, or even conservatives and libertarians, but they are transmitting the Marxist contagion nonetheless. They are greatly assisted in this subversion, as we shall see, by the major teachers unions, the CFR-dominated tax exempt foundations, and the various agencies of the United Nations.

Equally important to this subversion process is the massive disinformation and moral corrosion provided by the Insider-run mass media and pop culture, most especially the so-called "entertainment" aimed at youth.

Over the past two generations, we have seen these educational and cultural elements carrying forward a massive, coordinated program of conquest through "a slow reshaping of consciousness," as prescribed by Italian Communist theorist Antonio Gramsci.14
"In a developed society, 'the passage to socialism' occurs neither by putsch nor by direct confrontation," Gramsci maintained, "but by the transformation of ideas, which is to say — a slow reshaping of consciousness." "And the stake of this war of positions is the culture, that is — the source of values and ideas," said Gramsci. "The seizure of political power is not possible until after the seizure of cultural power."15 *
* For the most complete exposition of the Gramsci strategy for "the seizure of cultural power" in America, see the special "Gramsci issue" of The New American, "Prisoners of the Total State," July 5, 1999.

Dumb Down, Bum Down, Numb Down, Scum Down
The Pratt House thought cartel has been doing all within its power to speed this "seizure of cultural power." Like their Fascist and Communist brethren, the CFR one-worlders realize full well that for their global totalitarian vision to succeed, they must take control of the children and youth.

For their New World Order to triumph they must have obedient, subservient masses — an unthinking, goose-stepping lumpen proletariat. In order to achieve this goal they know they must destroy, or "Reconstruct," what they refer to as "mass thought patterns" and "consciousness" — most especially in children and youth — so they can "reconstruct" and "reshape" the thought patterns and consciousness according to their own designs.

Through their dominant influence in education, the mass media, and the centers and instruments that produce our popular culture, the Insiders' change agents are aggressively pursuing this destruction-deconstruction/reshaping-reconstruction process. This process contains several components, which we refer to as the dumbing down, bumming down, numbing down, and scumming down of American society and culture.

The dumbing down of America has been the subject of intense concern and great debate for several decades. The alarming 1983 report A Nation At Risk, by the National Commission on Excellence in Education, warned that "the educational foundations of our society are presently being eroded by a rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our very future as a nation and a people." 16 That report and dozens of others before and since have cataloged the grim results of this dumbing-down process: widespread illiteracy, high student dropout rates, continuous decline in scores in all areas of academic achievement, the plummeting of the U.S. to last or near-last place on test scores, etc.

These results should not surprise: Traditional academic core subjects have been replaced with "politically correct," multi-cultural programming; phonics instruction has been supplanted by various look-say, whole-word "reading" programs; and evolutionary dogma, sex education, and enviro-Leninist propaganda have replaced real science.*

* For one of the most informative exposes of this scheme to intellectually cripple and subvert American children and youth, see: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Iserbyt (Ravenna, Ohio: Conscience Press, 1999). This 750-page, telephone book-size opus is a masterpiece of research and educational detective work by one of America's top education experts. Other important works along these lines are Educating for the New World Order by Beverly K. Eakman (Portland, Ore.: Halcyon House, 1991) and America 2000 / Goals 2000 — Moving the Nation Educationally to a "New World Order," compiled and edited by James R. Patrick (Moline, 111.: Citizens for Academic Excellence, 1994). Deliberate Dumbing Down is available from American Opinion Book Services, P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54912.

The bumming down of America is proceeding on many fronts, but the attack through the schools is especially pernicious. The public (i.e., government) schools have trained several generations of children to look to Big Brother in Washington for the "solution" to every problem, whether real or contrived. Responsibility, initiative, pride of workmanship, self-sufficiency, and independence are being replaced by the irresponsibility, sloth, slovenliness, and dependence of the welfare state.

The government schools are being transformed into socialist cradle-to-grave, womb-to-tomb "community centers" that also serve as daycare centers, medical clinics, senior citizen centers, and providers of "lifelong learning" for adult education.

The numbing down and scumming down of America, likewise, are proceeding on many fronts, the educational system working in tandem with the CFR-controlled mass media and the "entertainment" industry to destroy every vestige of decency, honor, and virtue. Since fomenting the social upheavals of the 1960s, these same forces have been accelerating their attack, promoting alienation, rebellion, cynicism, hedonism, promiscuity, paganism, and false idealism.

They are pressing on to destroy the residual Christian culture of America and the values system it upholds in order to clear the way for their planned "reshaping" process.**

** Some of the most important works exposing this war on America's moral foundations are: Judith A. Reisman, Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences (Arlington, Va.: Institute for Media Education, 1998); Samuel Blumenfeld, Is Public Education Necessary? (Boise, Idaho: The Paradigm Co., 1991); Balint Vazsonyi, America's Thirty Years War (Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, 1998); Berit Kjos, Brave New Schools (Eugene, Ore.: Harvest House Publishers, 1995); Barbara Morris, The Great American Con Game (Escondido, CaL: Image FX, 1997); Paul C. Vitz, Faith of the Fatherless: The Psychology of Atheism (Dallas, Texas: Spence Publishing Company, 1999); Brenda Scott, Children No More (Lafayette, La.: Huntington House Publishers, 1995); and Claire Chambers, The SIECUS Circle: A Humanist Revolution (Belmont, Mass.: Western Islands, 1977).

Attack From Within
The aforementioned study A Nation At Risk ominously noted:
"If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war. As it stands we have allowed this to happen to ourselves.... We have, in effect, been committing an act of unthinking, unilateral, educational disarmament."17
The statement is both true and false at the same time. While it is true that no foreign nation has "imposed" (in the military sense, that is) our educational disaster upon us, it is not altogether true that we have "done this to ourselves."

A close examination of the subversive educational "reforms" of decades past that produced our present catastrophe shows that the individuals and organizations most responsible do indeed constitute a power "foreign" to — and militantly hostile to — our constitutional and spiritual heritage. And they have indeed been carrying out unrelenting, total warfare against American society.

Integral to this total war is the rooting out of individualism and all loyalties that compete with supreme loyalty to the omniscient, omnipotent, omni-beneficent state — in this case, the world state. Thus the traditional family is viewed by these aspiring global overlords not just as a competitor, but as a mortal enemy. Philosophers as varied as Aristotle, Cicero, John Locke, and G.K. Chesterton have noted that the family is ordained by God and Nature to raise and educate children. That truth is plainly obvious. But the one-worlders will have none of that. The parents and the family must be supplanted by agents of the global state: the school and other social agencies.

This is basic Tyranny 101; it follows the statist, textbook dogmas of Rousseau, Marx, Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and others of their totalitarian ilk throughout history. The Hitlerian UNESCO screed quoted at the head of this chapter, charging the family with "infecting" the child with bad attitudes, is taken from a UNESCO program for teachers, published in 1949 under the heading Towards World Understanding.

In this 10-part series, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) complained that "before the child enters school his mind has already been profoundly marked, and often injuriously, by early influences" — most particularly by parents, of course, who are deemed hopelessly ignorant and insufficiently "world-minded." 18 Parents are seen by UNESCO as retrograde influences who tend to teach their children love for God and country, which UNESCO condemned as "infecting" the minds of children with "nationalism," "chauvinism," and "sclerosis of the mind."19

This pernicious one-world, anti-parent, anti-family, anti-patriotism sentiment was already being spread through the schools many years earlier by the radical National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest teachers union. When the United Nations was created, the NEA became (and remains) one of its biggest promoters.20

For the NEA, the United Nations became the hope of the world. In January 1946, Joy Elmer Morgan wrote in the NEA Journal:
In the struggle to establish an adequate world government, the teacher has many parts to play. He must begin with his own attitude and knowledge and purpose. He can do much to prepare the hearts and minds of children for global understanding and cooperation.... At the very top of all the agencies which will assure the coming of world government must stand the school, the teacher, and the organized profession.21
The NEA's ardor for the UN and a global school board has intensified over the years. In 1993, the militant teachers union took a major step in its push for one-worldism by launching Education International (EI), a worldwide federation of teachers unions.22

Mary Hatwood Futrell, the NEA's radical-left former president, moved to Brussels, Belgium (headquarters for the European Union) to head EI's new global union operation.23 Futrell, ever the darling of the CFR coterie, had proven her one-world bona fides by serving on many Carnegie panels and commissions and reliably promoting the big government, globalist line. The Insiders knew she could be entrusted with the task of spearheading this new global initiative.

Education International, which now claims 24 million members through its 304 affiliate organizations, serves as an important teachers auxiliary to the Socialist International, dependably supporting just about every socialist scheme imaginable. EI boasts of its "privileged" status with UNESCO:
"At UNESCO, EI is one of 16 organizations worldwide holding the coveted status of NGO in formal associate relations." 24
With Futrell holding the reins at EI, it is not surprising that the union behemoth follows the NEA lead, supporting every move to empower the UN, particularly in the area of education.

The NEA's 2000-2001 Resolutions include this paean to the UN:
The National Education Association recognizes the interdependence of all people.... The Association urges all nations to develop treaties and disarmament agreements.... The Association further believes that the United Nations (UN) furthers world peace and promotes the rights of all people by preventing war, racism, and genocide.25
The NEA and EI support increased funding for the UN, increased authority for the World Court, creation of the International Criminal Court, ratification of most UN treaties, and expansion of UN power in virtually all areas.26

The NEA-EI education mafia is tailor-made for the Insiders' one-world purposes. With tens of millions of dollars in dues forcibly taken from members' paychecks, the union is a cash cow for revolution. With tens of millions of teachers worldwide as members, it can exert enormous influence in classrooms, as well as local, state and national elections.27

The NEA one-world subversives also affect the classrooms and national and state education policy through think tanks like the National Training Laboratory (NTL) in Bethel, Maine. The NTL was set up by the NEA in the 1940s to reeducate teachers along politically correct lines. NTL says it works "to change teachers' inflexible patterns of thinking."28

An NTL teachers manual says of children:
"Although they appear to behave appropriately and seem normal by most cultural standards, they may actually be in need of mental health care in order to help them change, adapt, and conform to the planned society in which there will be no conflict of attitudes or beliefs." 29
Another NEA-created and -supported think tank is the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), one of the leading educational purveyors of "global think." At a 1985 international-curriculum symposium in Enschede, Netherlands, ASCD officials told participants of the need for a "world core curriculum" to meet the needs of our "increasingly global interdependency."30

ASCD executive director Gordon Cawelti told symposium participants that the proposed world core curriculum would be based on UN guru Robert Muller's book New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality.31

At the beginning of his World Core Curriculum Manual Muller states that,
"the underlying philosophy upon which [his] School is based will be found in the teaching set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey by the Tibetan teacher Djwhal Khul..." and M. Morya.32
This is quite an admission considering that Mrs. Bailey's exalted position in the occult theosophical firmament is second only to that of Theosophy founder and high priestess Madame Blavatsky. Bailey, who alleged that Khul and Morya communicated with her telepathically, was a rabid Luciferian and founded the Lucifer Publishing Company and the theosophical journal Lucifer.33

So we are not engaging in hyperbole at all when we refer to the Insiders' attack on families and children as devilish, demonic, diabolic, or satanic.

The totalitarian threat to the family posed by UNESCO, NEA, EI, NTL, ASCD, Carnegie, et al., is real and is thoroughly evil. The threat presents itself in three significant ways:
The Rule of Law. The militant shock troops first lobby for ratification of UN treaties, such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Once ratified (or even before ratification), they fraudulently assign these treaties the exalted status of "international law," which, they assert, overrides all federal, state, and local authority. In order to show our respect for the "rule of law," they and their prostitute "legal scholars" say, we must "harmonize" our laws and policies with those of the "international community."

They know that most local officials, school board members, state legislators, and congressmen are unfamiliar with, and unable to muster an effective defense against, the supposed authority of "international law." Thus the UN treaties provide the homegrown revolutionaries with the weapons to undermine our laws and transform our government and institutions into subservient instruments of the UN to enforce global political correctness.

The Global School Board. Through UNESCO, NEA, EI, and hundreds of other organizations and think tanks, the global structure bureaucracy is already being established for a worldwide socialist system that is intended to provide school teachers with indoctrination and certification, schools with accreditation, and students with the subversive materials and programs they "need" for graduation.

The New Faith. In our "interdependent" world, the UN provides the new focal point to teach children about our global "oneness." Loyalty will be transferred from the family to the state and from the nation to the UN. Children will be (or are already being) taught to be "citizens of the world." They are being programmed to reject "narrow," "divisive," "bigoted," "dogmatic" Christianity and to adopt pagan and occult beliefs.

UNESCO Subversion
In the early 1950s, as the UNESCO programs began working their way into school textbooks and curricula, and as the truly subversive nature of the programs became known, a significant number of parents and educators became alarmed. They prevailed upon elected officials, who began to challenge and condemn the UN's perfidious insinuation of collectivist propaganda into the schools.

In 1953, Senator William Jenner (R-Ind.), the courageous chairman of the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, attacked the UNESCO subversion head-on, challenging his Senate colleagues in these words:
How many of you Senators know what the UN is doing to change the teaching of the children in your own home town? The UN is at work there, every day and night, changing the teachers, changing the teaching materials, changing the very words and tones — changing all the essential ideas which we imagine our schools are teaching to our young folks.

How in the name of Heaven are we to sit here, approve these programs, appropriate our own people's money — for such outrageous "orientation" of our own children, and of the men and women who teach our children, in this nation's schools?34
Some of the one-worlders were audacious and zealous enough candidly to admit the subversive agenda of UNESCO, though they praised it as a necessary and righteous subversion.

Such, for instance, was the case at the Saturday Review, which, in 1952, published a wildly pro-UNESCO editorial which declared:
If UNESCO is attacked on the grounds that it is helping to prepare the world's peoples for world government, then it is an error to burst forth with apologetic statements and denials. Let us face it: the job of UNESCO is to help create and promote the elements of world citizenship. When faced with such a "charge," let us by all means affirm it from the housetops.35
More astute Insiders realized, however, that the time was not yet ripe for open confrontation on such fundamental and emotionally charged issues. The wiser course was to ease up and drop back for awhile, and cloak their true aims in more noble-sounding and less threatening verbiage about "world peace," "collective security," "ending world hunger," etc. Which is what they did.

Now, however, after decades of softening up the American public with one-world propaganda, calculatedly undermining our morality and religious fervor with carnal and irreligious "entertainment," and destroying patriarchal authority and responsibility and family ties through welfare statism, the totalitarian internationalists are pressing forward with fresh audacity.

They are rapturously pushing on toward the dystopic vision of the developing cradle-to-grave socialist world state outlined years ago by UNESCO director-general Julian Huxley.

In 1947, Huxley announced that UNESCO would be exploring,
"the application of psycho-analysis and other schools of 'deep' psychology to education." 36
The use of such techniques to cultivate a sense of world citizenship, said Huxley,
"would mean an extension of education backwards from the nursery school to the nursery itself."37
This Huxleyite conception of lifelong, womb-to-tomb, UN-driven indoctrination (and re-indoctrination, repeated as often as the UN mandarins deem necessary) has been integral to the UNESCO drive over the decades.

It has come frighteningly close to fruition in many current UN programs, declarations and proposals, such as the UN's Millennium Forum Declaration of May 2000, which states that,
"education will be universal and lifelong, and will nurture a sense of world citizenship." 38
"The Rights of the Child" In 1989, the UN General Assembly adopted the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CROC), which, shorn of its pretended concerns for the welfare of children, is a blatant statist attack on the family and parental authority and responsibility. It proposes a massive intrusion of government into family matters. Implementation of the CROC would radically alter the parent-child relationship, interjecting government-appointed "child advocates" between parents and children.

Ultimately, it aims at stripping parents of their traditionally recognized rights to control the upbringing and education of their children and to pass on to their children their religious values and beliefs. If the people of the United States allow the conspirators in our government to subject us to the supposed authority of the CROC, we will soon see UN-approved government child "experts" assuming complete control over our children and parental rights completely destroyed.*

* For a more detailed analysis of the dangers posed to families, parents, and children by the CROC and other related UN schemes, see: this author's book, Global Tyranny, Chapter 8; William Norman Grigg, Freedom on the Altar: The UN's Crusade Against God and Family; and the following articles posted on our Internet website: "Your Child, the Global Citizen," July 21, 1997; "A Higher Warfare," April 17, 1995; and "UN Takeover of the Child," August 8, 1994. For a complete text of the UNCROC, see www.unicef.org/crc/crc.htm.

In March 1990, representatives from more than 150 countries met in Jomtien, Thailand, for a five-day World Conference on Education for All (WCEFA).39 Official sponsors of this Insider-run event included UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP (United Nations Development Program), the World Bank, other UN agencies, and one-world NGOs.

Out of this major agenda-setting palaver came two documents:
The World Declaration on Education for All
The Framework for Action to Meet Basic Learning Needs.40
The Framework set forth six education goals, which just happened to be virtually identical to the controversial Outcome-Based Education (OBE) program set out by then-President George Bush (CFR) in his "America 2000" education plan.41

In order to facilitate coordination of U.S. OBE policies with those of the UN globocrats, a U.S. Coalition for Education for All (USCEFA) was launched at a meeting held on October 30-November 1, 1991 in Alexandria, Virginia.42

Gathering under the banner of "Learning for All: Bridging Domestic and International Education" were movers and shakers from the government and private sector. Conference cosponsors included Apple Computer, IBM, the National School Board Association the American Federation of Teachers, the National Education Association, the U.S. Department of Education, the College Board, USAID — and the usual tax-exempt foundations.43

Heading up the USCEFA as president was Janet Whitla, director of the Education Development Center, Inc., infamous for its pro-homosexual, pornographic, promiscuity-promoting sex education programs and globalist curricula.44 The Coalition is pushing to make UNESCO the global school board which will dictate educational policy for the world.

For the past decade, unbeknownst to American parents, the Convention on the Rights of the Child has been in the process of implementation through the USCEFA programs. One indication of the frightening progress of this subversion is the increasing acceptance, especially in political and academic circles, of totalitarian sentiments. Among those promoting dangerous new state authority, we point to Professor Jack C. Westman of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Professor David Lykken of the University of Minnesota, and Connecticut Superior Court Judge Charles D. Gill, a co-founder of the National Task Force for Children's Constitutional Rights (NTFCCR).

Dr. Westman, Dr. Lykken, and Judge Gill are leaders in the despotic drive to mandate government licensing of all parents.
"The United Nations Convention [on the Rights of the Child] clearly declares that the state has a role in child-rearing," says Dr. Westman, approvingly. "Because the consent of children is not required for the exercise of parental power, it is in the privacy of their homes that their civil rights are least assured."45
In a 1991 law journal article, Judge Gill wrote:
"The [UN] Convention makes a total break from previous approaches to children's rights. Previous 'rights' were paternalistic, whereas the Convention makes the state directly responsible to the child."46
Westman, Lykken, Gill, et al., view the family and parents with outright hostility, while idolizing the state and its supposed capacity to raise better children.

These extreme, totalitarian sentiments have been made "respectable" in influential circles thanks to help from the Pratt House one-world elites. These statist nostrums have moved from the stage of advocacy by socialist fringe groups to acceptance by "mainstream" Democrat and Republican politicians. The forces pushing this agenda have enormous financial resources at their disposal, and they are geared up for major, continuous, offensive action.

If they are not aggressively exposed and opposed by a significant, growing, and increasingly determined constituency of parents, grandparents, and concerned citizens, an American version of the Hitler Youth or Red Guard — under the rubric of national service, of course — will not be long in coming.

That is a terrifying prospect, but even that does not begin to depict the full extent of the anti-family agenda the Insiders and their UN lackeys envision for their global police state.

Space permitting, we would detail the UN programs for global:
Forced abortion;47
Proliferation of chemical abortions (RU486);48
Coercive population control and eugenics programs;49
Forced mass population relocation;
Mandatory school "sexual orientation" programs promoting homosexuality;
Outlawing of independent home schooling and independent private and religious schools;
Euthanasia and assisted suicide.
The piecemeal Marxist abolition of the family is a fact, and the UN is the instrument through which the one-world Insiders intend to carry out their abolition program worldwide.

Back to Contents

The UN Declares Total War on the Family

 I urge everyone to denounce political and religious ideologies that set people against people.  Let us all speak out against anti-Semitism and attacks against religious, ethnic or other groups.

الاسلام ولد في مكة في السعودية وليس في الشيشان او الازهر

المركز الإعلامي بالأزهر الشريف: الإمام الأكبر نصَّ على أن أهل السنة هم الأشاعرة والماتريدية وأهل الحديث
30 اغسطس 2016


Part III
Bringing It Home

Chapter 12
The UN's One-World Religion
The histories and symbols that served our fathers encumber and divide us. Sacraments and rituals harbor disputes and waste our scanty emotions.... The modernization of the religious impulse leads us straight to the effort for the establishment of the world state as a duty....1
— H.G. Wells, author, historian, and one-world Fabian Socialist, The Open Conspiracy, 1928

The United Nations is the chosen instrument of God; to be a chosen instrument means to be a divine messenger carrying the banner of God's inner vision and outer manifestation.2
— Master Sri Chinmoy, head of the UN Meditation Room

The responsibility of each human being today is to choose between the force of darkness and the force of light. We must therefore transform our attitudes and values, and adopt a renewed respect for the superior law of Divine Nature.3
— Maurice Strong, UNCED Secretary-General, keynote address to the UN Earth Summit, 1992

We must now forge a new "Earth Ethic" which will inspire all peoples and nations to join in a new global partnership of North, South, East and West. 4
— UN publication In Our Hands: Earth Summit '92

[T]he Antichrist and the Second Coming of women are synonymous. This Second Coming is not a return of Christ but a new arrival of female presence.... The Second Coming, then, means that the prophetic dimension in the symbol of the Great Goddess ... is the key to salvation from servitude....5
— Mary Daly, radical feminist "theologian," Boston College

Witches were freedom fighters for women because they taught contraception and abortion. The modern contribution is to elevate reproductive freedom to a universal human right....6
— Gloria Steinem, socialist, radical feminist, founder of Ms. magazine
Only a person totally deaf and blind could fail to notice the incredible occult, New Age, and neo-pagan explosion that has been rapidly transforming the Americas and Western Europe into what the advocates of global change gleefully refer to as "post-Christian civilizations."

A majority of Americans still consider themselves Christian, but find they are increasingly in retreat before a steady onslaught of anti-Christian media assaults, court rulings, attacks from academia, and pop culture offerings. Meanwhile, hedonism, Satanism, witchcraft, astrology, vampirism, homosexuality, Eastern mystic cults, and "Indigenous Peoples" religions are exalted by the same media mandarins and Hollywood elites who control our "news" and "entertainment."

What very few of these Americans realize is that this hideous "spiritual transformation" is tied directly to the United Nations, where the one-world architects intend to enthrone their planned New World Religion. And as this Satanic enthronement progresses (yes, we mean, literally, Satanic), Christians — and Orthodox Jews and Muslims as well — will find themselves increasingly in the crosshairs of the new world order, singled out as "bigoted," "dogmatic," and "intolerant" for insisting on clinging to their "archaic" and "divisive" religious beliefs.

Religious leaders and adherents of all sects are being aggressively evangelized to adopt the UN's new "global ethic," a gooey mélange of religious syncretism, environmentalism, socialism, and militant secular humanism. People of all religious backgrounds are being enlisted to embrace this "global ethic" as a "core belief" of their religious faith.

As more and more people adopt this new "planetary consciousness," the one-world Insiders know that support will grow for:
global disarmament, for both individuals and nations
world government
environmental extremism
socialism and Communism
religious persecution, in the name of "tolerance" and combating "hate"
If the above statements are shocking and incredible to you, then you are unaware of easily verifiable facts concerning events and developments that are dramatically impacting our society. Many of the steps in this diabolic scheme are taking place before our very eyes, in the open, as British novelist and Fabian Socialist historian H.G. Wells proposed in 1928 in his The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints For a World Revolution.

Wells, an ardent one-worlder and one of the most widely read authors and intellectuals of his day, conceded that human history has proven that religious ideals are essential to the sustaining of any society.

However, having rejected Christianity and all other religions, he determined that only a new "modern" religion could sustain the socialist world government he was advocating.
"The conspiracy of modern religion against the established institutions of the world must be an open conspiracy," he averred, and must reject "secret methods or tactical insincerities."7
This statement was itself a "tactical insincerity," of course, since Wells and his one-world, socialist comrades never planned to be completely open about their schemes. Thus the brazen symbol of deception on the Fabian Socialist coat-of-arms: a wolf in sheep's clothing!
"It seems unavoidable," said the Fabian strategist, "that if religion is to develop unifying and directive power in the present confusion of human affairs it must adapt itself... ; it must divest itself of its sacred histories, its gross preoccupations, its posthumous prolongation of personal ends."

"The time has come," said Wells, "to strip religion right down to" what he saw as the spiritual essentials: "the desire for service" and "subordination."8
But "service" and "subordination" to the deities created by Prophet Wells and his fellow high-priests. Never one to allow humility to dim the glory of his divine brilliance, Wells boldly proclaimed:
"So I bear my witness and argue my design. This is, I declare, the truth and the way of salvation."9
Moreover, he announced,
"... it will be a world religion. This large loose assimilatory mass of groups and societies will be definitely and obviously attempting to swallow up the entire population of the world and become the new human community."10

Occult Connections
The global religion envisioned by Wells was a secular, socialist one, but some of his fellow Fabians had migrated from atheism to the occult. Two of the most important pilgrims of that variety were radical feminist Annie Besant and British journalist and newspaper publisher William Stead.

Besant became a fervent disciple of Madame Helena Blavatsky, the occultist, satanist founder of the modern Theosophical movement. Besant eventually became the international president of the Theosophical Society.

Alice and Foster Bailey, who succeeded Annie Besant, unabashedly revealed their demonic sympathies with the launching of Lucifer Publishing Company and its theosophical journal, Lucifer. Later, however, they realized that the Christian West was still too "unenlightened" to accept open Luciferian doctrine and changed the name of Lucifer Publishing Company to the more esoteric (and less likely to offend) Lucis Publishing Company.

They also established the Lucis Trust to serve as the umbrella organization for a profusion of globalist/New Age/occult organizations and programs that are key catalysts of the emerging new world religion. These include the Arcane School, World Goodwill, Triangles, Lucis Publishing, Lucis Productions, Lucis Trust Libraries, and the New Group of World Servers.11

According to the Lucis Trust,
"World Goodwill is recognized ... at the United Nations as a Non-governmental Organisation" and is "represented at regular briefing sessions at the United Nations in New York and Geneva."12
The "regular weekly broadcasts of talks given at World Goodwill Forum meetings and programs produced by Lucis Productions" in London and New York are beamed by Radio For Peace International in English, Spanish, German, and French, on shortwave, to a "worldwide audience" from the UN University for Peace in Costa Rica.13

Lucis Trust also serves as custodian of the Meditation Room at the UN's New York headquarters.14 This dark and ominous theosophical shrine contains no symbols of the world's major religions. A barren, metallic altar and a stark, Picassoesque mural of geometric shapes provide spiritual symbolism. Literature provided at the UN describes the symbols as "a rectangular six-ton block of iron ore lit by a single shaft of light and a muted abstract painting at the far end of the small room, similarly illuminated."15

And what does all this signify?

Theosophist authors Eunice and Felix Layton connect the room's symbolism to,
"the story of the descent of the divine into every human life, its apparent death and burial in the material world and its inevitable final triumphant resurrection."16
Keep in mind that it is Lucifer, the "light-bearer," who is the "divine" one in Blavatsky's twisted theosophist theology, and you'll understand why this bizarre temple is entirely apropos for the Tower of Babel on New York's East River.*

* Another principal conduit of UN spiritualism is the Temple of Understanding, operated with the support of the Lucis Trust. It is located near the UN at the historic Cathedral of St. John the Divine, a center of political and occult/New Age activism, which also houses the radical Interfaith Center of New York and the Luciferians of the Lindisfarne Center. Launched in the early 1960s as the "spiritual counterpart of the United Nations," The Temple of Understanding's founding sponsors included an odd assortment of Establishment Insiders, socialists, humanists, Communist frontiers, religious figures, and entertainment celebrities: Senator John D. Rockefeller IV (CFR, TC); then-Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara (CFR, TC); Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger; IBM president Thomas J. Watson (CFR); Socialist Party leader Norman Thomas; Eleanor Roosevelt; Time-Life president James A. Linen (CFR); homosexual author Christopher Isherwood; and Fabian Socialist professor and columnist Max Lerner.19

The Temple of Understanding works closely with the UN Secretariat, the World Council of Churches, the World Conference on Religion and Peace, the UN's Society for Enlightenment and Transformation, and other "spiritual leaders" to sponsor convocations for "global spirituality." These conferences, which have burgeoned in size and frequency over the past decade, invariably turn out to be workshops for religious syncretism, which aims at melding and blending the world's disparate faiths into one global, neo-pagan, occult religion or "Earth Ethic."

William Stead, publisher of the radical Pall Mall Gazette, was not only a socialist and theosophist — he was also an intimate associate of the super-rich, megalomaniacal, homosexual Cecil Rhodes, whom we discussed in Chapter 3.

Recall that Rhodes, William Stead, and a small group of highborn graduates of Oxford and Cambridge, all fervent apostles of the socialist Professor John Ruskin, formed a "secret society" (the words are Rhodes') called the "Society of the Elect." Rhodes admitted that his plan for dominion was "a scheme to take the government of the whole world."17

In other words, a conspiracy. Envisioning a UN-type world government vested with irresistible military force, Rhodes insisted that the scheme must entail "the foundation of so great a power as to hereafter render wars impossible."18 It was in the furtherance of this conspiracy that Rhodes' secret society founded the Royal Institute of International Affairs and CFR.

Both of these front groups, as we have seen, played key roles in establishing the UN, and are likewise involved in building the new global religion.

Indoctrination: Subordination to the State
Let us drop back for a moment to revisit H.G. Wells. We have noted the continuing influence of his occult, socialist confreres Annie Besant and William Stead from early in the last century to the present day.

But Wells himself is also very much alive in "world order" circles. Quotations from his works are scattered throughout New Age and new world order books and publications. The World Federalist Association (WFA), for instance, continues to publish some of his essays, including "How a Federal World Government May Come About," taken from his book The Outline of History (1920).20

According to Wells, in that one-world polemic:
The essential task of men of goodwill in all states and countries remains the same, it is an educational task, and its very essence is to bring to the minds of all men everywhere, as a necessary basis for world co-operation, a new telling and interpretation, a common interpretation, of history.... The world perishes unless sovereignty is merged and nationality subordinated.21
Wells sets down what he sees as "the broad fundamentals of the coming world state."
"It will be based," he says, "upon a common world religion, very much simplified and universalized.... This will not be Christianity nor Islam nor Buddhism nor any such specialized form of religion, but religion itself pure and undefiled; the Eightfold Way, the Kingdom of Heaven, brotherhood, creative service, and self-forgetfulness. Throughout the world men's thoughts and motives will be turned by education.... And education, as the new age will conceive it, will go on throughout life."22
Sound familiar?

This is precisely what we have been experiencing in our schools and colleges, as well as the government-directed "lifelong learning" programs that gradually have become an integral part of so many corporate and governmental jobs. Which is not to imply that we are, or ought to be, opposed to "lifelong learning," as the term is commonly understood, in its most innocent and benign meaning.

To the contrary, we accept it as a fact of life.

Ours is not the first generation to realize that learning does not (or should not) end with the completion of for-mal schooling; wise people (of all socio-economic and educational backgrounds) throughout the ages have recognized the need for (as well as the pleasure to be derived from) continuous lifelong education. In today's fast-changing, technology-driven world, it is more important than ever to be constantly updating skills and learning new ones.

However, in using the same terms, we do not all mean the same thing. We should be very familiar with this phenomenon by now. "Tolerance" no longer means "live and let live" civility; it means using the power of government to force majority acceptance of the perverse practices of a militant minority. "Peacekeeping" means carpet-bombing and/or invading and militarily subjugating whomever the UN has designated as villain du jour. "Multiculturalism" means demonizing Christian and European civilization for genocide, exploitation, and raping Mother Earth.

"Investing" doesn't mean private individuals freely deciding what to do with their own capital assets; it means politicians and bureaucrats plundering your savings through taxation, and then spending it on socialist boondoggles.

So we should not be surprised that the same coercive Utopians have also co-opted "lifelong learning." In their lexicon it no longer is an elective; the individual cannot be allowed to determine if and when he will take any continued formal schooling. Such important decisions must be made by superior "experts." Or as Wells put it, "we should have the collective affairs of the world managed by suitably equipped groups of the most interested, intelligent and devoted people" — such as himself and his fellow Fabians.23

Subversive World Council of Churches One of the early major attempts to co-opt religion in the service of world government came in 1942. Time magazine devoted considerable space in its March 16, 1942 issue to a report on a gathering at Ohio Wesleyan University of hundreds of delegates representing the more than 30 denominations called together by the notoriously pro-Communist Federal Council of Churches (FCC).

The FCC (which later changed its name to the National Council of Churches, NCC) was the American branch of the Communist-controlled World Council of Churches, which still exists and has never ceased its subversive activities.

Chairing the 1942 FCC
Wesleyan confab was Insider John Foster Dulles, a founder of the CFR and, together with his brother Allen Dulles (CFR), a member of the Woodrow Wilson-Colonel House team that tried to foist the League of Nations on the United States. John Dulles would later go on to promote the new world order as Secretary of State under President Eisenhower. However, at the 1942 FCC conference he was lining up church support for the United Nations that would be coming three years later.

As Time reported, the Dulles-led conference produced a political program of "extreme internationalism." Some of the "high spots" of that program were, said Time:
Ultimately, "a world government of delegated powers."
Strong immediate limitations on national sovereignty.
International control of all armies and navies.
"A universal system of money...."
Progressive elimination of all tariff and quota restrictions on world trade.24
According to Time, the conference,
"held that 'a new order of economic life is both imminent and imperative' — a new order that is sure to come either 'through voluntary cooperation ... or through explosive political revolution.'"

"'Collectivism is coming whether we like it or not,' the delegates were told by no less a churchman than England's Dr. William Paton, co-secretary of the World Council of Churches." 25
The problem is that Dr. Paton and his comrades did want collectivism, and they were doing everything in their power to fasten it upon the peoples of the world, through both patient gradualism and "explosive political revolution." The Time story finished on this note:

The ultimate goal:
"a duly constituted world government ... an international court ... international administrative bodies with necessary powers, and adequate international police forces and provision for enforcing its worldwide economic authority."26
The Dulles-FCC propaganda parley no doubt greatly assisted the Insiders' globalist plans, both in building religious support for U.S. entry into the forthcoming United Nations, and in neutralizing opposition to the same organization. In the decades since that confab at Ohio Wesleyan University, UN religious summitry has played an increasingly important part in the one-world transformation scheme.

The World "Peace" Summit
The granddaddy of these convocations, the United Nations Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders, was held in New York City in late August 2000 (not to be confused with the gathering of Heads of State at the UN's Millennium Summit, which followed in September). The Peace Summit offered terrifying glimpses of the outrageous and demonic "global spirituality" the Insiders have planned for us.

The outrages began even before the Peace Summit began, when the UN organizers announced that the Dalai Lama would not be invited because his attendance would offend Communist China!27

So, while more than a thousand religious leaders and gurus representing every conceivable "faith tradition" gathered in New York under banners of "tolerance," "peace," and "brotherhood," one of the world's best-known religious figures, the revered leader of millions of Buddhists, and a man who exemplifies those virtues the UN summit extolled, was barred from attendance — because the totalitarian, genocidal butchers who have been brutally occupying his tiny kingdom of Tibet for half a century would get upset!

The hypocrisy and outrage multiplied as the Summit got underway. Not only was the Dalai Lama excluded, but Red China was given a platform to denounce him and the many other victims of their brutal religious persecution. Representing the Butchers of Beijing at this UN spiritual confabulation was "Bishop" Michael Fu Tieshan of the PRC's "Patriotic Catholic Church."28

Bishop Fu is not a genuine Roman Catholic bishop recognized by the Vatican; he is an agent of the Communist government who provides protective cover for his masters while they cruelly oppress real Catholic bishops, priests, and lay faithful. Real Chinese Catholics like the late Ignatius Cardinal Kung Pin-Mei, who spent more than 30 years in Red China's prisons. Cardinal Kung was arrested in 1955, along with more than 200 other Catholic priests and Church leaders.

They were abused, tortured, and publicly humiliated at show trials. Cardinal Kung was kept in solitary confinement during much of his heroic three decades of imprisonment. He died in exile, in the United States, at the age of 98, on March 12, 2000 — just a few months before the UN "Peace" Summit. He was the Catholic Church's oldest cardinal.29 Other aged servants of God remain in prison. In February 2000, for example, shortly before Cardinal Rung's death, 80-year old Archbishop John Yang was arrested during a midnight raid at his home by the Communist authorities.30

The persecution continued after the Summit as well. On September 14, 2000, barely a week after the PRC butchers were welcomed to the Summit, Bishop Thomas Zeng Jingmu was arrested in his town of Hangpu, in the Southeastern province of Jiangxi. The frail, 80-year-old bishop was taken by force to the local prison of Linchuan. Bishop Zeng, who has been arrested many times for his faith, has suffered more than 30 years in prison since the 1950s. Also arrested at the same time as Bishop Zeng were Auxiliary Bishop Deng Hui and Father Liao Haiqing.31

Many other Christians in China share this same fate. A few days before the start of the Summit, three American evangelists were arrested in China in the tyrannical regime's crackdown on Evangelical Protestant "house churches." The Americans were among 130 Christians netted in the Communist sweep of worship services in private homes.32

This was but the latest in an ongoing pattern of persecution that includes the execution by firing squad of Reverend Liu Jiaguo.33 And the persecution of Christians has been increasing and intensifying — not mellowing — in recent years, with each new concession from the U.S. and the West. At the same time, the Beijing regime has also been engaged in an ongoing brutal suppression of the Falun Gong spiritual exercise and meditation sect, as well as a continuing persecution of Chinese Muslims.34

In his address to the UN's "spiritual" Peace Summit, Bishop Fu Tieshan, the puppet-stooge of these Red Chinese persecutors, said:
Let us pray for the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, respect the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter, and from now on, guard against and put an end to anything that taint and desecrate religious purity... Today in China, facts and other practice genuinely reflect the harmony between different religions. And under the protection of the Constitution and other laws, we enjoy comprehensive and full religious freedom.35
In an obvious attack on the Dalai Lama and the many brave religious believers suffering under the Communist regime, "Bishop" Fu said:
"At present, there are still many violent and evil activities going on 'in the name of religion.' Some people have made use of religious differences to fuel ethnic feuds and provoke so-called conflicts of civilizations; some want to trample upon the sovereignty of other countries under the pretext of 'protecting religious human rights.'"36
Did any of the esteemed spiritual leaders attending the Peace Summit walk out in protest over this brazen display of hypocrisy? Did they announce their "solidarity" with their brothers who are suffering for their religious convictions? Did they demand that Red China stop its vicious persecution of all religions? Did they even timidly ask our Beijing "partners" to lighten up with the truncheons and thumbscrews?

Hah! Not even close! Instead, they politely applauded (some enthusiastically cheered) this puppet of the Communist persecutors.

Most Americans, if they saw or heard any coverage of the Summit in the major CFR-dominated media, were not apprised of the cruel charade that was played out there. Few are aware that Bishop Fu Tieshan is a fraud or that religionists of all types are routinely persecuted in Red China.

CNN certainly wasn't going to expose this sham; CNN founder and current vice-chairman of CNN parent company Time Warner, Ted Turner, not only was a major financial sponsor of the Summit, but also honorary chairman of the event.

Turner, who is infamous for his profanity, womanizing, and scathing verbal attacks on Christianity, Christian leaders, the Ten Commandments, and Biblical morality, couldn't resist using the Summit podium to criticize the "very intolerant" Christianity of his boyhood and to propose a more global, all-embracing spirituality for the "one human race."37

Global Ethic Kung Phooey
The "spirituality" that One-World Ted and his fellow Insiders have in mind is to be found in the UN's "Declaration of a Global Ethic," which UNESCO commissioned renegade "theologian" Hans Kung to draft.38 Yes, while real Christian heroes like Cardinal Kung, who suffer torture for their faith, are completely ignored by the CFR "news" cartel, left-wing ideologues like Hans Kung are celebrated.

For those who like their theology dished up from the likes of Ted Turner and Bishop Fu Tieshan — which appears to be most of the globalist folk who populate the UN diplomatic corps and delegations to UN conferences — Hans Kung was a perfect choice.

In his 1991 book Global Responsibility: In Search of a New World Ethic, Kung declared:
Any form of... church conservatism is to be rejected.... To put it bluntly: No regressive or repressive religion — whether Christian, Islamic, Jewish or of whatever provenance — has a long-term future.39
Moreover, he said:
"If ethics is to function for the well-being of all, it must be indivisible. The undivided world increasingly needs an undivided ethic. Postmodern men and women need common values, goals, ideals, visions."40
That's right, UN "diversity" is broad enough to embrace every imaginable navel-gazing mystic, diapered swami, saffron-robed guru, befeathered sachem, spell-chanting shaman, New Age psycho-babbler, tree-worshiping pantheist, witch, warlock, druid, animist, or Marxian spiritualist — but not those terrible, monotheistic creeds. Mustn't tolerate any of those "dogmatic," "absolutist" faiths; of that the "tolerant" globalists are dogmatically, absolutely certain.

Another prominent "theologian" of the UN's "global ethic" is Dr. Robert Muller (whom we introduced in our Prologue). A former UN Assistant Secretary-General, Dr. Muller served 38 years as a United Nations "civil servant," and — following his retirement in 1985 — has served as chancellor of the UN's University for Peace in Costa Rica. He is the author of the World Core Curriculum now in use in schools worldwide.

In his influential book New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality, Muller opines:
"If Christ came back to earth, his first visit would be to the United Nations to see if his dream of human oneness and brotherhood had come true. He would be happy to see representatives of all nations."41
We remind you, dear reader, that in the contorted theosophical sophistry of Muller and company, "Christ" is not Jesus Christ but Lucifer. According to Muller, the UN's wondrous endeavors are leading us on a "grand journey of humanity towards oneness, convergence and unprecedented happiness."

What's more,
"We were approaching Teilhard's point of convergence, Wells' last chapter of The Outline of History ... Sri Chinmoy's world oneness ... the apotheosis [deification] of human life on earth."42
The "Teilhard" Muller refers to is Pierre Teilhard de Chardin -the renegade Jesuit priest, theologian-philosopher, and paleontologist who perpetrated the great "Piltdown Man" evolutionist hoax. "Wells" is, of course, H.G. Wells, whom we introduced above. Sri Chinmoy is the one-world, New Age guru who runs the UN's Meditation Room and regularly leads the meditations.

Chinmoy has offered his prophecy regarding the UN's divine mission:
The United Nations is the chosen instrument of God; to be a chosen instrument means to be a divine messenger carrying the banner of God's inner vision and outer manifestation. One day, the world will ... treasure and cherish the soul of the United Nations as its very own with pride, for this soul is all-loving, all-nourishing, and all-fulfilling.43

"Spiritual Leaders" for the New Millennium It was Master Chinmoy, appropriately, who presented the UN's U Thant Peace Award to Maurice Strong, the globe-trotting billionaire best known for his role as Secretary-General of the 1992 UN Earth Summit in Brazil.44 Strong was receiving the honor, said Chinmoy, for "his lifelong commitment to the soaring ideals of the United Nations."
The award was named for U Thant, the Burmese Marxist who served as the UN's third Secretary-General and who, in 1970, brazenly declared:
"Lenin was a man with a mind of great clarity and incisiveness."45
Maurice Strong, who apparently shares Lenin's "great clarity and incisiveness," has been a driving force in bringing the most extreme enviro-Leninism and far-out reli-gio-Leninism into the social, political, economic, religious mainstream.

Other vaunted "spiritual leaders" who are guiding humanity into the developing "global ethic" of the new millennium include:
Mohammed Ramadan, president of the UN's Society for Enlightenment and Transformation, which has offices in the basement of the UN building where every conceivable variety of "spiritual sage" — witch doctors, mystics, "channelers" UFO enthusiasts, reincarnated Masters — contribute their cosmic energies to the sacred mission of the UN.

Apostate theologian Matthew Fox, whose radical New Age spirituality embraces Wicca, homosexuality, abortion, and one-world socialism. An apostle of the Gaia (Earth Goddess) Gospel, Fox says, "I believe the appropriate symbol of the Cosmic Christ... is that of Jesus as Mother Earth crucified yet rising daily... [T]he symbol of which I speak holds the capacity to launch a global spirituality of untold dimensions appropriate for the third millennium." 46

Gerald Barney, founder and executive director of the Millennium Institute and a co-chair of the 1993 Parliament of World Religions. In his keynote address at that summit, he said that "an internationally famous, highly influential author on sustainable development told me bluntly, 'Religion must die. It is the fundamental cause of virtually all social, economic, and ecological problems and much of the violence in the world.'"47

The only alternative to the destruction of religion, Barney asserted, is the "reinterpretation and even rejection of ancient traditions and assumptions" and the creation of a "'sustainable' faith tradition on earth...."48 "Every person," Barney said, "must learn to think like Earth, to act like Earth, to be Earth."49 Barney was the lead author of the enviro-Leninist Global 2000 report for the Carter administration and was a national program director for the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

William Irwin Thompson, founder of the (Luciferian) Lindisfarne Association. "We have now a new spirituality, what has been called the New Age movement," Thompson says. "This is now beginning to influence concepts of politics and community in ecology.... This is the Gaia [Mother Earth] politique ... planetary culture."50

Mikhail Gorbachev, former Soviet dictator, butcher of Afghanistan, and chairman of the Gorbachev Foundation and Green Cross International. In a Los Angeles Times interview of May 8, 1997, Gorbachev insisted humanity must embrace "a new environmental legal code rooted in an Earth Charter ... a kind of Ten Commandments, a 'Sermon on the Mount,' that provides a guide for human behavior toward the environment in the next century and beyond."

"The most important thing," he said, "is the shaping of a new value system" from a "new synthesis" of "democratic, Christian, and Buddhist values ... which affirm such moral principles as social responsibility and the sense of oneness with nature and with each other."51

Gorbachev's week-long State of the World Forum 2000 extravaganza in New York City was the bridging event between the Peace Summit and the Millennium Summit, with many of the heads of state, ambassadors, UN officials, and spiritual leaders from both events also participating in the Gorbachev Forum.

Earth Charter Subversion and Perversion
Comrade Gorbachev knows something about the Earth Charter, since he helped compose it. It was his good friend, Maurice Strong, as chief of the Earth Summit, who commissioned him to take up the important task. While much of the Charter sounds like harmless eco-babble, or even sensible earth stewardship that is compatible with Christian theology, it is larded with deceptive code words and traps aimed at destroying Judeo-Christian moral values and the non-socialist political-economic systems.

Article 12 (a) of the Earth Charter commits signatory governments to:
Eliminate discrimination in all its forms, such as that based on race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, language, and national, ethnic or social origin.52
This is very clearly aimed at expanding the socialist state into all spheres of life and especially to undermine the legal codes of nations based upon the moral precepts of the monotheistic religions, all of which proscribe homosexuality. The Charter, like the many "human rights" conventions it promotes, seeks to give homosexual activists a pretext to claim legal footing to challenge in the courts and legislatures national, state, and local laws against sexual perversion.

This is already happening. The first case we are aware of was launched in 1992 when Nick Toonen, a homosexual rights activist in Australia, asked the UN Human Rights Committee to investigate the state of Tasmania's anti-homosexuality statute. The UN committee determined that Toonen could be classified as a "victim."53

Similarly, here in the United States, militant sodomites have charged that they are "victims" of human rights violations because of our laws against homosexual practices and have taken their cause to the United Nations. If we allow current trends to continue, we most certainly will see a federal court in the near future rule that U.S. state laws concerning sodomy must be struck down to comply with UN "human rights" law.

Christian-Marxist "Unity*' Following the conclusion of the State of the World Forum 2000 (September 4th-10th) in New York, Mr. Gorbachev was off on a multi-week evangelistic crusade that took him to some surprising venues. He was received with apparent enthusiasm at churches in Florida and Tennessee.

Then it was off to Salt Lake City, where Gorby addressed Franklin Covey's International Symposium at the Salt Palace.*

* Thanks to a celebrity status that has been bestowed on him by the Insiders, Gorbachev is received like a rock star by politicians, journalists, business and religious leaders, educators, and entertainers worldwide. He is, reportedly, the highest-paid name for hire in the world, commanding $100,000 for a half-hour talk. Gunter Kunkel, president of the Phoenix Club in Anaheim, California, felt his group had gotten a "bargain" because they only had to pay $75,000 for 50 minutes of the Gorbachev wisdom and charm. "Can you think of anybody bigger?" the awestruck Kunkel asked the Los Angeles Times' Mike Anton. "It will probably be the greatest night we have seen here."58 Prior to the Millennium Summit, Gorbachev scored one of his biggest coups to date, when, on June 27, 2000, he was given a place of honor between Cardinals Sodano and Silvestrini at a Vatican press conference in Rome.59

At a Salt Lake City press conference, the Nobel Prize winner lamented to the assembled media corps that "we do not have a new world order, the kind of new world order that we need." 54

Later, in California, he shared a stage with William "Star Trek" Shatner, before beaming his "global ethic" sermonette to a global television audience from the Reverend Robert Schuller's famous Crystal Cathedral. "I know that he calls himself an atheist," Rev. Schuller said, but Schuller believed, nonetheless, that God had used Gorbachev "in a mighty way."

And he hoped that one day the former Communist dictator would become "a man of faith."55

We join Rev. Schuller in that hope, as we hope that all atheists will become "men of faith" — as that term has been understood traditionally by believers. But, in the meantime, is there any justification for Christians to turn over their pulpits to atheists — to enemies of God — like Gorbachev? Comrade Gorbachev, after all, is a "man of faith": He believes in the gospels of Marx and Lenin.

As we have already noted, Gorbachev declared in 1989:
"I am a Communist, a convinced Communist. For some that may be a fantasy. But for me it is the main goal."56
By both word and act, Gorbachev has confirmed many times since then his continued adherence to his revolutionary faith.

To anyone familiar with Communist dialectical materialism as it concerns religion, Gorbachev's fixation with religion over the past decade makes perfect sense. He is one of the leading global activists working to transform Christianity, to unite it with Marxism! As a master dialectician, he is expert in the use of words as weapons, particularly in using words that will appeal to and disarm Christians.

According to one of Gorbachev's old friends, Natasha Rimashevskaya, he had one phrase he loved to say:
"'As to this question, one must approach it dialectically.' That meant he wanted to entertain a thesis and its contradiction at the same time." 57
Gorbachev's admiring biographer, Gail Sheehy, tells us:
"Lenin is in his blood, say Gorbachev's friends. And Lenin's doctrine of 'two steps forward, one step back' — or complete tactical flexibility — appealed particularly strongly to him." 60
Gorbachev is following precisely the Leninist dialectical line that was spelled out by Li Wei Han of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party in 1959, in instructions sent to Fidel Castro's new Communist regime.

According to Comrade Li:
The line of action to follow against the Church is to instruct, to educate, to persuade, to convince, and, gradually, to awaken and fully develop the political conscience of Catholics by getting them to take part in study circles and political activities. By means of these activities, we must undertake the dialectical struggle within religion. Gradually, we will replace the religious element with the Marxist element.61
Have the Communists forgotten or abandoned this lesson? They have never been more active or aggressive in promoting it! In fact, Comrade Li's 1959 instructions have been reprinted in books currently available in Communist bookstores.

More importantly, it is a simple matter to observe them in action. These same instructions form the basis of the "Liberation Theology" revolution that was launched from Cuba into Latin America and North America in the 1960s and is operating throughout the world today. These instructions form the basis of the Soviet push (under Gorbachev) for development of the new "global spirituality."

While Christian leaders naively praise the new "openness" to religion in Communist countries, Leninists like Gorbachev know this is only a temporary, tactical "one step back." There is no question that the Leninists — with the aid of foolish Christians, as well as agents posing as Christians — are "[replacing] the religious element with the Marxist element."

Thus we have seen a host of books and articles promoting the diabolic dialectic theme of "Christian-Marxist Unity."

One example of this, Christian-Marxist Unity: A Miraculous, Explosive Prescription, the influential text by Raimundo Garcia Franco, tells us:
"Yes, Christian faith and Marxism-Leninism do share almost complete overlapping of common objectives in the building of socialism. We can-pot look backward, since the path ahead is that of creative transformation to communism and to the Kingdom of God on this earth."62
This is the same subversive dialectic that permeates Gorbachev's annual State of the World Forums63 as well as all of the UN's "spiritual" confabulations. When the leaders of these events aren't directly "replacing the religious element with the Marxist element," they are fast at work replacing the Christian element with various pagan and New Age elements, which they recognize as far more flexible and conducive to their Marxist one-world schemes than what they scornfully denounce as "dogmatic," "rigid," and "sectarian."

Christianity's Epitaph? Where is this leading? It is worthwhile noting what the militant paganists themselves say about this. In the Fall 1995 issue of the occult journal Gnosis we find a very sobering report entitled "State of the Hidden Arts: An Overview of Esotericism Today," which offers analyses by a variety of pagan activists.64

Christopher Bamford, head of Lindisfarne Press, exults that the last 10 years,
"have seen a fundamental revision in our understanding of Christianity, not in essence, but in application.... [A] dead monolith has been demolished, and in its place we can sense the presence of a living being...."65
The creation of a "living" Christianity, according to Bamford, reflects the growing influence in "mainstream" Christianity of such thinkers as theosophist Rudolf Steiner, occultist/psychologist Carl Jung, and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

Gnosis also trumpeted the exultant reports of Diane Conn Darling regarding the rise of neo-paganism, which is busy "building interfaith relations with mainstream religious groups."

One major achievement in this effort, the not-so-darling Ms. Darling reported, occurred when,
"several major Neopagan groups were represented at the 1993 World Parliament of Religions in Chicago. Our presentations were heavily attended, including a beautiful Full Moon Circle celebrated in a nearby park.... Pagan priestess Deborah Light and the Fellowship of Isis (the world's largest Pagan organization) are signatories on our behalf to the Declaration of [a] Global Ethic...."66
Darling glowingly remarked that "polytheism is nearly universal in neopaganism." As is pantheism. According to Ms. Darling:
"Neopagans see the God/dess in all things: in each other, in persons following different paths, in animals, plants, planets, rivers, rocks, and in ourselves.... The Neopagan mythos gives rise to an ethos grounded in the Earth. Indeed, for a great many Neopagans, the Great Goddess is the living Earth herself."67
These denizens of darkness, when speaking amongst themselves, are jubilant because they are positive that they are riding a cosmic neopagan wave that will soon overwhelm what they see as a crumbling, dying Christianity.

Darkness Clothed in Light Having closely followed the UN for more than two decades as a journalist and researcher, and having attended UN Summits from Rio to San Francisco to Rome to New York, it is clear to this writer that the neo-pagan one-worlders at the UN Tower of Babel are accelerating the tempo of their program of spiritual subversion, even as they become more swollen with arrogance. The Rio Earth Summit was a watershed event, very powerfully and publicly wedding the UN to the New Age, one-world, neo-pagan "worldview."

In his opening address to the UNCED (Earth Summit) plenary session, Maurice Strong directed the world's attention to the Declaration of the Sacred Earth Gathering, which was part of the pre-Summit ceremonies.
"[T]he changes in behavior and direction called for here," said Strong, "must be rooted in our deepest spiritual, moral and ethical values."68
According to the declaration, the ecological crisis,
"transcends all national, religious, cultural, social, political, and economic boundaries.... The responsibility of each human being today is to choose between the force of darkness and the force of light. We must therefore transform our attitudes and values, and adopt a renewed respect for the superior law of Divine Nature." 69
However, in the twisted theosophic theology of Maurice Strong, Robert Muller, Sri Chinmoy, and other occultists who dominate the United Nations, "light" is darkness and "darkness" is light. Their "light" comes not from Jesus Christ ("I am the Light of the world," John 8:12), but from Lucifer, "the Light bearer." The Earth Summit was a non-stop orgy of pagan, Gaia-worshiping ceremonies, rituals, sermons, eulogies, declarations, manifestos, and celebrations. It not only marked the introduction of the radical NGO legions as an emerging superpower, but brought the occult nature of the UN out in the open.

Not entirely into the open, however. The controlled U.S. media never gave the American public at large an accurate view of this clamorous chorus. Most frequently, the media presented them as noble, if sometimes eccentric, idealists. The viewing and reading public had no way of knowing the extent and depth of the specifically and rabidly anti-American, anti-Christian animus of the vast majority of the official delegates and NGO radicals.

Nor were they made aware of the overtly pagan and communistic emphasis of the entire Earth Summit program and the conventions, declarations, and treaties that came out of it.

American television viewers did not see the ubiquitous Communist flags, posters, and graffiti that festooned the NGO's Global Forum at Rio's Flamengo Park. Nor did they see the even more plentiful pagan, occult, and Wicca symbols, exhibits, seminars, and programs that could not be avoided at the Summit. They did not see the incredibly gross homosexual pornography display that was allowed to daily assault the eyes of thousands of Brazilian families who visited Flamengo Park. This Ford Foundationfunded70 exhibit of life-size photographs would have been illegal in most cities in America, but it was a welcome addition at the UN celebration.

Quite the opposite of the image of peace, brotherhood, and tolerance presented by the U.S. media, the Earth Summiteers were almost universally venomous, foul, blasphemous, and profane in their constant verbal attacks on the United States, the middle class, capitalism, technology, Christianity, and Christian leaders viciously attacking Dr. James Dobson, Rev. Jerry Falwell, and most especially Pope John Paul II.

When Fidel Castro arrived at the Summit, however, the NGOs and official delegates alike erupted in ecstasy.

Since Rio, the NGOs have become more emboldened, aggressive, sophisticated, professionally organized, and lavishly funded. But it hasn't tempered their fury and ranting; in fact, they have gotten worse.

Having sat amongst the NGO leaders and cadres in their strategy sessions, and having interviewed, dined with, and mingled with top UN officials and delegates at UN venues around the world, I cannot help but arrive at the conclusion that these "peace people," these "civil servants" and self-appointed representatives of "global civil society," are the most pathetic and concentrated collection of pompous, privileged, pampered, hateful, tyrannical, hypocritical, morally revolting specimens of humanity one is likely ever to encounter.

Even more outrageous than the behavior of these miscreants, however, are the arguments of elected American officials that we must continue participating in and supporting this dangerous charade. The UN is elevating, legitimizing, and popularizing all of the demonic influences that are pushing our civilization into the dark abyss.

The Pratt House one-worlders and their Communist allies have energetically embraced the H. G. Wells prescription for sustaining their desired society. In their vision, the human community must be suitably subservient to the UN. Religions advocating loyalty to a higher authority must give way to a "new" mandated orthodoxy demanding that all worship the one-world socialist state. In the emerging new world order, the UN superstate will tolerate no other god before it.

The average American has become so inured to the neo-pagan influences that are saturating our culture that he is apt to simply shrug his shoulders at each new offense, and figure there is nothing that can be done. It's all just part of our inevitable, downward moral spiral, he sadly reasons. But there is something that can be done about this. The American taxpayers and voters have it within their power to change that.

We will explain that in detail in our final chapter.

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Chapter 14
What Must Be Done
When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.1
— Edmund Burke (April 23, 1770)

[I]t does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.2
— Samuel Adams

If we wish to be free ...we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight!! 3
— Patrick Henry (March 23, 1775)
In the preceding chapters, we have painted, we admit, a very alarming picture of reality. It was entirely our intent to do so. We believe, like Founding Father James Madison, that it is proper and prudent to sound the alarm, wake the town, and tell the people when danger is threatening. In fact, it would be immoral not to warn others about an imminent peril.

Madison wisely advised, as we have noted previously:
[I]t is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. We hold this prudent jealousy to be the first duty of citizens and one of [the] noblest characteristics of the late Revolution. The freemen of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise and entangled the question in precedents. They saw all the consequences in the principle, and they avoided the consequences by denying the principle. We revere this lesson too much, soon to forget it.4
Tragically, most Americans have forgotten this important lesson. We are long past "the first experiment on our liberties." We are rushing headlong to destruction, tyranny, and slavery.

Some will say that our concerns are wildly exaggerated, that the UN, while often obnoxious and corrupt, is toothless and can present no real danger to the mighty United States. And besides, they will aver, it still represents mankind's noblest aspirations for peace. We can reform it and use it to good purpose. We can trust our president and Congress to watch out for our interests.

Others will react in the opposite direction, asserting that the Insiders' new world order and their plans to empower the UN have proceeded too far to be stopped now. The enemy is too rich and powerful, too well organized and deeply entrenched. Resistance is futile; we have already lost.

Both of these attitudes — blind, senseless optimism and hopeless defeatism — should be equally repugnant to free peoples. We assure you there is nothing exaggerated about the dire threat posed by the UN in anything we have written. But it is not necessary for anyone to rely on our word. We have quoted extensively from UN and U.S. documents and copiously cited the statements of many of the key players in this drama.

We have gone to considerable lengths to make many documents available on our Internet website and to provide links to many other primary sources. Any person of ordinary intelligence, with an open, honest mind, can read the literature and compare it with readily verifiable facts concerning the rapidly growing "empowerment" of the UN in all of the areas we have discussed.

Let us take a lesson from the patriots who founded our nation. In the summer of 1775, these courageous souls faced a situation not dissimilar from our own. Some argued that, in spite of the Crown's tyrannical acts, things were not all that bad and that the prudent course was to continue entreating England for fairness and justice. Others warned that it would be futile and foolhardy to dare to challenge the British military might.

In his famous oration at St. John's Church, Patrick Henry addressed the faulty arguments of both the Panglossian optimists and the defeatists.

He eloquently and forcefully expressed the position that full and complete information, even though unpleasant, was the necessary basis for a proper decision:
[I]t is natural for a man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth — and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it might cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and to provide for it.5
Mr. Henry then spoke words that are as relevant today (if not more so) as they were in that desperate time:
They tell us, sir, that we are weak — unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British [or a UN] guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak, if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.

Three millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat, but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged, their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston!...

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! 6
The submission and slavery the American colonists faced was a very real and dire prospect, but was nothing compared to that which we will face under a fully empowered UN. The British government was autocratic, abusive, even tyrannical at times but not outright totalitarian.

The organized one-worlders, however, intend to transform the UN into the global governing instrument of their ruthless, totalitarian "New World Order."

Projecting the Lines
Let us summarize the case we have made and, from what is already known, project the lines concerning what we can expect in the future — if, that is, by "irresolution and inaction" we allow the Insiders' plans for the UN to come to fruition.

Those plans include:
Creating a United Nations Military, with army, navy, air force, and nuclear weapons.
Dispatching U.S. military personnel on ever-increasing UN missions throughout the world.
Gradually disarming all nation states, including the U.S., so that the UN military forces will be unchallengeable.
Establishing the International Criminal Court and rapidly expanding its jurisdiction.
Establishing a global UN police force and bringing all local police under its control.
Outlawing private ownership of firearms and disarming citizens.
Imposing global draconian regulations on all human activity under the pretext of protecting the environment.
Drastically restricting and, ultimately, destroying property rights.
Forcing vast relocations of human populations in order to cre-ate "Wildlands" for UN-designated animal species. • Imposing global "carbon taxes" on all fuels, a "Tobin tax" on financial transactions, and myriad other tax proposals.
Placing a vast regulatory regime on all labor, business, and employment policies.
Imposing population controls, including mandatory abortion a la Red China's UN-approved-and-funded "one child policy."
Accelerating UN subversion in our schools and bringing all education under the jurisdiction of UNESCO.
Subjecting all parents to licensing and claiming UN "protective" authority over all children.
Striking down all laws against homosexuality and pedophilia/pederasty.
Greatly expanding the practice of euthanasia and assisted suicide.
Promoting paganism, "New Age" spirituality, the occult, and Satanism under the guise of promoting peace, brotherhood, and a "Global Ethic."
The list above is far from exhaustive. Anyone willing to study the facts will be able to readily verify that the Pratt House mafia promoting the UN is pushing for all of these insidious programs and more. All of these incredible grabs for power are, in fact, already in various stages of implementation.

So what will be the consequences of inaction? What will an all-powerful UN government mean to life as Americans know it? Isn't it possible that our would-be slave-masters will be more benevolent than old-style Communist dictators? Surely American leaders would not want to preside over bloodletting, torture, and genocide.

That is a dangerous assumption. First of all, while many of the Insiders of this one-world cabal are American citizens, they are not Americans; they are internationalists, with loyalties to no country. Many of them hold, or have held, public office and have sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution — while doing everything in their power to subvert and destroy it. Secondly, while no one can predict with absolute certainty what others would do given the power and opportunity, nonetheless there are compelling principles we dare not ignore.

Let's look first at the lessons of history regarding the consequences of power.

We have previously invoked Lord Acton's famous maxim "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." 7 This principle was accepted as an undisputed truism by the American Founding Fathers.

They were so firmly convinced that the best of men, regardless of character and intentions, could not be trusted with unrestrained power that they designed our government to thwart the ambitions of men.

Thomas Jefferson expressed it this way:
"In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution." 8
The situation is even worse when the system encourages the worst of men to gravitate to the top as happened so often in so many nations in the last century. Then we are no longer talking about "mischief with our liberties. Our lives, the lives of our families and neighbors, and the lives of billions of others are at stake.

John Locke warned centuries ago that "he that thinks absolute power purifies men's blood, and corrects the baseness of human nature, need read but the history of this, or any other age, to be convinced of the contrary."9 The history of the spectacularly bloody 20th century offers a definitive rebuke to those who believe that a world government would be a blessing.

In his important book Death by Government, Professor R.J. Rummel documents that the case for global government rests entirely upon an essentially superstitious belief in the benevolence of government as an institution.10

Rummel, a professor of political science at the University of Hawaii, is perhaps the world's foremost authority on the phenomenon of "democide" — the systematic murder of human beings by governments.
"Democide is committed by absolute Power; its agency is government," Rummel declares, and the death toll of democide is nearly incomprehensible.

"In total, during the first eighty-eight years of this [20th] century, almost 170 million men, women, and children have been shot, beaten, tortured, knifed, burned, starved, frozen, crushed, or worked to death; buried alive, drowned, hung, bombed, or killed in any other of the myriad ways governments have inflicted death on unarmed, helpless citizens and foreigners. The dead could conceivably be nearly 360 million people." 11
Although "the common and fundamental justification for government [is] that it exists to protect citizens against the anarchic jungle that would otherwise threaten their lives and property," in the era of the total state "government has been truly a coldblooded mass murderer, a global plague of man's own making." The supposed "wisdom" of academic elites who depict government as a benign institution, says Rummel, ignores a "preeminent fact about government" — namely, "that some of them murder millions in cold blood. This is where absolute Power reigns.12

One of Professor Rummel's most important insights is that "peace" under a tyrannical government is actually more lethal than war.
"Putting the human cost of war and democide together, Power has killed over 203 million people in this century," Rummel points out.13
"even if all to be said about absolute and arbitrary Power was that it causes war and the attendant slaughter of the young and most capable ... this would be enough. But much worse [is the fact that] even without the excuse of combat, Power also massacres in cold blood those helpless people it controls — in fact, several times more of them."14
If this has been the record of death and desolation caused by the exercise of unrestrained power by totalitarian governments of nation-states, can we expect the horrors of unrestrained world government to be less? Remember, it is the same perpetrators of these unspeakable crimes (or their totalitarian successors) whom the one-world Insiders insist we must join in common cause for "peace."

The "respectable" CFR elites have always been comfortable with mass-murdering thugs like Stalin, Mao, Tito, Castro, Sukarno, Nkrumah, Kenyatta, Lumumba, Ben Bella, Ceausescu, Aristide, Mandela, Arafat, et al.

As we have noted, David Rockefeller, one of the most powerful drivers of the Establishment agenda during the 20th century has praised,
"the social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership" as "one of the most important and successful in human history."15
He made this incredible statement in spite of the well-known fact that Mao Tse-tung's "social experiment" had by that time (1973) cost the lives of as many as 64 million Chinese at the hands of their Communist masters!

Rockefeller and his fellow one-worlders share with "Mao the Master Butcher" the addictive lust for absolute power. Again, Patrick Henry has provided us the proper attitude toward a record of tyranny.

He said,
"I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging the future but by the past." "And judging by the past," he declared, "I wish to know what there has been in the conduct of the British ministry for the last ten years to justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to solace themselves...?"16
What has there been in the conduct of the CFR-UN cabal in the last fifty years to justify any hopes of benign intent on their part? Patrick Henry's exhortation is echoed today by the FBI's famous profiling pioneer John Douglas, who has written extensively on the criminal mind and obstacles to criminal rehabilitation.17

From his extensive studies, Douglas maintains that the best predictor of human conduct is previous conduct.18 While many violent criminals may perform well and give indications of rehabilitation under the restraints of prison, when they are released and confront the same opportunities and pressures that gave rise to their original offenses, they repeat their crimes. What would be the crimes of such men if they attained sufficient power that they did not have to fear being caught or brought to justice?

That is the near reality we face today.

What could we expect from men with proven amoral character who would gain unrestrained power and the opportunity to do evil? Moreover, can anyone imagine that a Hitler could, let alone would, turn his back on the evil forces that propelled him to power?

Some may seek comfort in the illusion that tyranny is strictly a foreign phenomenon — that domination and exploitation of one's fellow man are not in the heart of American leaders. After all, these men are cultured, genteel, and highly educated. They are some of the most famous political, business, and academic leaders. Some of them kiss babies, smile convincingly, and talk of God, patriotism, and family values.

Some of them give millions of dollars to hospitals, schools, and charitable causes. They are courted and praised by the media and responsible, respectable members of society. Surely these eminent men are not capable of the criminal activities we suggest.

This naïveté and inability to judge by objective facts instead of deceptive appearances have always been the boon of criminals and the bane of their victims. Even the worst of criminals do not always openly display their wickedness. In fact, most of the time they disguise their evil beneath unctuous charm.

Adolf Hitler is universally recognized today as having been one of our planet's premier criminals. Yet, during his rise to power (and even after he attained power) prominent American and British "liberals" and Insiders were singing his praises.19 They pointed to the schools, hospitals, roads, and social projects he had built, and they belittled or denied his well-known criminality and totalitarian aspirations. We all have seen innumerable documentaries in which Hitler is maniacally ranting to his Nazi hordes.

However, he was very capable of presenting an entirely affable, congenial image as well, and was frequently filmed hugging children, petting dogs, visiting war veterans, or chatting amiably with foreign dignitaries.

Al Capone, perhaps America's most notorious criminal, likewise, knew how to turn on the charm at strategic moments and to posture as the champion of "the little guy."

According to the World Encyclopedia of Organized Crime:
Capone was a murderous thug without remorse.... He was responsible for perhaps as many as one thousand or more murders certainly hundreds. Worse, for a decade the city of Chicago embraced this bragging, boasting, strutting killer, its newspapers paying homage to him and quoting his every cretinous statement, its citizens — a goodly portion of the population — nodding tolerantly, if not approvingly, in his direction.20
With the fabulous wealth gained from his criminal enterprises, Capone bribed cops, judges, jurors, prosecutors, and reporters — and "gave generously to charity."

Notes the Encyclopedia:
Capone spent money lavishly on himself and those about him, projecting the image of generosity, of a philanthropist to the common man. Old-timers in Chicago still pay his bloody memory offhand compliments about the so-called soup kitchens Capone established in Chicago during the Depression to feed the hungry, little realizing that the crime boss did this at the suggestion of attorneys attempting to improve his horrible reputation when he was being tried for income-tax evasion.21
Much of the public and many politicians were willfully blind, refusing to believe that Capone was in fact the evil crime lord his accusers made him out to be. Public officials, such as Chicago Mayor William Hale Thompson, Chicago Police Chief John Garrity, and Illinois Governor Len Small, who should have been protecting the public from the likes of Capone, were actually in league with the Capone mob.22

So it was also with the crime bosses who followed after him.

Although now largely forgotten, during the 1970s and '80s Pablo Escobar Gaviria was one of the most feared organized crime bosses in the world. As head of Colombia's infamous Medellin drug cartel, he was also touted as one of the world's richest men. His thugs unleashed a reign of terror that included the assassination of dozens of judges, prosecutors, presidential candidates, governors, police officials, and journalists.

Many more were bribed into complicity with his criminal operation. Yet he showered millions of dollars on churches, clinics, hospitals, and schools; provided college scholarships to many students; and funded many public works and charitable institutions.23

Was this "bad guy" just misunderstood? Did he really have a heart of gold underneath a rough exterior? That's what his defenders claimed, including some members of the press. Of course that was a lie. Escobar was just doing what all smart bad guys do: buy protection in the form of public relations. He bought the loyalty of thousands of people, and was elected to the Colombian Congress, in spite of his murderous record.

The point is that hiding behind a patina of false respectability is standard modus operandi for "smart" criminals. If relatively uneducated street thugs like Capone, Escobar — and the infamous John Gotti, the "Teflon Don," as he was glamorized in the press — can figure this out, isn't it foolish to think that that lesson has escaped the notice of our fabulously wealthy Insiders with their Ivy League pedigrees and hordes of think-tank "experts" at their beck and call? Just because these "respectable" leaders do not pull the triggers does not absolve them from culpability anymore than a "respectable" Mafia boss is innocent of the killings perpetrated by his underlings.

With more space, we could credibly demonstrate that U.S. Insiders (direct forebears to the current new world order cabal) orchestrated the rise of Communism to a world power in the USSR and in China and supplied these criminal regimes with Western technology and the means for nuclear weapons.24

It is also true that they willingly sent U.S. sons to die in no-win wars to build their new world order. They betrayed friendly, anti-Communist allies into Communist tyranny. They used U.S. foreign aid to further communize and socialize nations under petty despots.25 They supported brutal terrorist groups and Communist-directed wars of "national liberation." 26 They have facilitated the Communist drug offensive against the United States and frustrated all genuine efforts to expose and oppose it.27

They have then turned around and offered dangerous, totalitarian proposals disguised as a "War on Drugs," but which, in reality, are aimed at making war on our freedoms. They have promoted the destruction of morality and the family. They have sought the destruction of private property and the middle class. They have worked to subvert the influence of monotheistic religions. They have encouraged teaching methods that promote illiteracy, conformity known as political correctness, and worship of the Almighty State as God.

These and a host of other crimes too numerous to mention should leave no doubt that top leaders of the Pratt House presidium are out to create the kind of absolutist, all-pervasive, mind-and soul-destroying, Big Brother dictatorship depicted with such horrifying force in George Orwell's 1984.

In case your memory of that nightmarish world has dimmed since you read Orwell's classic in high school, it may help to recall commissar O'Brien's hideous colloquy with the tortured protagonist, Winston Smith.

After delivering an excruciatingly painful electric shock to Smith, who is strapped to a bed, O'Brien casually explains:
Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing. Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined. A world of fear and treachery and torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but more merciless as it refines itself.

Progress in our world will be progress toward more pain. The old civilizations claimed that they were founded on love and justice. Ours is founded upon hatred. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. Everything else we shall destroy — everything. Already we are breaking down the habits of thought which have survived from before the Revolution. We have cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman.

No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer. But in the future there will be no wives and no friends. Children will be taken from their mothers at birth, as one takes eggs from a hen.... There will be no loyalty, except loyalty toward the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother. There will be no laughter, except the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy.28
The brutish O'Brien then matter-of-factly continued his explanation to the helpless and supine Winston Smith.
"But always — do not forget this, Winston — always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever." 29

A Call to Action
A ruthless, tyrannical, Orwellian world state is precisely what the top Insiders plan to have. Like Orwell's O'Brien, they are intoxicated with power. They crave absolute power. And if they should ever attain it, we will experience a murderous "plague of power" such as this planet has not seen before. We will know democide on a scale not previously imagined.

The moral man who fully realizes the terrible consequences of allowing such a future to come to pass by default will be highly motivated to join the battle against the forces of evil and oppression. The moral person who understands what is at stake — for himself, his loved ones, and the incredible heritage of freedom with which we have been blessed — will be imbued with a high level of commitment to stopping these would-be tyrants.

But how does one go about such a daunting task? Those committed to this UN world-government goal enjoy, as we have shown, enormous influence and prominent positions throughout our institutions, especially in the media. They are able to create the appearance of universal support for their agenda.

As the late Admiral Chester Ward, a former longtime member of the Council on Foreign Relations, observed:
"Once the ruling members of CFR have decided that the U.S. Government should adopt a particular policy, the very substantial research facilities of CFR are put to work to develop arguments, intellectual and emotional, to support the new policy, and to confound and discredit, intellectually and politically, any opposition."30
Clearly, anyone who dares to sound the alarm or question the globalist agenda invites well-orchestrated attacks and ridicule. In short, Americans face a very perilous situation: the major power centers and safeguards on which they depend to protect their interests have either been compromised or are secretly working to enslave us. With the major channels of communication in internationalist hands, alerting other Americans to this situation is a formidable challenge.

Yet, as we shall see, the situation is not hopeless if a core of responsible Americans will organize and act in pursuit of a sound plan.

A Commensurate Response
What needs to be done commensurate with the seriousness of the danger? Our answer: Enlist many more citizens to follow a sound program to get the United States out of the United Nations completely.

With the UN as a foundation, the globalists are waging assaults on our sovereignty on an incredible number of fronts. And they have equally incredible resources at their disposal for doing so, including the support of now more than 1,000 NGOs lobbying for the UN agenda. We cannot expect to obtain the resources to defend against all of those attacks. Moreover, such a purely defensive strategy is always doomed to defeat.

The only sensible strategy is to put the globalists' gains up for grabs by going after the foundation for their assaults — the United Nations itself.
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil," said Henry David Thoreau, "to one who is striking at the root."31
Rather than hacking at the ever-proliferating branches of the UN program, we must concentrate our forces where it counts.

We must wield a sharp axe to the root and trunk of the UN tree — by forcing the U.S. to withdraw from the UN. U.S. withdrawal before the UN acquires real, independent power would condemn the UN to the ash heap of history. Without U.S. support, the United Nations would share the same fate as its predecessor League of Nations.

When the U.S. Senate wisely refused to have the U.S. join the League following World War I, the League soon faded into oblivion.

The UN is not the only program or assault on the U.S. system that has been mounted by the Establishment one-worlders. But it is a cornerstone of their plans — an investment of over five decades. As a mechanism to destroy our sovereignty, it threatens to take many other battles in resisting the collectivist assault out of the hands of Congress and the American people. Depriving the Conspiracy of its creation, the UN, is essential to the preservation of liberty and accomplishing this would be an incredible setback to the Insiders' plans.

Of course, we are not claiming that convincing Congress to take such a step will be easy. It will not be.

We are not minimizing the difficulty in the least. But, with an effort commensurate to the danger, Congress can be persuaded. It will take enormous effort, planning, and organization by thousands of concerned citizens in order to overcome the momentum and influence that the many powerful proponents of the new world order have built through labor, subversion, and deceit. But just as America after Pearl Harbor had to work to catch up, we shouldn't expect to overcome a tough opponent who has the initiative with easy, half-way measures.

One very significant advantage we have on our side in this monumental effort is truth and the natural, God-given, human desire to be free. Another is the considerable freedoms and protections that still exist under what remains of our badly tattered constitutional system. There are many layers of strength not yet rotted and corrupted. One very important indication of that reality is the fact that the Insiders still must resort constantly to massive lies and deception to sell their fraudulent, totalitarian programs.

If the fight were already over, as the defeatists claim. our enemies would not be going to such lengths to deceive; they would be flying their colors openly.

But they cannot promote their agenda openly. As dumbed-down, numbed-down, bummed-down, and scummed-down as a growing segment of the American public is, there is still sufficient residual morality and intelligence to force the conspirators for world tyranny to cloak their schemes in noble-sounding rhetoric and extravagant charades. This means they must invest hundreds of times (even thousands of times) more in labor and resources to sell their lies than what it takes to offset their lies by promoting the truth.

The architects of the new world order have not yet been able to entirely erode the republican form of government that our Founding Fathers established and that has been passed on to us through the sacrifices of so many dedicated Americans who have gone before us. Concerned Americans just need to inform themselves and use the rights, freedoms, and blessings we enjoy in order to reverse our course.

Most Americans are not aware of what already has been accomplished in this struggle.

In 1997, 54 representatives voted for the first measure ever to come before the full House calling for the termination of our membership in the United Nations.32 Two years later, 74 representatives voted to kill all funding for the UN, which, if successful (218, a majority, would be required), would effectively stop our participation in this traitorous sham.33 And blocking all funding is an easier legislative step than outright withdrawal, for the House alone can refuse to fund UN operations (whereas withdrawal would require Senate action, and the president would likely claim the constitutional power to veto such action).

Even though there is growing legislative support for withdrawal from the UN, at the moment there is not nearly enough support to accomplish the task. The involvement of concerned citizens who inform themselves and then inform others is the only route to generating sufficient political pressure that will force Congress to vote to terminate U.S. support for the UN.

This informed pressure will be required to offset the enormous Establishment pressure that would be brought to bear to prevent Congress from taking such a step. Unfortunately, with so much at stake, it is not sufficient to sell politicians on the merits of our case. Instead, success will take clout. Realistically, most representatives will bow to pro-UN pressure until there is sufficient well-informed outrage to force them to quit making excuses and act! The vast majority will not budge until they see that they must if they want to remain in office.

What we are talking about is a plan to rebuild a higher standard in Congress. The defense of freedom requires that principle must govern our affairs, else pragmatism, dictated by the Conspiracy for a global collectivist order, will destroy us.

While we would like to see more statesmen gain office, this is only a small part of the solution. In today's climate even statesmen, who act on principle rather than political pragmatism, will require the support of an informed electorate if they hope to remain in office. And that same informed electorate is also the key to holding all politicians accountable for actions in defense of freedom.

So the real challenge is building and leading that informed electorate.

Sound Organization Required
Building sufficient understanding in time will require organization under extremely tough, responsible, and knowledgeable leadership.

Taking on the UN means taking on the power and influence of the Establishment, and in particular the Council on Foreign Relations (the UN's creator and sponsor) as well as all of the politicians and media moguls the CFR has in its pocket. This battle can't be carried through to success without leadership that understands the wiles of politicians and the pressures that the CFR can bring to bear.

For example, as public understanding grows that the UN is not our friend, inevitably new proposals to "reform" the UN will be offered — which politicians will be tempted to support. This is not only a bad idea, but also a dangerous trap.

No reforms will change the nature of the beast. The UN was designed from the beginning to promote global tyranny. But politicians love to champion "compromise" because they see a chance to pacify uninformed constituents while not risking the wrath of the globalists. Which also means that freedom loses. These politicians love to posture with calls for "reform" in order to deflect mounting pressure that would force them to take real action with real political consequences. Unfortunately, many conservative groups that oppose most of the UN's agenda have already been co-opted to adopt the "reform the UN" agenda. That is a prescription for defeat.

To force serious political action (and keep politicians from wiggling, stalling, and doing nothing in the face of enormous pressure and deception from the Establishment) requires a well-informed, well-organized action group under sound leadership. And that's why we recommend The John Birch Society (JBS) as uniquely qualified to serve that role.

The JBS has a track record of over four decades of principled leadership, of taking tough stands including working to expose the influence of the Conspiracy we have been discussing in this book. For more than 40 years, it has been courageously fighting the good fight, blocking or slowing down many dangerous programs of that Conspiracy, and, most importantly, surviving the heat directed at anyone who takes the point in this fight.

And the Society has the plan and organization to get the job done. In countless battles great and small, in cities and rural areas, the challenge comes down to reaching enough Americans with the problem and a workable solution in time. This book is part of that plan. But success requires the wise and committed help of many more like yourself.

We encourage readers to contact the Society for more information or the individual from whom the reader got this book. *

* The John Birch Society, P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54912. Phone: (800) JBS-USA1 [ (800) 527-8721 ]. Or contact us through our website: www.jbs.org.

We also urge readers to get informed and to contact their congressman insisting that he support measures to Get US out!

The name of the game is to be effective. Be firm, but don't insult or be strident. And most importantly, gain muscle by getting others to help. Membership in the Society helps enormously with that challenge.

The variety and extent of UN agencies and programs can be bewildering. When one first comes to understand the incredible organization the enemy has built to confuse, confound, and deceive Americans into giving up their inheritance of freedom, it is easy to become discouraged. But that reaction, if allowed to stand, only serves the enemy. One of the key strategies of this cabal is to create the "illusion" of overwhelming support — so that Americans see no leadership for sanity.

The Establishment one-worlders want to demoralize good Americans so that they give up any idea of resistance. And so these conspirators fear — and try to capture, corrupt, discredit, or isolate — any leaders who would give Americans hope that there is resistance, that there is sound leadership to follow.

For more than four decades, members of The John Birch Society have been educating their fellow citizens concerning the dangers of the United Nations. Their work has been largely responsible for the disfavor that befell the UN for many years. It took major deception and planning by the new world order advocates, including new "threats" and the "collapse" of Communism, to dust off the UN and put their plans on a fast track. We now face the looming threat of world tyranny — a danger greater than our nation has faced at any previous time in its history.

The danger is great because it is neither seen nor understood by most of our citizens. And so The John Birch Society has created a new drive to meet this challenge. We are all fueled by the urgency to capture the attention of our fellow citizens and finally put an end to the creature on the East River. We respectfully ask for your help.34

We are asking for your help in an epic educational battle. Thankfully, the primary challenge is not a military one. In fact, for today's problems a call to arms would only serve the cause of our enemy most powerfully and help him consolidate and acquire the unrestrained power he seeks.

Our enemy's success all stems from the ignorance, delusion, and lack of understanding of the American people. If good Americans gain a proper understanding of what is happening, our problems can be resolved within the institutions that George Washington and others fought to give us.

If the people don't gain the understanding to choose better leaders and hold their politicians accountable to the Constitution, they cannot expect to improve their government through revolution. In fact, just the opposite would happen. What is needed instead is to use the resources and the freedoms we have to inform our fellow citizens and put the government our Founding Fathers gave us back on track.

But for success in the educational battle ahead, we do need to find the same spirit of patriotism and determination that Patrick Henry captured so well in his previously mentioned "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" oration:
If we wish to be free — if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending — if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained — we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight!! An appeal to arms and to the God of Hosts is all that is left us!

...Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! 35





Alfred Lord Tennyson, "Locksley Hall," Poems (Boston: W.D. Ticknor, 1842).
Thomas Molnar, Utopia: The Perennial Heresy (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1967), p. 215.
3. Attributed to George Washington by G. Edward Griffin, The Fearful Master (Appleton, Wis.: Western Islands, 1964), p. 196.
Robert Muller, New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1984), pp. 27-28.
Ibid., pp. 28-29.
Ibid., pp. 29-30.
Ibid., p. 30.
Daniel Sitarz (ed.), Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet (Boulder, Colo.: EarthPress, 1993), p. 6.
Robert Muller, My Testament to the UN (World Happiness and Cooperation, U.S.A., 1994), p. 172.
Muller, New Genesis, p. 30.
Molnar, p. 227.
Muller, New Genesis, p. 35.
Nesta H. Webster, The French Revolution: A Study in Democracy, Second Edition (Hawthorne, Calif.: Christian Book Club of America, 1969), p. 427. Note: Author used different translation for text.
R.J. Rummel, Death by Government, (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1994), p. 5.
John Barron and Anthony Paul, Murder of a Gentle Land, (New York: Reader's Digest Press, Thomas Y Crowell Co., 1977), p. 209.
Rummel, Death by Government, p. 3.
Ibid., p. 25.
Ibid., p. 27.
John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton (Lord Acton) (1834-1902), quoted in John Bartlett, Familiar Quotations 16th ed. (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1992), p. 521.

Chapter 1 • The Threat
The New Republic, January 17, 2000.
Walter Cronkite's remarks in accepting the Norman Cousins Global Governance Award, October 19, 1999, as cited by John B. Anderson, "In Response to Senator Helms: Cronkite and Clinton make a (strong case for recasting the United Nations as a world federation," The World Federalist Association advertisement in the New York Times, February 18, 2000. [Note: Source of quote in ad is ambiguous: Mr. Cronkite's acceptance remarks in 1999 or his 1996 autobiography, A Reporter's Life. We verified the former from a video of his remarks in 1999.]
Cleveland Plain Dealer, October 29, 1945, quoted in Frank Hughes, Prejudice and the Press (New York: Devin-Adair, 1950), p. 577.
Roy P. Basler (ed.), "Address Before Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois, January 27, 1838," The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, Volume I, p. 109, per http://home. att.net/~rjnorton/Lincoln78.html on 3/29/01.
Kofi Annan, We the Peoples: The Role of the United Nations in the 21st Century (report from the September 2000 UN Millennium Summit).
World Federalist Association ad, New York Times, February 18, 2000.
Same as 2 above.
Bill Clinton, letter to World Federalist Association, June 22, 1993.
Strobe Talbott, "The Birth of the Global Nation," Time, July 20, 1992, p. 70.
Richard Falk and Andrew Strauss, "On the Creation of a Global Peoples Assembly," Stanford Journal of 299
International Law, Summer 2000, pp. 36:1, 36:3.
Richard Falk and Andrew Strauss, "Toward Global Parliament," Foreign Affairs, January/February 2001, pp. 212-220.
Robert Wright, "Continental Drift," The New Republic, January 17, 2000, p. 18.
Jim Leach, "A Republican Looks at Foreign Policy," Foreign Affairs, Summer 1992, pp. 11-31.
Henry Grunwald, "A World Without a Country?" Wall Street Journal, January 1, 1999, p. R44.
Lead editorial, "A Supply-Side Nobel," Wall Street Journal, October 14, 1999, p.A26.
Robert A. Mundell, "Mundell on Supply-Side Economics," Wall Street Journal, October 14, 1999, p. A26.
Rashmi Mayur, "World Government," The War & Peace Digest, March/April 2000, p. 1.
Sean Scully, "Armed Troops Sought for UN," Washington Times, June 1, 2000, as posted on Global Policy Forum -UN Security Council webpage: www.globalpolicy.org/security/peacekpg/reform/ mcgovern.htm on 03/13/01.
Elizabeth Greathouse, "Justices See Joint Issues With the EU," Washington Post, July 9, 1998, p. A24.
Quoted by Paul Kurtz (International Academy of Humanism, USA) in "Humanist Manifesto 2000," The War and Peace Digest, March/April 2000, p. 4.

Chapter 2 * Disarmament and Submission
Lincoln P. Bloomfield, A World Effectively Controlled By the United Nations (Washington, D.C.: Institute for Defense Analyses, 1962), p. iv.
Ibid., pp. 23, 25.
Freedom From War: The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World, (Washington, D.C.: Department of State Publication 7277, 1961), pp. 18-19.
Paul H. Nitze, op-ed: "A Threat Mostly to Ourselves," New York Times October 28, 1999.
Charles P. Howland, Survey of American Foreign Relations 1928 (New Haven: For Council on Foreign Relations by Yale University Press 1928), p. 237.
Bloomfield, p. iv.
Ibid., p. 1.
Ibid., p. 3.
Ibid., p. 23.
Ibid., p. 22.
Freedom From War, p. 18.
Ibid., pp. 18-19.
Lewis C. Henry (ed.), Best Quotations for All Occasions (Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett Publications, 1964), p. 45.
U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 3.
Blueprint for the Peace Race: Outline of Basic Provisions of a Treaty on General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World, (United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Publication 4, General Series 3, Released May 1962), p. 33.
"Remarks by Mikhail Gorbachev on the Release of the Global Security Programme Findings on October 19, 1994 at the New York Council on Foreign Relations," Global Security Programme: Final Report of the Global Security Project (The Gorbachev Foundation/Moscow; The Gorbachev Foundation/USA; Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, October 1994), p. 3.
"Investigation of Un-American Activities in the United States, ("Hearings before a Special Committee on UN-American Activities, House of Representatives, Seventy-eighth Congress, First Session, on
H. Res. 282") (Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1943), p. 3386; Frank A. Capell, "Alan M. Cranston," The Review Of The News, February 17, 1971; Gary Allen, "Alan Cranston: The Shadow In The Senate," American Opinion, June 1974, pp. 1-17.
Global Security Programme, p. 3.
Ibid., pp. 3, 15.
Ibid., pp. 17-20.
George Cothran, "One World, Under Gorby," SF Weekly, Vol. 14, No. 16, May 31-June 6, 1995, pp. 11-12.
Our Global Neighborhood: The Report of the Commission on Global Governance (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995).
Ibid., pp. 372, 374.
Frank L. Kluckhohn, Lyndon's Legacy: A Candid Look at the President's Policymakers (New York: Devin-Adair, 1964), pp. 194
195. See also: William J. Gill, The Ordeal of Otto Otepka (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1969), especially Chapter XIV "Cleveland."
27. Francis X. Gannon, Biographical Dictionary Of The Left, Consolidated Volume I (Belmont, Mass.: Western Islands, 1969), p. 281.
28. "Institute of Pacific Relations," Report of the (Senate) Committee on the Judiciary, Eighty-Second Congress, Second Session, July 2 (legislative day June 27), 1952, p. 223.
29. Kluckhohn, pp. 197, 200-201; Gannon, p. 281. Regarding the "Operation Keelhaul" betrayal itself, see: Julius Epstein, Operation Keelhaul: The Story of Forced Repatriation from 1944 to the Present (Old Greenwich, Conn.: Devin-Adair, 1973); and Robert Welch, The Politician (Belmont, Mass.: Belmont Publishing Co., 1964).
Harlan Cleveland, The Third Try at World Order: U.S. Policy for an Interdependent World (New York: Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, 1976), p. 2.
Ibid., Chapter 2: "Nobody in Charge," pp. 59.
32. Harlan Cleveland, "The United Nations: Its Future is its Funding," Futures, March 1995, p. 109.
Ibid., p. 110.
Ibid., p. 111.
George H. W Bush, "Presidential
Address: Bush Announces War on Iraq, Assures 'We Will Not Fail,' " reported in Congressional Quarterly, January 19, 1991, p. 197.
"U.S. Participation in Military Operations, 1990-Present," a May 2000 report prepared for the Joint Chiefs of Staff by the General Accounting Office, quoted in William F. Jasper, "New World Army," The New American, July 3, 2000, p. 10.
Floyd Spence, "Chairman's Views...," Military Readiness Review, July 1999, p. 1.
Ibid., "The U.S. Air Force and Kosovo."
Sean Scully, "Armed Troops Sought for UN," Washington Times, June 1, 2000, as posted on Global Policy Forum -UN Security Council webpage: www.globalpolicy.org/security/peacekpg/reform/ mcgovern.htm on 03/13/01.

Chapter 3 • The Secret Network of Power
Professor Arnold Toynbee in a June 1931 speech before the Institute for the Study of International Affairs in Copenhagen, quoted in Tony Pearce, "Is there really a New World Order?" posted on www.saltshakers.com/mid-night/nwo.html.
"Revision of the United Nations Charter: Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, Eighty-First Congress, Second Session, on Resolutions relative to revision of the United Nations Charter, Atlantic Union, World Federation, etc.," February 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 13, 15, 17, and 20,1950, p. 494.
Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time (New York: Macmillan, 1966), p. 950.
George Cothran, "One World, Under Gorby," SF Weekly, Vol. 14, No. 16, May 31-June 6, 1995, pp. 11-12.
Lawrence Shoup and William Mintner, Shaping a New World Order: The Council on Foreign Relations' Blueprint for World Hegemony, excerpted from Holly Sklar (ed.), Trilateralism (South End Press, 1980), posted on www.thirdworldtraveler.com.
Robert W. Lee, The. United Nations Conspiracy (Appleton, Wis.: Western Islands, 1981), p. 243.
William F. Jasper, Global Tyranny ... Step By Step (Appleton, Wis.: Western Islands, 1992), p. 68. (Reference: Time magazine, April 16, 1945).
Richard Rovere, "The American Establishment," Esquire, May 1962, p. 107.
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., A Thousand Days (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1965), p. 128.
Newsweek, September 6, 1971, p. 74.
Lawrence Shoup and William Mintner, Imperial Brain Trust: The Council on Foreign Relations and U.S. Foreign Policy (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1977), p. 16.
Richard J. Barnet, Roots of War (New York: Atheneum, 1972), p. 46.
Barry M. Goldwater, With No Apologies (New York: William Morrow and Co., Inc., 1979), p. 279.
Richard Harwood, "Ruling Class Journalists," Washington Post, October 30, 1993, p. A21.
Minute, June 19, 1991 and Lectures Francoises, July/August 1991, quoted in HduB Reports, September 1991, p. 2.
Hilaire du Berrier, HduB Reports, September 1991, p. 2.
William F. Jasper, "Europe: Meeting Ground of East and West," The New American, February 24, 1992, pp. 19-25.
du Berrier, pp. 1-2.
Harwood, op. cit.
Quigley, p. 950.
Ibid., p. 324.
George J. A. O'Toole, Honorable Treachery, A History of U.S. Intel
ligence, Espionage, and Covert Action from the American Revolution to the CIA (New York: The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1991), p. 303.
Peter Grose, Continuing the Inquiry: The Council on Foreign Relations from 1921 to 1996 (New York: Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1996), Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, pp. 950-952.
Quigley, p. 131.
Ibid., p. 324.
Ibid., p. 325.
Ibid., p. 326-27.
Sarah Gertrude Millin, Cecil Rhodes (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1933), p. 8.
Herbert Baker and W T. Stead, Cecil Rhodes: The Man and His Dream, (Bulawayo, Rhodesia: Books of Rhodesia, 1977. Includes: W T. Stead (ed.), The Last Will and Testament of Cecil John Rhodes (London: "Review of Reviews" Office, 1902)), pp. 39-40, 44, 52.
Ibid., pp. 39-40, 44.
William F. Jasper, "A 'Rhodie' In the White House," The New American, January 25, 1993, pp. 37-39.
Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment: From Rhodes to Cliveden (New York: Books in Focus, 1981), p. 197.
Chester Ward, Kissinger on the Couch, (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House Publishers, 1975), p. 150.
Ibid, p. 146.

Chapter 4 • "Capitalists" and the Communist Dimension
Earl Browder, Victory and After (New York: International Publishers, 1942), p. 110.
V.I. Lenin, quoted in "Target: World Government," The New American, September 16, 1996, p. 23.
Program of the Communist International (New York: Workers Library Publishers, 1936), p. 36.
Socialist International 1962 Conference, Oslo, Norway, quoted in Rose L. Martin, The Selling of America (Santa Monica, Calif.: Fidelis Publishers Inc., 1973), p. 17.
Mortimer J. Adler, Haves Without Have-Nots (New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1991), p. 251.
Browder, p. 110.
See Global Tyranny ... Step By Step, chapters 3 and 5 (Appleton, Wis.: Western Islands, 1992); Shadows of Power (Appleton, Wis.: Western Islands, 1992); The Insiders, 4th edition (Appleton, Wis.: The John Birch Society, 1996); Financial Terrorism, (Appleton, Wis.: The John Birch Society, 1993).
Robert W Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy (Appleton, Wis.: Western Islands, 1981), p. 11.
Gary Allen with Larry Abraham, None Dare Call It Conspiracy (Rossmoor, Calif.: Concord Press, 1971), p. 138.
Soviet World Outlook: A Handbook of Communist Statements, U.S. Department of State Publication 6836 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1959), p. 171.
Browder, p. 110.
Ibid., pp. 160, 169.
William Z. Foster, Toward Soviet America (Balboa Island, Calif: Elgin Publications, 1961), pp. 272, 326.
Official 1936 program of the Communist International, recorded in hearings before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, July 11, 1956, p. 196, quoted in G. Edward Griffin, The Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United Nations (Appleton, Wis.: Western Islands, 1964), pp. 69-70.
Bella V. Dodd, School of Darkness (New York: Devin-Adair, 1963), p. 179.
Pravda, March 23, 1946, quoted in Robert W Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy (Appleton, Wis.: Western Islands, 1981), p 73.
17. "Organized Communism in the United States," U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Un-American Activities, May 1958, p. 130.
Griffin, p. 88.
Regarding White's leadership role at the Bretton Woods Conference, see, for example: The American Banker, April 20, 1971, as cited in Gary Allen, Say "No!" to the New World Order (Seal Beach, Calif.: Concord Press, 1987), p. 241. Regarding White's efforts as a Soviet agent of influence, see: David Rees, Harry Dexter White: A Study in Paradox (New York: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1973); Whittaker Chambers, Witness (New York: Random House, 1952); Allen Weinstein, Perjury: The Hiss-Chambers Case (New York: Vintage Books, 1978); James Burnham, The Web of Subversion: Underground Networks in the U.S. Government (New York: The John Day Co., 1954); Elizabeth Bentley, Out of Bondage (New York: Devin-Adair, 1951); and Christopher Andrew and Oleg Gordievsky, KGB: The Inside Story Of Its Foreign Operations from Lenin to Gorbachev (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1991). For more recent revelations, see also: Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev, The Haunted Wood: Soviet Espionage in America — The Stalin Era (New York: Random House, 1998); Herbert Romerstein and Eric Breindel, The Venona Secrets: Exposing Soviet Espionage and America's Traitors (Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 2000).
Griffin, p. 87.
Ibid., p. 120.
"Lenin Aims Like U.N.'s, Thant Says," Los Angeles Times, April 7, 1970.
This Kremlin influence at the United Nations extended even to American nationals employed by the UN, according to the United States Senate Judiciary Committee's 1953 report, "Activities of United States Citizens Employed by the United Nations." That report concluded American nationals employed by the UN as well as other "UN officials were involved in the Communist conspiracy."
For a more detailed background on the United Nations' support of communism abroad from the 1940s through the 1980s, see: The Fearful Master by G. Edward Griffin, The United Nations Conspiracy by Robert W. Lee, or the author's Global Tyranny... Step by Step.
Arthur Bliss Lane, I Saw Poland Betrayed (New York: Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1948), pp. 143, 214.
"Soviet Schedule for War: 1955," Executive Hearings Before the Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, May 13 and 14, 1953 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1953), p. 1727.
Eugene W Castle, Billions, Blunders, and Baloney (New York: Devin-Adair, 1955), p. 47.
Robert Welch, May God Forgive Us (Chicago, 111.: Henry Regnery Company, 1952), p. 87.
Activities of United States Citizens Employed by the United Nations, Hearings before the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary (1952), pp. 181-182.
Amity Shlaes, "Communism Becomes Cronyism at the U.N.," Wall Street Journal, October 24, 1991, p. 35A
Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time (New York: Macmillan, 1966), p. 950.
Ibid., p. 954.
Ibid., p. 956.
Ibid., pp. 954-955.
Ibid., p. 955
Rene A. Wormser, Foundations: Their Power and Influence (New York: Devin-Adair, 1958), p. 304.
Ibid., pp. 304-305.
Ibid., p. 305.
Tax-Exempt Foundations, Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations," U.S. House of Representatives, Eighty-Third Congress, Second Session on H. Res. 217 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1954), pp. 176-77.
William H. Mcllhany II, The Tax-Exempt Foundations (Westport, Conn.: Arlington House, 1980), p. 63. As recorded in note number 30 (p. 235) to Chapter 3, Mcllhany interviewed Norman Dodd in 1976 and recorded that conversation as the "Dodd Interview Transcript." Mcllhany also compared Mr. Dodd's memory of the conversation in 1976 "with his description of it years earlier in a letter he wrote to Howard E. Kershner on December 29, 1962." "Where there are any slight discrepancies between the two accounts [Mr. McIlhany] used the 1962 version." In later years, Mr. Dodd gave similar statements in other interviews.
See: Antony Sutton, National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union (New Rochelle, N.Y: Arlington House, 1975); The Best Enemy Money Can Buy (Billings, Mont.: Liberty House Press, 1986); and Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1917-1930 (Stanford, Calif., Stanford University: Hoover Institution, 1968); James Perloff, Shadows of Power (Appleton, Wis.: Western Islands, 1988); Joseph Finder, Red Carpet (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1983); Charles Levinson Vodka Cola (London: Gordon & Cremonesi, 1978); Gary Allen with Larry Abraham, None Dare Call It Conspiracy (Rossmoor, Calif.: Concord Press, 1971); John F McManus, The Insiders (Appleton, Wis.: The John Birch Society, 1996); William F. Jasper, Global Tyranny (Appleton, Wis.: Western Islands, 1992).
Bloomfield, A World Effectively Controlled by the United Nations, February 24, 1961.)
Ibid., p. 12.
Ibid., p. 22.

Chapter 5 • Orchestrating the Globalist Concert
1. Our Global Neighborhood: The Report of the Commission on Global Governance (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995), pp. 254, 255, 257.
Jessica T. Mathews, "Power Shift," Foreign Affairs, January-February 1997, pp. 50, 53.
Robert Hormats, "Non-Governmental Organizations at the Table," a presentation of Edelman Public Relations Worldwide at Atlanta, Singapore, and Sydney, October 2000, www.edelman. com/ceo_corner/ngo/NGO_files/slide00 01.htm on 3/10/01.
Kofi Annan, address to the (NGO) Millennium Forum, New York, May 22, 2000. (See: www.millenniumforum.org/html/docs/Speech_UNSG_openingplenary.htm)
Steven C. Rockefeller address, UN Millennium Forum, May 2000, as videotaped by The John Birch Society.
Sun Tzu, The Art of War (Ware, Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions, Ltd, Cumberland House, 1995), pp. 132-133.
Ibid., p. 133.
E. H. Cookridge, The Net That Covers the World (New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1955), pp. 15,16.
Ibid., p. 16.
Martin Malia, foreword to Stephane Courtois et al., The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1999), pp. xi, xvi.
"Interlocking Subversion in Government Departments," Senate Internal Security Subcommittee report (Washington, D.C.:
U.S. Government Printing Office), July 30, 1953, p. 49.
12. J. Edgar Hoover, The Elks Magazine, August 1956, quoted by Jerreld L. Newquist in Prophets Principles and National Survival (Salt Lake City: Publishers Press, 1964), p. 273.
Interview with author.
Dennis L. Bark and Owen Harries (ed.), The Red Orchestra, Volume 3: The Case of the Southwest Pacific (Stanford University, Stanford, Calif., Hoover Institution Press, 1989), pp. xix, xx.
Anatoliy Golitsyn, New Lies for Old (New York: Dodd, Mead, and Company, 1984.)
Anatoliy Golitsyn, The Perestroika Deception: Memoranda to the Central Intelligence Agency (London & New York: Edward Harle, 1995).
Jan Kozak, And Not A Shot Is Fired (Appleton, Wis.: Robert Welch University Press, 1999).
Kofi Annan, address to the World Civil Society Conference, Montreal, December 8, 1999, www.un.org/MoreInfo/ ngolink/sgmontre.htm on March 29, 2001.
Freedom From War: The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World (Washington, D.C.: Department of State Publication 7277, 1961); Lincoln P. Bloomfield, A World Effectively Controlled By the United Nations (Washington, D.C.: Institute for Defense Analyses, 1962).
Kofi Annan, address to the Millennium Forum.
"The Hague Agenda for Peace and Justice for the 21st Century," UN Ref A/54/98 (Hague Appeal for Peace).
Cora Weiss remarks at Forum videotaped by JBS staff.
William Norman Grigg, "Building World Order," The New American, July 3, 2000, p. 6.
S. Steven Powell, Covert Cadre: Inside the Institute for Policy Studies (Ottawa, 111.: Green Hill Publishers, 1987), pp. 38-39.
Grigg, pp. 6-7.
UN Charter, Chapter VII, Article 42.
"The Hague Agenda," p. 4.
Ibid., pp. 34, 44.
Ibid., p. 44.
Peace Matters, Newsletter of the Hague Appeal for Peace, May 2000.
James Kunen, The Strawberry Statement: Notes of a College Revolutionary (New York: Avon, 1969), pp. 130-131.
Gary Allen, "Who is Paying: For the Student Revolutionary Movement," American
Opinion magazine, November 1970, p. 4. (Note: Kirk was also interviewed by House and Senate investigative committees. See: "Investigations of Students for a Democratic Society, Part 5," Hearings Before the Committee on Internal Security, House of Representatives, August 6 and 7, 1969 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1969); "Testimony of Gerald Wayne Kirk, Part 1," Hearings before Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, March 9, 1970 (U.S. Government Printing Office, 1970); and "Testimony of Gerald Wayne Kirk, Part 2," Senate Internal Security Subcommittee Hearings on March 11, 1970 (U.S. Government Printing Office, 1970).
William Shawcross, Deliver Us from Evil: Peacekeepers, Warlords, and a World of Endless Conflict (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2000).
Jonathan Schell, "The Folly of Arms Control," Foreign Affairs, September/October 2000.
Ibid., p. 25.
Igor Ivanov, "The Missile-Defense Mistake," Foreign Affairs, September/October 2000, pp. 15-20.
Andrew J. Goodpaster, "Advice for the Next President," Foreign Affairs, September/October 2000, p. 159.
Chester Ward, Kissinger on the Couch, (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House Publishers, 1975), p. 151.
UN 2000: The United Nations Millennium Summit, New York, 6-9 September 2000 (London: Agenda Publishing, 2000).
Robert D. Green, Fast Track to Zero Nuclear Weapons: The Middle Powers Initiative, Revised Edition (Cambridge, Mass.: Middle Powers Initiative, 1999), p. 6.
Ibid., pp. 37, 38.
Ibid., p. 37.

Chapter 6 • Enviromania
World Association of World Federalists, The Humanist, January-February 1972, quoted in Global Tyranny ... Step By Step (Appleton, Wis.: Western Islands, 1992), p. 123.
George F. Kennan, "The Wall Falls:
This is No Time for Talk of German Reunification," Washington Post, November 12, 1989.
Michael Oppenheimer, "From Red Menace to Green Threat," New York Times, March 27, 1990, p. 19B.
Quoted in Robert James Bidinotto "What is the Truth about Global Warming?," Reader's Digest, February 1990, page 97.
Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider, The First Global Revolution, A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome (New York: Pantheon Books, 1991), p. 115.
"The New World Army," New York Times, March 6, 1992, p. A14.
William Norman Grigg, "Insider Report," The New American, October 4, 1993, p. 12.
Dixy Lee Ray, Environmental Overkill (Washington, D.C.: Regnery Gateway, 1993), p. 205.
Heidelberg Appeal to Heads of States and Governments, publicly released at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. See: www.ceednet.org/issues/ globalclimate/heidelberg_appeal.htm.
The UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) approved the IPCC WG III Third Assessment Report at the 6th session of WG III, held at Accra, Ghana, from February 28th through March 3rd, 2000.
1991 Gallup Poll cited in Kelly Stewart, "Global Warming and the Kyoto Protocol," April 24, 1998, www.publicsectorconsultants.com/PSR /Periscop/1998/0402498.cfm on 3/19/01. Same poll also cited in "Myths of Global Warming Cited as Kyoto Approaches," Environment News, August 1997, www.heartland.org/environment/aug97/myths.htm on 3/19/01.
See the author's interview with Dr. Miranda, "The Amazing Amazon," in The New American, August 10, 1992, pp. 16-17.
William F. Jasper, "Earth Summit
Alternatives," The New American, July 27, 1992, p. 16.
Lincoln P. Bloomfield, A World Effectively Controlled by the United Nations, Institute for Defense Analyses, March 10, 1962, p.
12. Prepared for IDA in support of a study submitted to the Department of State under contract No. SCC 28270, February 24, 1961.
Ibid., p. 12.
Herman Kahn and Anthony J. Wiener, "World Federal Government," essay in Uniting the Peoples and Nations: Readings in World Federalism, compiled by Barbara Walker (Washington, D.C.: World Federalist Association, 1993), p. 306.
Benjamin B. Ferencz and Ken Keyes, Jr., Planethood: The Key to Your Future (Coos Bay, Ore.: Love Line Books, 1991), pp. 90 91.
Report From Iron Mountain on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace, (New York: The Dial Press, 1967).
Ibid., p. 66.
Ibid., p. 71.
Ibid., p. 66.
Ibid., p. 70.
Bloomfield, p. 22.
Iron Mountain, p. 71.
Mikhail Gorbachev speech, "The River of Time and the Necessity of Action," delivered at Fulton, Missouri, May 6, 1992.
Jeremy Rifkin, Entropy: Into the Greenhouse World (New York: Bantam Books, 1989), p. 245.
Benjamin Ferencz, quoted by the author in "Courting Global Tyranny," The New American, August 31, 1998, p. 8.
Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson, Spiritual Politics: Changing the World From the Inside Out (New York: Ballantine Books, 1994).
Alvin Toffler, The Third Wave (New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1980), p. 342.
Jessica Lipnack and Jeffrey Stamps, Networking: The First Report and Directory (New York: Doubleday, 1982), quoted in Kirk Kidwell, "Network Difficulty," The New American, October 12, 1987, p. 6.
"Foundations Pay the Way," The New American special report: "Conspiracy for Global Control," 1997 expanded edition, pp. 56, 57.
Alvin and Heidi Toffler, Foreword by Newt Gingrich, Creating a New Civilization: The Politics of the Third Wave (Atlanta: Turner Publishing, 1995).
McLaughlin and Davidson, p. 29.
Donnela H. and Dennis L. Meadows, et al., The Limits to Growth: A Report for the Club of Rome's Project on the Predicament of Mankind (New York: Universe Books, 1972), p. 196.
Ibid., p. 197.
Gus Hall, Ecology, quoted in Holly Swanson, Set Up & Sold Out: Find Out What Green Really Means (White City, Ore.: CIN, 1995), p. 30.
Ibid., p. 272.
See the author's report: "Socializing at Rio," The New American, August 10, 1992, p. 18.
Rene Dubos and Barbara Ward (Lady Jackson), Only One Earth: The Care and Maintenance of a Small Planet (New York: WW Norton, 1972).
Richard A. Falk, "Toward a New World Order: Modest Methods and Drastic Visions," in Saul H. Mendlovitz (ed.), On the Creation of a Just World Order: Preferred Worlds for the 1990's (New York: The Free Press, 1975).
Jeremy Rifkin, Voting Green, quoted in Swanson, op. cit., p. 40.
The State of the World, annual WorldWatch Institute report. See the Worldwatch Institute website (3/14/01): www.worldwatch.org.
Ibid., see: www.worldwatch.org/bios/ brown.html.
From "Acknowledgements," State of the World 1995 (the "flagship publication of the Worldwatch Institute").
Stephen Schmidheiny and the Business Council for Sustainable Development, Changing Course (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press Books, 1992).
Al Gore, Earth In The Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit (New York: Plume, 1993), p. 269.
William Norman Grigg, "Al Gore's Red Connections," The New American, March 31, 1997, pp. 15-17.
Jim MacNeill, Pieter Winsemius, Taizo Yakushiji, Beyond Interdependence: The Meshing of the World's Economy and the Earth's Ecology (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991).
Maurice Strong in ibid., p. ix.
MacNeill, Winsemius, and Yakushiji, p. 128.
Ronald I. Spiers, "Keep the U.N. on a Roll," New York Times, March 13, 1992, p.A31.
George F. Kennan, "The Wall Falls: This is No Time for Talk of German Reunification," Washington Post, November 12, 1989.
Jessica Tuchman Mathews, "Two Views," EPA Journal, July/August 1990, p. 27.
"Global Commentary" "We must 'ecolo-gize' our society before it's too late," Birmingham (Ala.) News, April 22, 1990.
"From Red to Green," Audubon, November-December 1994, quoted in Swanson, p. 272.
Grassroots, quoted in Swanson, p. 277.
"Man of the Decade: Mikhail Gorbachev" and "The Unlikely Patron of Change," Time, January 1, 1990, cover and pp. 42-72.
Mikhail S. Gorbachev, speech delivered November 2, 1987 at the Kremlin
Palace of Congresses in Moscow before a gathering of party officials and foreign visitors. Translated into English by Tass, as reported by Facts on File November 6, 1987, p. 820.
Mikhail Gorbachev, Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the World, Hungarian edition (1st para.), quoted in The New Republic, December 21, 1987, p. 9.
Francis X. Clines, "Gorbachev: 'Enough' for Glasnost?" New York Times International, December 26, 1989, p. 11.
"Gorbachev Interview," Time, June 4, 1990, p. 31.
Mikhail Gorbachev, Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the World (New York: Harper & Row, 1987), p. 51.
Ibid., pp. 32, 35.
Daniel Sitarz (ed.), Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save the Planet (Boulder, Colo.: EarthPress, 1993), pp. 69 70.
Ibid., p. 70.
Gail Sheehy, The Man Who Changed the World: The Lives of Mikhail S. Gorbachev (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1990), second page of section: "Quick Turn Artist."
See the following articles from The New American: John F McManus, "A CFR Visit to Moscow," March 16, 1987, p. 21; William
F. Jasper, "Global Gorby," October 30, 1995, p. 23. Also, State of the World Forum reports for 1995-2000, Gorbachev Foundation.
88. Richard N. Gardner, "The Hard Road to World Order," Foreign Affairs, April 1974, p. 558.
Ibid., p. 560.
See for example: Leslie H. Gelb, "Carter's Foreign Policies In Liberal Democratic Vein," New York Times, July 7, 1976, pp. 1, 12.

Chapter 7 • The UN's War on Private Property
1. Preamble to "The Vancouver Action Plan: 64 Recommendations for National Action," conference report of "Habitat I," the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, Vancouver, Canada, May 31 to June 11, 1976. For text, see www.undp.org/ un/habitat/back/vp-intr.html.
2. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, The Communist Manifesto, 1848. American Opinion edition with introduction by William P. Fall (Appleton, Wis.: 1974), p. 20.
Pierre Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865) quoted in John Bartlett, Familiar Quotations (15th and 125th anniv. edition) (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1980), p. 527.
Abbe Augustin Barruel, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism (Fraser, Michigan: American Council on Economics and Society, 1995), p. 410. This 1995 single-volume (846 pp.) edition is a reprint of a four-volume English translation published in 1798 by T. Burton, London.
Marx and Engels, p. 19.
Noah Webster, "Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution, 1787," October 10, 1787, p. 48, quoted on the Potomac Institute web site: www.potomacinc.org/2noah-web.html.
Joseph Story, Wilkerson v. Leland, (2 Peters, 657), quoted in Russell, American Legal History, White vs. White, 5 Barbour 474 (NY, 1849) at www.law.du.edu/russell/lh/alh/docs/wh itevwhite.html.
"The Boston Gazette," April 4, 1768, quoted in Verna M. Hall (compiler), The Christian History of the Constitution of the United States of America: Christian Self-Government With Union, American Revolution Bicentennial Edition (San Francisco: Foundation for American Christian Education, 1985), p. 453.
Verna M. Hall (compiler), Christian History of the Constitution of the United States of America (San Francisco: The American Christian Constitution Press, 1960), p. 248A.
Rerum Novarum: On Capital and Labor (May 15, 1891), in The Great Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII (New York: Benziger Brothers, 1903), pp. 237-238.
Friedrich A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969), pp. 103, 104.
Preamble to "The Vancouver Action Plan, op. cit., May 31 to June 11, 1976.
Ibid., "Recommendation D.1 Land resource management."
Daniel Sitarz (ed.), Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet (Boulder, Colo.: EarthPress, 1993), p. 63.
Ibid., p. 65.
Ibid., p. 180.
V. H. Heywood (exec. ed.), Global Biodiversity Assessment, published for the United Nations Environment Programme (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 767.
Ibid., p. 787.
William Norman Grigg, "Sunset on the West?" The New American, February 5, 1996, p. 30.
Sustainable America, A New Consensus, President's Council on Sustainable Development report, 1995, p. 113.
William Reilly, National Parks for a New Generation, (Conservation Foundation, 1985), quoted in "Environmental Activist to Head EPA," Human Events, January 14, 1989, pp. 23-24.
Jeremy Rifkin, Entropy: Into the Greenhouse World, (New York: Bantam Books, 1989) p. 237.
Ibid., p. 245.
Turner Foundation website: www. tumerfoundation.org/turner/sprawl.html on March 15, 2001.
Marx and Engels, p. 19.

Chapter 8 • UN's International Court of Criminals
1. Charles Rice interviewed by William F. Jasper, "Courting Global Tyranny," The New American, August 31, 1998, p. 17.
Robert S. McNamara and Benjamin B. Ferencz, "For Clinton's Last Act" [op ed], New York Times, December 12, 2000, p. A3.
Statement of President Bill Clinton, quoted in "Clinton's Words: The Right Action,'" New York Times, January 1, 2001, p. 6.
Albert Ellery Bergh (ed.), The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 15 (Washington, D.C.: The Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association, 1907), p. 331, quoted in The American Freedom Library (CD-rom) (Western Standard Publishing Co., 1997).
Anne Swardson, "Pinochet Case Tries Spanish Legal Establishment; Pinochet Case Tries Legal System," Washington Post, October 22, 1998, p. A27 f.
"A Litany of the Big Powers' 'Sins,'" Terra Viva, June 17, 1998, p. 4.
Barbara Crossette, "U.N. Monitor to Investigate U.S. Use of Death Penalty," New York Times, September 30, 1997, p. A-8.
Craig Turner, "U.S. death penalty called violation of international law," Arizona Republic, April 4, 1998, p. A16.
"Report of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Mr. Bacre Waly Ndiaye," UN Economic and Social Council, Commission on Human Rights document E/CN.4/1998/68/Add.3, January 22, 1998, paragraphs 145, 156 (a) and (b).
"Report of the Independent Inquiry Into the Actions of the United Nations During the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda," December 15,1999, paragraph 2 under II. Description of Key Events, Arusha Peace Agreement.
William F. Jasper, "Courting Global Tyranny," The New American, August 31, 1998, p. 14.
"Police Brutality Deeply Rooted in US," Terra Viva, July 8, 1998, p. 7.
Shielded From Justice: Police Brutality Report posted at www.org/News/ossg/Rwanda_report.htm on 3/17/01. and Accountability in the United States, (Human Rights Watch, 1998), as referenced in ibid.
The Ford Foundation website (www. fordfound.org/grants) lists grant information in the amount of $7,200,000 for Human Rights Watch for 1999.
Jessica T. Mathews, "Power Shift," Foreign Affairs, January/February 1997, p. 55.
For Emma Bonino (now Member of the European Parliament and Secretary of the Transnational Radical Party): The 'Who's Who' of the Transnational Radical Party," www.radicalparty.org/ member/emm.htm on 3/17/01. For Francesco Rutelli (Mayor of Rome): "The 'Who's Who' of the Transnational Radical Party," www.radicalparty.org/ member/bio_r.htm on 3/17/01.
"Goldstone: US Stance Contradictory," Terra Viva, June 17, 1998, p. 7. Released report: "Making Justice Work."
CFR press release, "Morton Halperin Rejoins Council," January 25, 2001.
Coalition for the ICC web page (www.igc.org/icc/).
George C. Lodge, Managing Globalization in the Age of Interdependence, (San Diego, Calif.: Pfeiffer, 1995).
Thomas R. Dye, Who's Running America? (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1976), pp. 193-94.
Charles Rice interviewed by author, William
F. Jasper, "Courting Global Tyranny," The New American, August 31, 1998, p. 17.
For a more in-depth examination of the serious problems with the definitions of these "core crimes," see the following articles in The New American: "Court of International Criminals," May 30, 1994; "International Injustice," April 13, 1998; "The ICC: Courting Global Tyranny," August 31, 1998; and "International Court of Criminals," July 3, 2000 at www.thenewameri-can.com/focus/ICC/.
S.J. Res. 32 (introduced by Senator Christopher Dodd on January 28, 1993 and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations), Section 1., point (2).
William F. Jasper, "International Injustice," The New American, April 13, 1998, p. 23.
Betsy Pisik, "U.S. seeks changes to accept international criminal court," Washington Times, February 26, 1999, p. A17.
William F. Jasper, "Black-Robed Globalists," The New American, September 28, 1998, p. 23.
Jim Henderson, "Albright joins effort to spare Canadian's life," Houston Chronicle, December 2, 1998, pp. 1A, 16A.
Theodor Meron, "Answering for War Crimes," Foreign Affairs, January/ February 1997, p. 8.
Robert Fox, "Balkans provide new riches for the Mafia," The (London) Daily Telegraph, December 15, 2000, p. 22.
James Blitz, "Mafia-buster charts course 'for UN of the future,'" Financial Times, December 12, 2000.
Mathews, op. cit., p. 58.
Robert Wright, "Pax Kapital," Foreign Policy, Summer 2000, p. 68.
Transcript of the October 12, 2000 CFR-sponsored meeting in New York, "Condoleezza Rice on Governor George W. Bush's Foreign Policy," posted on the CFR website: www.cfr.org/p/pubs/ Rice_10-1200_Transcript.html, page 12 of 17, on 3/22/01.
James Madison, quoted in Charles S. Hyneman and Donald S. Lutz, American Political Writing during the Founding Era: 1760 -1805, Vol I. (Indianapolis: Liberty Press, 1983), p. 633.

Chapter 9 • Civilian Disarmament
Rudyard Kipling, "The Gods of the Copybook Headings," Rudyard Kipling's Verse, Inclusive Ed.: 1885-1932 (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, and Co., Inc., 1934), p. 886.
"Combat Arms Survey," administered to several hundred Marines on May 10, 1994 at the Twentynine Palms, California Marine base. For more information, see note #94, below.
Walter Shapiro, "It's high time to gun down the 2nd Amendment," USA Today, September 17, 1999, p. 14A.
Roger Rosenblatt, "Get Rid of the Damned Things," Time, August 9, 1999, p. 38.
UN Backgrounder: "Millennium Forum Action Plan Adds People's Voice to Summit Debate" (Published by the United Nations Department of Public Information, DPI/2143 —August 2000, www.un.org/millennium/media/action_ plan.htm viewed on 4/01/01.)
"High Noon," Washington Post, August 19, 1965, p. A20.
Jean Latz Griffin and William Recktenwald, "Warning: Health Risk — Guns Under Attack on New Front," Chicago Tribune, October 31, 1993, section "Perspective," p. 1f. See: www.archive.Chicago.tribune.com.
Richard Harris, "A Reporter At Large," The New Yorker, July 26, 1976, pp. 57-58.
Editorial, "America's Gun Epidemic: What is the Best Medicine?," Los Angeles Times, November 8, 1993, p. 6f.
Editorial, "Gun Prohibition, Phase II," Washington Times, December 9, 1993, p.A20.
Rosie O'Donnell, TV show of April 21, 1999, quoted by Greg Pierce, Washington Times, April 26, 1999, section "Nation Inside Politics," p. A7.
Kofi Annan, We the Peoples: The Role of the United Nations in the 21st Century (New York: United Nations Department of Public Information, 2000), p. 52.
Ibid., pp. 52-53.
Ibid., p. 53.
Charles J. Hanley, "World gun control is U.N. body's aim," Washington Times, May 24, 1994, p. A1.
16. From combined dispatches, "U.S. OKS Study of U.N. Gun Control," Washington Times, May 24, 1994, p. Al. 311
17. Phone conversation with author.
18. Freedom From War: The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World (Department of State Publication 7277) (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1961), pp. 18-19.
19. Public Law 87-297 (H.R. 9118), "An Act: to establish a United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency," Title I, Section 3. and 3.a.
20. ACDA "Second Annual Report to Congress: January 1, 1962 -December 31, 1962," U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Publication 14, released February 1963.
21. Kai Bird, The Chairman: John J. McCloy, The Making of the American Establishment (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992), pp. 495-516. Also see: John F. Kennedy, "Address Before the General Assembly of the United Nations," New York City, September 25, 1961. Available at www.cs.umb.edu/ jfkhbrary/j092561. htm, the website of the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library.
22. J. Anthony Lukas, "The Council on Foreign Relations: Is It a Club? Seminar? Presidium? 'Invisible Government'?" New York Times Magazine, November 21, 1971; Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas, The Wise Men (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1986), pp. 19-20, 587-604; and John F. McManus, Changing Commands: The Betrayal of America's Military (Appleton, Wis.: The John Birch Society, 1995), p. 145.
23. Richard Rovere, "The American Establishment," Esquire, May 1962, p. 108.
24. Alan Brinkley, "Minister Without Portfolio," Harper's, February 1983.
25. Ibid.
26. Max Holland,"Citizen McCloy," Wilson Quarterly, Autumn, 1991, p. 37.
27. Bird, The Chairman, p. 505; William F. Jasper, "Gun Grabbers' Global Gestapo," The New American, November 22, 1999, p. 17; and The Arthur H. Dean Papers, Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Cornell University Library. (Library maintains extensive holdings of his records and correspondence regarding his activities as chairman of the U.S. delegation to several international disarmament conferences.)
Albin Krebs, "Arthur H. Dean, Envoy to Korea Talks, Dies at 89," New York Times, December 1, 1987, p. D28.
Joseph Keeley, The China Lobby Man: The Story of Alfred Kohlberg (New Rochelle, New York: Arlington House, 1969), p. 92.
Ibid., pp. 92-93.
"Institute of Pacific Relations," Report of the (Senate) Committee on the Judiciary, Eighty-Second Congress, Second Session, Hearings held July 25, 1951 -June 20, 1952 by the Internal Security Subcommittee (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1952: ordered to be printed: July 2 [legislative day June 27]), p. 223.
Ibid., pp. 223-225.
Isaacson and Thomas, The Wise Men.
Bird, The Chairman, pp. 41-45. Also: "Grenville Clark, Lawyer, 84, Dies," New York Times, January 14, 1967.
World Government Highlights: Facts, Opinions, & Personalities, revised edition (New York: United World Federalists, May 1953), p.8. Also: "Announce Major Editorial Awards: Contest Honors Grenville Clark," The Federalist, vol. 9, no. 5, January 1963 (published by United World Federalists), p. 3.
"Grenville Clark, Lawyer, 84, Dies," New York Times, January 14, 1967. See also: William F. Jasper, "Hardselling the New World Order," The New American, September 7, 1992, p. 19", and: "Promoting World Government," The Herald of Freedom, Zarephath, N.J., Vol. XVIII, No. 13, October 25, 1974, pp. 3-4.
"Correction, Please!" American Opinion magazine, Vol. VI, No. 4, April 1963.
Grenville Clark and Louis B. Sohn, World Peace Through World Law, Second Edition (revised) (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1962).
Ibid., p. xxix.
Ibid., p. 247.
Ibid., pp. 247-248.
Ibid., p. 248.
Ibid., p. 256.
Ibid., p. 225.
Ibid., p. 212
Ibid., p. xxxi.
Ibid., p. 330.
UN "Report of the Group of Governmental Experts on Small Arms," August 19, 1999. Document A/54/258, p. 24, note #5.
Ibid., cover page lists this document as "Item 76(f) of the provisional agenda [A/54/150] General and complete disarmament."
Clark and Sohn, p. xxxv
Our Global Neighborhood: The Report of the Commission on Global Governance (New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.)
Ibid., pp. 16, 131.
Ibid., p. 131.
"Experts on Small Arms," p. 17.
Ibid., pp. 17, 22.
UN Charter, Article 2, Item number 7, (see UN website: www.un.org/about un/charter/).
"Secretary-General Presents His Annual Report to General Assembly," UN Press Release SG/SM/7136 GA/9596, September 20, 1999.
Kofi Annan statement in "Security Council Meets at Ministerial Level to Consider Issue of Small Arms," UN Press Release SC/6732, September 24, 1999.
Kofi Annan, foreword, "Report of the Group of Governmental Experts on Small Arms," document A/54/258, August 19, 1999, p. 2.
Madeleine K Albright, Remarks at UN Security Council Small Arms Ministerial, September 24, 1999, as released by the Office of the Spokesman
U.S. Department of State. See: http://secretary.state.gov/www/ statements/1999/990924a.html.
Amy Otchet, "Small Arms, Many Hands," UNESCO Courier, November 1998. See: www.unesco.org/courier/ 1998_11/uk/ethique/txt1.html.
Kofi Annan, remarks to Security Council meeting, September 24, 1999 in Press Release SG/SM/7145 SC/6733, "Addressing the Security Council, Secretary-General Says International Community Must Reverse Global Proliferation of Small Arms," p. 3.
IANSA website (www.iansa.org/action/ index.html), "IANSA Action Framework."
"Founding Document of IANSA." Section III. Program of Action, items 1,3,4,&5. See: www.iansa.org/mission/ ml/html.
Armed to the Teeth (UN video), (New York: UN Department of Public Information, 2000).
Jay Simkin, Aaron Zelman, and Alan M. Rice, Rwanda's Genocide, 1994, (Milwaukee: Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, 1997), p. 12.
Ibid., p. 10.
Ibid., p. 25.
Lethal Laws: "Gun Control" is the Key to Genocide (Milwaukee: Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, 1994).
The Blue Helmets: A Review of United Nations Peace-keeping (New York: United Nations Department of Public Information, 1990), p. 215.
G. Edward Griffin, The Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United Nations (Appleton, Wis.: Western Islands, 1964), pp. 18-20.
Ibid., p. 20.
The Blue Helmets, p. 248.
Griffin, The Fearful Master, p. 49.
Philippa Schuyler, Who Killed the Congo? (New York: Devin-Adair, 1962).
Smith Hempstone, Rebels, Mercenaries, and Dividends: The Katanga Story (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1962).
84. The 46 Civilian Doctors of Elisa-bethville, 46 Angry Men (Belmont, Mass.: American Opinion, 1962; originally published by Dr. T. Vleurinck, 96 Avenue de Broqueville, Bruxelles 15, 1962).
Congressman Donald L. Jackson (narrator), Katanga: The Untold Story, available on video (VHS, 59 minutes) from American Media, Westlake Village, Calif.
"Visa Procedures of Department of State: The Struelens Case," Report of the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee (Washington, D.C.: U.S Government Printing Office, 1962), p. 28.
Tom Farer, The Report of an Inquiry, Conducted Pursuant to Security Council Resolution 837, Into the 5 June 1993 Attack on UN Forces in Somalia, August 23, 1993.
Ibid., pp. 21-31.
Ibid., pp. 96-98.
William F. Jasper, "Behind Our Defeat in Somalia," The New American, September 5, 1994, p. 4.
Julia Preston, "U.N., U.S. Clash on Disarming Haitians," Washington Post, October 20, 1994, p. A31.
Jerry Seper, "KLA Finances fight with heroin sales," Washington Times, May 3, 1999, pp. A1, A11.
"The Kosovo Liberation Army: Does Clinton Policy Support Group with Terror, Drug Ties?," press release of United States Senate, Republican Policy Committee, March 31, 1999, quoted on www.senate.gov/~rpc/ releases/1999/fr033199.htm viewed on April 19, 1999.
"Combat Arms Survey" administered to several hundred Marines at the Twentynine Palms, California Marine base on May 10, 1994. According to Marine spokesmen at Twentynine Palms, the survey was conducted as part of a Master's Degree thesis of a Navy Commander studying at the
Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. John Sanders public affairs officer at the school, told The New American that the survey was designed by the student "to determine if non-traditional missions are undermining unit morale and cohesiveness" and was supervised by two civilian faculty members, one of whom is a former Assistant Secretary of Defense. Copy of full Survey on file. Interestingly, the Twentynine Palms base weekly newspaper for March of that year carried a report by Cpl. M.T Mink, "Council on Foreign Relations Visits Combat Center," describing a tour by 40 members of the CFR.
Ibid., p. 6.
"Insider Report," The New American, July 11, 1994, p. 10.
"Survey of Marines On the Use of Military Forces in Non-Traditional Missions," news release of Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, Calif., Dept. of the Navy, undated circa July-Sept. 1994. See also: William F. Jasper, "I Am a United Nations Fighting Person," The New American, September 19, 1994, sidebar, p. 6.
Robert W. Lee, "Gun Report," The New American, July 13, 1992, p. 38.
See respectively: "Bush triggers petition to oust him from NRA," USA Today, July 12, 1989, p. 4A; and Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, March 18, 1991, pp. 289-290.
Interviewed on The Joe Redburn Show, radio station KTKK in Salt Lake City, on April 26, 1991.
Armando Villafranca, "Former President Bush angrily resigns from NRA," Houston Chronicle, May 11, 1995, pp. 1A, 21A.
Steve Bonta, "The Power Elite & George W.," The New American, July 17, 2000, pp. 18-19.
Steve Mufson, "Secretary of State Gets Hero's Welcome to Work," Washington Post, January 23, 2001, p. A3. Also see: "Reviving the State Department," Washington Post, January 31, 2001, p A20.
Barbara Crossette, "Powell Vows Strong Support for Many U.N. Activities: Reassures Annan on Bush Administration," New York Times, February 15, 2001, p. A10.
James M. Lindsay, The New Apathy: How an Uninterested Public Is Reshaping Foreign Policy," Foreign Affairs, Vol. 79, Number 5, September/October 2000, p. 8.

Chapter 10 • Regionalism

Zbigniew Brzezinski, Gorbachev State of the World Forum, Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, September 28, 1995, as audiotaped by author.
John Logue, "The Proper Goal" in Barbara Walker (compiler), Uniting the Peoples and Nations: Readings in World Federalism (World Federalist Movement & World Federalist Association, 1993), p. 347.
The Millennium Year and the Reform Process (London: Commission on Global Governance, 1999), p. 55.
Merry and Serge Bromberger, Jean Monnet and the United States of Europe (New York: Coward-McCann Publishers, 1969), p. 123.
Joseph Stalin, "Marxism and the National Question," in Marxism and the National and Colonial Question (New York: International Publishers, 1942), p. 58.
Program of the Communist International (New York: Workers Library Publishers, 1936), p.36.
Richard N. Gardner, "The Hard Road To World Order," Foreign Affairs, April 1974, p. 558.
Mark D. Isaacs, "Forcing a United Europe," The New American, November 16, 1992, p. 10.
M. Delal Baer, "North American Free Trade," Foreign Affairs, Fall 1991, p. 148.
William F. Jasper, Global Tyranny... Step By Step (Appleton, Wis.: Western Islands, 1992), Chapter 13, "UN NOTES Regionalism -The European Community."
13. "The Story of the Common Market -Part Six (The End)," HduB Reports, January 1973, p. 2.
"European Community Leaders Agree at Maastricht Summit to Treaties on Monetary and Political Union," Facts on File, December 12, 1991, pp. 940-941.
Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time (New York: Macmillan, 1966), p. 1284.
Michael J. Hogan, The Marshall Plan: America, Britain, and the reconstruction of Western Europe, 1947-1952 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987), p. 367.
"The Men Behind the Common Market," HduB Reports, May 1972, p. 1.
Ibid, p. 6.
Bromberger, op. cit., p. 123.
Ernst H. van der Beugel, From Marshall Aid to Atlantic Partnership (Amsterdam, N.Y: Elsevier Publishing Co., 1966), p. 323.
HduB Reports, November-December 1972, p. 6.
Hogan, p. 98.
Ibid, p. 97.
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, "Euro-federalists financed by US spy chiefs," The (London) Telegraph, issue 1943, September 19, 2000 quoted on Telegraph website.
Lord Bruce of Donington, International Currency Review, Vol. 23, No. 3, Summer 1996, p. 21.
Sir Peregrine Worsthorne, "When Democracy Betrays the People," London Sunday Telegraph, August 4, 1991. (Quoted in HduB Reports, September 1991, p. 3.)
Lord Bruce of Donington, p. 21.
Ibid., p. 8.
For more a more detailed examination of NAFTA, see the following articles from The New American magazine: Thomas R. Eddlem, "NAFTA: The Misnamed Treaty," December 28, 1992; Eddlem, "NAFTA: Bureacracy Unlimited," October 18, 1993; William P. Hoar, "The Great Sovereignty Sellout," December 13, 1993; Hoar, "NAFTA and Beyond," December 27, 1993. Also see the following articles from The John Birch Society Bulletin: John F. McManus, "It All Fits!" November 1993; Eddlem, "Nix NAFTA Now!" November 1993; McManus, "An Open Letter to Members of Congress," May 1995; William F. Jasper, "The 'Dollar-ization' of the Americas," August 1999.
Gardner, p. 558.
Richard N. Cooper, "A Monetary System for the Future," Foreign Affairs, Fall 1984, p. 166.
Ibid., p. 177.
Zanny Minton Beddoes, "From EMU to AMU?: The Case for Regional Currencies," Foreign Affairs, July/ August 1999, p. 8.
Ibid., p. 12.
Joshua Cooper Ramo, "The Committee to Save the World," Time, February 15, 1999.
Ibid., pp. 34-42.
Judy Shelton, "The Dollarization Debate" (op-ed), Wall Street Journal, April 29, 1999, p. A26 f.
Martin Walker, London Observer, quoted on "Praise for the Institute" web-page of the International Institute for Economics (HE) website.
Gary Clyde Hufbauer and Jeffrey J. Schott, Western Hemisphere Economic Integration (Washington, D.C.: Institute for International Economics, 1994).
Ibid., pp. 1-2.
Ibid., p. 5.
Ibid., p. 182.
The Council of the Americas' website: counciloftheamericas.org/about/history.html.
Ibid., www.counciloftheamericas.org/ membersnetwork/coacr.html.
C. Fred Bergsten in Hufbauer and Schott, Western Hemisphere Economic Integration, preface, p. xii.

Chapter 11 • World Money System
1. Barry Goldwater, With No Apologies (New York: William Morrow and Co. Inc., 1979), p. 285.
C. Fred Bergsten (co-author), "Future of the International Economic Order," (paper distributed at April 1989 TC meeting in Tokyo), quoted in Financial Terrorism (Appleton, Wis.: The John Birch Society, 1993), p. 82.
David Rockefeller, "Why We Need the IMF," Wall Street Journal, May 1, 1998, p. A14.
Hilary Marquand, "The Theory and Practice of Planning," Economic Development and Social Change (London: Socialist International Publications, undated circa 1962-63), p. 28, as quoted in Rose L. Martin, Fabian Freeway (Belmont, Mass.: Western Islands, 1966), p. 109.
Richard N. Cooper, "A Monetary System for the Future," Foreign Affairs, Fall 1984, pp. 177, 179.
Robert A. Mundell, "Mundell on Supply-Side Economics," Wall Street Journal, October 14, 1999, p. A26.
Lead editorial, "A Supply-Side Nobel," Wall Street Journal, October 14, 1999, p.A26.
Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto (Appleton, Wis.: American Opinion Book Services, 1974), p. 25.
Frank Vanderlip, "From Farm Boy to Financier," Saturday Evening Post, February 9, 1935, p. 25.
William H. McIlhany II, The Tax-Exempt Foundations (Westport, Conn.: Arlington House, 1980), p. 63. As recorded in note number 30 (p. 235) to Chapter 3, Mcllhany interviewed Norman Dodd in 1976 and recorded that conversation as the "Dodd Interview Transcript." Mcllhany also compared Mr. Dodd's memory of the conversation in 1976 "with his description of it years earlier in a letter he wrote to Howard E. Kershner on December 29, 1962." "Where there are any slight discrepancies between the two accounts [Mr. McIlhany] used the 1962 version." In later years, Mr. Dodd gave similar statements in other interviews.
Robert Lenzner, "A Wealth of Names," Forbes magazine, January 10, 2000.
Collective Speeches of Congressman Louis T. McFadden: As Compiled from the Congressional Record (Hawthorne, Calif.: Omni Publications, 1970), p. 398.
Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File (Seal Beach, Calif.: '76 Press, 1976), p. 119.
See collection of articles on the World Bank and the IMF at: www.thenewamerican.com/focus/world_bank/.
Zygmund Dobbs, Keynes At Harvard: Economic Deception as a Political Credo (West Sayville, N.Y.: Probe Research, Inc., 1969 edition), pp. 90, 138. Dobbs also references: Bruce Page, David Leitch, Phillip Knightley, The Philby Conspiracy (New York: New American Library, 1969), pp. 80, 174.
Richard L. Strout, "White Case Stuns Washington," The Christian Science Monitor, November 12, 1953.
William P. Hoar, "Harry Truman," American Opinion, Vol. XXII, No. 4, April 1979, p. 54.
Whittaker Chambers, "The Herring and ..."Look, December 29, 1953, Vol. 17, No. 26, p. 14.
Allen Weinstein, Perjury: The Hiss-Chambers Case (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1978), p. 230.
Dobbs, Keynes At Harvard, pp. 117122,133; Yuri Modin, My Five Cambridge Friends: Burgess, Mac-Lean, Philby, Blunt, and Cairncross by their KGB controller (New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1994), pp. 49, 67; Michael Straight, After Long Silence (New York: WW. Norton, 1983), p. 80; Page, Leitch, Knightley, The Philby Conspiracy, pp. 43—47.
Michael Holroyd, Lytton Strachey: A Critical Biography (London: Heine-mann, 1967).
U.S. News and World Report, June 29, 1959, p. 73, quoted in Anthony Kubek, How the Far East Was Lost: American Policy and the Creation of Communist China, 19411949 (Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1963), pp. 201-202.
25. James Burnham, The Web of Subversion, Americanist Library Edition (Boston: Western Islands, 1965), pp. 113-115, 128, 129.
Doug Bandow, "The IMF: A Record of Addition and Failure" in Doug Bandow and Ian Vasquez (eds.), Perpetuating Poverty: The World Bank, the IMF, and the Developing World (Washington, D.C.: Cato Institute, 1994), p. 19.
Richard C. Paddock (Los Angeles Times), "Yeltsin crony says Russia 'conned' lenders in West," Seattle Times, (On-line edition), September 9, 1998; Christopher Story, "Folly of Lending to the Russians is Exposed as Scandals Multiply," Soviet Analyst, Vol. 25, No. 2, April 1999.
Marquand, p. 28.
Henry Hazlitt, From Bretton Woods to World Inflation (Chicago: Regnery Gateway, 1984), pp. 26-27.
Bovard, "The World Bank and the Impoverishment of Nations," in Perpetuating Poverty, op. cit., p. 59.
Edith Kermit Roosevelt, "The United Nations' Spiritual Companion," Long Island Press, March 31, 1962. Also: Edith Kermit Roosevelt, "A Temple of Propaganda," The Wanderer, July 14, 1966.
Peter G. Peterson, 1996 Annual Report (New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 1996), p. 7.
Goldwater, p. 278.
David Rockefeller, "From a China Traveler," New York Times, August 10, 1973.
"The Human Cost of Communism in China," report of the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1971), pp. iv, 16.
37. Joseph Finder, Red Carpet (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1983), p. 297.
Jay Ross, "Rockefeller: US business unhampered in Angola," Boston Globe, March 3, 1982, p. 36.
Daniel Wood, "The Wizard of Baca Grande," West, May 1990, p. 35.
Ibid., p. 33.
Paul Raeburn, "Ecology Remedy Costly," Sacramento [Calif.] Bee, March 12, 1992.
Maurice F. Strong, "The relationship between demographics trends, economic growth, unsustainable consumption patterns and environmental degradation," an UNCED PrepCom report, August 1991, quoted by GreenTrack International, Report 26, August 15, 1991, Libertytown, Md., p. 3.
Maurice F. Strong, Introduction to Jim MacNeil, Pieter Winsemius, and Taizo Yakushiji, Beyond Interdependence: The Meshing of the World's Economy and the Earth's Ecology (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991), pp. ix-x.
Ibid., p. 128.
The Earth Charter, Principle No. 10. See: http://www.earthcharter.org/draft/ charter.htm.
Cooper, "A Monetary System for the Future," p. 166.
Ibid., p. 179.
Ibid., p. 177.
Editorial, "Mr. Kohl's Common Currency," Washington Post, February 8, 1990, p. A24.
Cooper, pp. 181-82.
Ibid., p. 184

Chapter 12 • One-World Religion
H. G. Wells, The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints For a World Revolution (London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1928), pp. 24, 33.
See Chinmoy quote in speech by Donald Keys, President of Planetary Citizens (consultative status at UN), November 11, 1984, cited in Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D., Now is the Dawning of the New Age New World Order (Oklahoma City, Okla.: Hearthstone Publishing Ltd., 1991), p. 269.
"The Declaration of the Sacred Earth Gathering, Rio 92," Earth Summit Times, June 3, 1992; William F. Jasper, "ECO '92: Launching Pad for Inter' national Global Governance" (a report from the Rio Earth Summit), The New American, July 13, 1992, p. 5.
In Our Hands: Earth Summit '92: A Reference Booklet About the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development [UNCED]," (UNCED Publications), p. 23.
Mary Daly, Beyond God the Father: Toward a Philosophy of Women's Liberation (Boston: Beacon Press, 1973), p. 96.
Gloria Steinem, "Words and Change," Ms., September/October 1995, p. 94.
H.G. Wells, The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints For a World Revolution (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, and Company, Inc., 1928), p. 33.
Ibid., pp. 18, 19.
Ibid., p. ix.
Ibid., p. 163.
Steve Bonta, "Creating the New World Religions," The New American, July 3, 2000, p. 40. (Includes photo of Lucis Trust Library plaque by William Norman Grigg.)
"The Lucis Trust," a pamphlet distributed by the Lucis Trust.
The New Group of World Servers, a pamphlet distributed by World Goodwill, an activity of the Lucis Trust, p. 3. For current information see the Radio For Peace International website: www.rfpi.org.
Claire Chambers, The SIECUS Circle: A Humanist Revolution (Appleton, Wis.: Western Islands, 1977), p. 34.
Don Shannon, " 'Silent' Room: Tranquil Center at U.N.'s Heart," Los Angeles Times, May 15, 1974, p.1.
Eunice S. Layton and Felix Layton, Theosophy: Key to Understanding (Wheaton, 111.: The Theosophical Publishing House, 1967), pp. 12,13.
Facsimile reproduction of The Last Will and Testament of Cecil John Rhodes, with additional chapters by W. T. Stead (1902 edition), in Herbert
Baker and W. T. Stead, Cecil Rhodes: The Man and His Dream, Rhodesiana Reprint Library -Silver Series, Vol. 14 (Bulawayo, Rhodesia: Books of Rhodesia, 1977), p. 74.
Frank Aydelotte (American Secretary to the Rhodes Trustees), The American Rhodes Scholarships: A review of the First Forty Years (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1946), p. 5.
See: Edith Kermit Roosevelt, "Temple of Understanding," The Freedom Press, November 5, 1962, pp. 1-2; Claire Chambers, The SIECUS Circle: A Humanist Revolution (Belmont, Mass.: Western Islands, 1977), pp. 32-35.
20. H. G. Wells, "How a Federal World Government May Come About," reprinted from his The Outline of History in Barbara Walker (compiler), Uniting the Peoples and Nations: Readings in World Federalism (World Federalist Movement & World Federalist Association, 1993), p. 106.
Wells, p. 29.
"American Malvern," Time magazine, March 16, 1942, p. 44 f, quoted on www.jps.net/landmark/TIME.htm on 3/22/01.
Benjamin J. Hubbard, The Los Angeles Times (On-line Record Edition) September 10, 2000, Start Page: 13.
"John Paul canonizes 87 Chinese...," (Minneapolis) Star Tribune (On-line Metro Edition) October 2, 2000, Start Page: 05A
"Cardinal Ignatius Kung, 98, Long Jailed by China, Dies," New York Times, (On-line Late Edition) March 14, 2000, p. C.30 f. 30. Associated Press, "Archbishop Arrested," ABCNEWS.com February 14, 2000. 31. "Chinese authorities arrest two bishops, priests," New Briefs by Catholic News Services, September 19, 2000. Also: "Catholic 'Criminals' in China," Washington Post (On-line Final Edition) September 19, 2000, p. A.22 f.
Hannah Beech, "When the Smugglers Are Working for Jesus," Time Asia.com, September 18, 2000.
"Our Sorrowful Confession," DC Office of Free China Movement, www.freechina.net/bbs/messages/882.html, posted October 29, 1999.
Erik Eckholm, "Psychiatric Abuse by China Reported in Repressing [Falun Gong] Sect," New York Times, February 18, 2001, p. 1. Also see: "China Executes 11 Muslims on Eve of UNHRC Meeting," Lexington Area Muslim Network, April 4, 2000, www.muslimedia.com/chinamuslim.htm.
"Chinese Bishop Calls for Purity of Religion," People's Daily, (People's Daily Online), August 30, 2000.
"Turner remarks on tolerance, religion, bears," The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, (On-line edition), August 30, 2000.
Larry Witham, "Religions asked to come together for world peace," Washington Times, November 9, 1991, p. B1.
Hans Kung, Global Responsibility: In Search of a New World Ethic (New York: Crossroad, 1991), p. 23.
Ibid., p. 35.
Robert Muller, New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality (Garden City, N.Y.: Image Books, 1984), p. 19.
Ibid., p. 30.
See note 2, above.
"Insider Report," The New American, July 8, 1996, pp. 11-12.
"Lenin Aims Like U.N.'s, Thant Says," Los Angeles Times, April 2, 1970.
Matthew Fox, The Coming of the Cosmic Christ: The Healing of Mother Earth and the Birth of a Global Renaissance (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1988), pp. 145,149.
Gerald O. Barney, Global 2000 Revisited: What Shall We Do? (Arlington, Va.: Millennium Institute, 1993), p. 2.
Gerald O. Barney, keynote address to Parliament of World Religions, pp. 31, 34.
Barney, Global 2000 Revisited, p. 13.
Cuddy, Now is the Dawning of the New Age New World Order, op. cit., p. 312.
Mikhail Gorbachev, interview in Los Angeles Times, May 8, 1997.
The Earth Charter, March 2000 English at www.earthcharter.org/draft/ charter.htm.
"Major gay law reform in Tasmania, Australia," IGLHRC (International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission) News & Events (On-line), May 2,1997.
Brice Wallace, "Gorbachev laments delays in creating new world order," Deseret News, September 28, 2000.
"Gorbachev Takes Southland Stage...," Los Angeles Times (On-line Record Edition), October 8, 2000, Start Page: B.1.
Jeremy Bransten, "USSR: The Year 1989 Foreshadowed The Fall," Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty report, October 6, 1999.
Gail Sheehy, The Man Who Changed the World: The Lives of Mikhail S. Gorbachev (New York: Harper Collins, 1990), pp. 76-77.
"Gorbachev Takes Southland Stage...," op. cit.
Vatican Information Service, June 20, 2000.
Sheehy, p. 77.
Li Wei Han, The Catholic Church and Cuba: A Program of Action (Peking, Foreign Language Press, 1959), cited by Fatima Network: Our Lady's Library Online: www.fatima.org/ library/cr19pg06.html on March 23, 2001.
Raimundo Garcia Franco, Christian-Marxist Unity: A Miraculous, Explosive Prescription (New York: Circus Publications, Inc., 1989), p.58.
"New World Order Revisited," San Francisco Chronicle (Online Sunday Edition), September 24, 1995, Start Page: 6.
"State of the Hidden Arts: An Overview of Esotericism Today," Gnosis, Fall 1995 pp. 14-21.
Christopher Bamford, "Esoteric Christianity: The Recovery of a Lost Tradition?," Gnosis, p. 15.
Diane Conn Darling, "Neopaganism: In Diversity There is Unity," Gnosis, p. 18.
Maurice F. Strong, "Statement at Opening of United Nations Conference on Environment and Development," Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3 June 1992, pp. 11-12.
"The Declaration of the Sacred Earth Gathering, Rio 92," Earth Summit Times, June 3, 1992.
Author's notes: The outdoor exhibit featuring life-size photographs of fully nude men engaged in various homosexual acts was sponsored by Atoba, a Brazilian homosexual organization. An informational plaque at the exhibit explained that this "art" was supported by a grant from the Ford Foundation,

Chapter 13 • War On Family
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, The Communist Manifesto, 1848. American Opinion edition with introduction by William P. Fall (Appleton, Wis.: 1974), p. 22.
"Towards World Understanding: In the Classroom With Children Under Thirteen Years of Age," Part V, UNESCO Publication 356 (Paris: Georges Lang, 1949), pp. 9, 58.
Brock Chisholm on Education, speeches by Dr. Chisholm at the Asilomar Conference on Education, September 10-12, 1954, published by Asilomar Conference of the Mental Health Society of Northern California, p. 20.
Dolores Barclay, "It's Surviving and Healthy...," Tulsa World, Sunday, August 21, 1977.
Motto in letterhead of United States Committee for UN1CEF, 333 East 38th St., New York, NY 10016 (undated [circa 1993-94] letter from Chair Hugh Downs in file).
Matt Cvetic, The Big Decision (USA, 1959), p. 143.
Jasper, "U.S.-Soviet Educational Exchanges," The New American, March 13,1989, p. 12.
Edward Crankshaw, Khrushchev Remembers (Boston: Little Brown, 1970), p. 22.
9. "The Crimes of Khrushchev," Parts 1-7, Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Represenatives (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1959-60).
Ibid., Part 1, "Consultation with Mr. Eugene Lyons," p. 7.
""Butcher of Budapest,'" Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 15, 1971, p. A-23.
Congressional Record, "Extension of Remarks of Hon. John H. Rousselot of California," September 20, 1961.
Bernard Moran, "Race Relations, Churches, Peace Movement," in Dennis L. Bark and Owen Harries (eds.), The Red Orchestra, Volume 3: "The Case of the Southwest Pacific" (Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1989), p. 181.
A Nation at Risk (The National Commission on Excellence in Education, 1983), p. 5. Report posted on U. S. Department of Education website: www.ed.gov/pubs/NatAtRisk/risk. html on 3/29/01. See p.1 of web page.
"Towards World Understanding: In the Classroom With Children Under Thirteen Years of Age," Part V, UNESCO Publication 356 (Paris: Georges Lang, 1949), pp. 7, 53.
Ibid., pp. 54-55.
Samuel L. Blumenfeld, NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education (Boise, Idaho: The Paradigm Company, 1984), pp. 193-197.
Joy Elmer Morgan, "The Teacher and World Government," [NEAJ Journal, January 1946, quoted in Blumenfeld, op. cit., p. 194.
See Education International website, "A few words about EI,": www.ei-ie. org/ei/english/eeiabout.htm viewed on 03/27/2001.
"Executive Board of EI," Education International website: www.ei-ie.org/ ei/eiexbo.htm viewed on 03/27/01.
For EI status with UNESCO, see: "EI/UNESCO Partnership," www.ei-ie. org/ei/english/eeipartnership_unesco. html viewed on 3/27/2001.
"NEA 2000-2001 Resolutions": 1-1. Peace and International Relations.
Ibid. For Education International see its website: www.ei-ie.org, viewed on 04/01/01.
"A few words about EI," Education
William F. Jasper, "Outcome-Based Education: Skinnerian Conditioning in the Classroom," The New American, August 23, 1993, p. 8.
Jasper, "Communist 'Scholars'; Teacher Training; and a 'New Age' Hero," The New American, January 13, 1986, p. 36.
Robert Muller, World Core Curriculum Manual (Arlington, Texas: Robert Muller School, 1986), Preface.
Douglas R. Groothuis, Unmasking the New Age (Downers Grove, 111.: InterVarsity Press, 1986), p. 119; Alice A. Bailey, The Externalization of the Hierarchy (New York: Lucis Publishing Company, 1989). Lucifer is on file at the Harvard University Library.
Congressional Record, March 20, 1953.
"The Climate of Freedom," Editorial, Saturday Review, July 19, 1952.
Julian Huxley, UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy (Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Press, 1947), p. 33.
Samuel L. Blumenfeld, "It Takes a Global Village," The New American, July 3, 2000, International website: www.eiie.org/english/eeiabout.htm, viewed on 04/01/01. p. 31.
"World Conference on Education for all (EFA) Jomtien, Thailand, 5-9 March 1990." See: www.un.org.lb/undbase/ conf/EFA/brief.htm on 3/27/01.
Six goal areas arrived at in Jomtien, Thailand reported in "Learning for All: Bridging Domestic and International Education," Conference Report, October 30, 31, November 1, 1991, Alexandria, Virginia (United States Coalition for Education for All), p. 1. Compare to Bush program in: Carol Innerst, "By any other name: America 2000 isn't dead yet," Washington Times, February 8, 1993, p. A3.
"Learning for All:..." Conference Report, op. cit., p. 1.
Jasper, "Outcome-Based Education: Skinnerian Conditioning in the Classroom," p. 11.
Jack C. Westman, M.D., Licensing Parents: Can We Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect? (New York: Plenum Press, 1994), p. 153.
Charles D. Gill, "Essay on the Status of the American Child, 2000 A.D.: Chattel or Constitutionally Protected Child-Citizen?," Ohio Northern University Law Review, Vol. XVII, No. 3, 1991, p. 578.
See, for example, the following articles in The New American: William F. Jasper, "Death March to Cairo," June 27, 1994, p. 5; Julie Makimaa,"Wolf in 'Humanitarian' Clothing," July 3, 2000, pp. 35-37.
See, for example, the following articles in The New American: Makimaa,"Wolf in 'Humanitarian' Clothing," July 3, 2000, pp. 35-37; Jasper, "Unleashing the Killer Pill," November 6, 2000, pp. 12-17; Steve Bonta, "Exporting Infanticide," December 4, 2000,
p. 19.
49. See, for example, the following articles in The New American: William Norman Grigg, "Anti-Natalist Assault," April 3, 1995, pp. 35-36; Grigg, "Gender Politics in Beijing," October 30, 1995, p. 5; Jasper, "Unleashing the Killer Pill," November 6, 2000, pp. 12-17.

Chapter 14 • What Must Be Done
1. John Bartlett, Familiar Quotations (16th ed.) (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1992), p. 330.
Tom Rose, "The American That Once Was, And Could Be Again," July 4, 2000 column, Chalcedon, Inc. (Note: different source used by author.)
Norine Dickson Campbell, Patrick Henry: Patriot and Statesman (Old Greenwich, Conn.: Devin-Adair, 1975), pp. 129-130.
James Madison, quoted in Charles S. Hyneman and Donald S. Lutz, American Political Writing During the Founding Era: 1760-1805, Vol I., (Indianapolis: Liberty Press, 1983), p. 633.
Campbell, Patrick Henry, p. 128.
Ibid., p. 130.
John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton (Lord Acton) (1834-1902), quoted in John Bartlett, Familiar Quotations (16th ed.) (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1992), p. 521.
Thomas Jefferson, The Kentucky Resolutions (1798), Bergh 17:388, in The Real Thomas Jefferson, p. 382, quoted in The American Freedom Library (on CD) (Western Standard Publishing Company, 1997).
John Locke, The Second Treatise on Government: An Essay Concerning the True Original, Extent, and End of Civil Government, Section 92, in The American Freedom Library (on CD) (Western Standard Publishing Company, 1997).
R.J. Rummel, Death by Government, (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1994).
Ibid., pp. 25, 9.
Ibid., pp. 26, 69, 27.
Ibid., p. 13.
Ibid., p. 3.
David Rockefeller, "From a China Traveler," New York Times, August 10, 1973.
Campbell, Patrick Henry, p. 129.
Bestsellers by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker: Mindhunter: Inside the FBI's Elite Serial Crime Unit (1995); Unabomber: On the Trail of America's Most-Wanted Serial Killer, Journey Into Darkness (1997), Obsession (1998).
The Anatomy of Motive (1999). Professional works by John Douglas: Crime Classification Manual (with Ann W. Burgess, Allen G. Burgess, and Robert K. Ressler); Sexual Homicide: Patterns and Motives (with Robert K. Ressler and Ann W. Burgess).
Douglas, Mindhunter, p. 350; Douglas, Journey Into Darkness, p. 19.
Paul Hollander, Political Pilgrims (New York: Oxford University Press, 1981), pp. 57-59, 169; Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Leftism: From de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Marcuse (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1974), chapters 14, 16; Eugene Lyons, The Red Decade (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1970), chapter 29; James J. Martin, Revisionist Viewpoints: Essays in a Dissident Historical Tradition (Colorado Springs, Colo.: Ralph Myles Publisher, 1971), pp. 60-61; George T. Eggleston, Roosevelt, Churchill, and the World War II Opposition (Old Greenwich, Conn.: Devin-Adair, 1979), p. 70; Friedrich A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1944), pp. 186-189.
Jay Robert Nash, World Encyclopedia of Organized Crime (New York: Da Capo Press, 1993), p. 78.
Ibid., pp. 81-82, 93.
Ibid. pp. 154-155
Antony C. Sutton, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy (Billings, Mont.: Liberty House Press, 1986); Senator William Armstrong (R-Colo.), Technology Transfer: Selling the Soviets the Rope, Speech to U.S. Senate, Congressional Record, April 13, 1982, pp. S3386-89; Graham Hancock, Lords of Poverty: The Power, Prestige and Corruption of International Aid (New York: Atlantic Monthly, 1989); Staff, Perpetuating Poverty: The World Bank, the IMF and the Developing World (Washington, D.C.: Heritage Foundation, 1994).
John Stormer, None Dare Call It Treason (Florissant, Mo.: Liberty Bell Press, 1964); Hilaire du Berrier, Background to Betrayal: The Tragedy of Vietnam (Belmont, Mass., Western Islands, 1965); John F. McManus, Changing Commands: The Betrayal of America's Military (Appleton, Wis.: The John Birch Society, 1995).
George B.N. Ayittey, Africa Betrayed (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992); Lt. Gen. William P. Yarborough, USA (Ret.), Trial in Africa: The Failure of U.S. Policy (Washington, D.C.: Heritage Foundation, 1976); Robert H.W Welch, May God Forgive Us (Chicago: Regnery, 1952); Arthur Bliss Lane, I Saw Poland Betrayed (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1948); Anastasio Somo-za, Nicaragua Betrayed (Belmont. Mass.: Western Islands, 1980); Anthony Kubek, How the Far East Was Lost (Chicago: Regnery, 1963).
Candlin, A.H. Stanton, Psycho-Chemical Warfare (New Rochelle, N.Y: Arlington House, 1973); Douglass, Joseph D., Red Cocaine (Atlanta, Ga.: Clarion House, 1990); Michael Levine, Deep Cover: DEA Incompetence and the Lost Battle of the Drug War (New York: Delacorte Press, 1990).
George Orwell, 1984 (New York, A Signet Classic, New American Library, 1983), p. 220.
Chester Ward, Kissinger on the Couch, (New Rochelle, N.Y: Arlington House Publishers, 1975), p. 151.
Public Papers of the Presidents, L. B. Johnson, 1966, p. 298, quoted in The American Freedom Library (on CD) (Western Standard Publishing Company, 1997).
Amendment to H.R. 1757, the 1998-99 State Department Authorization Act, introduced by Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas). Rejected June 4, 1997 by a vote of 54 to 369. (Congressional Record, page H3343, roll call 163.)
Amendment to H.R. 2415, State Department Reauthorization Bill, introduced by Rep. Ron Paul. Rejected July 20, 1999 by a vote of 74342 (Roll Call 314.)
For information about The John Birch Society's drive to get the United States out of the United Nations, contact: The John Birch Society, P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54912. Phone: (800) JBSUSA1 [ (800) 527-8721 ]. Or contact us through our website: www.jbs.org. For information specific to the Society's campaign to Get US out! of the United Nations, also see: www.getusout.org.
Campbell, Patrick Henry, pp. 129-130.
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