October 19, 2015 | Posted by Olivia
Tagged With: central african republic, China, Christian Terrorists, ireland, Terrorism, Uganda, White Supremacy
via independent.co.uk
The Ku Klux Klan
In Colin A. Palmer’s book, Passageways: An Interpretive History of Black America (Volume II: 1863-1965), he explains that following the Civil War, southern white Democrats formed groups to “keep [Blacks] away from the polls, uphold white supremacy, and avenged a variety of perceived wrongs.”
Among these groups was the Ku Klux Klan. Founded in 1866 in Pulaski, Tennessee, the Klan “represented a barbaric form of white power” was “the most notorious of these groups.” While the Klan murdered people of all races, the victims were overwhelmingly Black and these lives were always taken in the name of white supremacy, as well as Christianity. Even worse, this Christian terrorist organization is still in existence today. In fact, an article released by NewsOne confirms that there are 160 known chapters of the Klan in the United States alone.
The Army of God
A 2015 AlterNet article describes The Army of God as “a network of violent Christians that has been active since the early 1980s.” The organization publicly supports and encourages the murdering of abortion providers as well as violence against homosexuals.
In addition, the organizational network consists of a “long list” of notorious Christian terrorists. Among these individuals are Paul Jennings Hill (who was executed by lethal injection in 2003 for the 1994 killings of abortion doctor John Britton and his bodyguard James Barrett), John C. Salvi (who killed two receptionists when he attacked a Planned Parenthood clinic in Brookline, Massachusetts in 1994) and the esteemed hero of The Army of God, Eric Rudolph, who is serving life in prison for his role in the Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta in 1996 and other terrorist acts.
The Church of the Almighty God
The Church of the Almighty God, also known as Eastern Lightning, is a China-based cult that describes the ruling Communist Party as a “Red Dragon” that needs to be slain. All members are told they should be ready to “sacrifice their lives” at any moment,” according to The Week Ltd.
In addition, “the evangelical sect has some grounding in Christianity but believes that Jesus has risen as a 40-year old Chinese woman called Yang Xiangbin, co-incidentally the wife of its founder, who has returned to Earth to bring about the apocalypse.”
The group was recently responsible for the fatal beating of a woman who they eyeballed as a “demon” after she refused to convert. And, while the number of members has not yet been confirmed, some believe that the cult has as many as million followers.
The National Liberation Front of Tripura
The Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium (TRAC) defines the National Liberation Front of Tripura as “a militant organization that seeks to secede from India and establish an independent state.” Their manifesto calls for the expansion of “the kingdom of God and Christ in Tripura.”
According to TRAC, the NLFT is reportedly guilty of “funding terrorism and forcing local tribals to convert to Christianity at gunpoint.” In addition, the front has “opened fire on Hindu worshippers and ransacked celebrations of Durga Puja.” The NLFT’s violent efforts are funded and supported by the National Socialist Council of Nagalim and their firearms are allegedly provided by a Baptist church.
Phineas Priesthood
The Phineas Priesthood
According to the Anti-Defamation League, the Phineas Priesthood is “a violent credo of vengeance that has gained some popularity among white supremacists and other extremists in recent years.” One becomes a member of the Phineas Priesthood when one commits “any violent activity against ‘non-whites.’” These acts are defined as “Phineas Acts.”
The concept of the Phineas Priesthood originated from a book entitled, Vigilantes of Christendom: The Story of the Phineas Priesthood, which was written by Richard Kelly Hoskins. Hoskins is a follower of Christian Identity, “a racist and anti-Semitic sect whose adherents believe that white people are descended from the Lost Tribes of Israel.”
The Concerned Christians
An article released by AlterNet states that the Concerned Christians are as a “doomsday cult that was founded by pastor Monte “Kim” Miller in Denver in the 1980s.” In 1999, fourteen members were arrested and deported for allegedly planning a terrorist attack against Muslims in Jerusalem.
According to the AlterNet, members of the Concerned Citizens have gone into hiding and Miller hasn’t been seen in ten years. However, the Cult Education Institute has confirmed that the cult’s website is still being maintained.
The Orange Volunteers
Formed in 1998, The Orange Volunteers is best described as a Protestant terrorist group. TRAC states that they are “opposed to the peace process and [are] dedicated to destabilizing it.” The group is also responsible for a number of bomb attacks and assaults on Catholics.
Catholic Reaction Force
Based in Ireland, The Catholic Force is an active Christian terrorist organization that was founded in 1983. This group is responsible for the Darkley Gospel Hall Massacre. On the evening of November 20, 1983, two men began to open fire on Mountain Lodge Pentecostal Church. An unidentified caller proclaimed that is was “in retaliation for the murderous sectarian campaign carried out by the Protestant Action Force. The CRF was also responsible for “several mailed bombings in the early 2000s,” according to Americans Against The Tea Party.
The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA)
The mainstream media have had much to say about the Islamist brutality of Boko Haram, but one terrorist group they haven’t paid nearly as much attention to is the Lord’s Resistance Army—which was founded by Joseph Kony (a radical Christianist) in Uganda in 1987 and has called for the establishment of a severe Christian fundamentalist government in that country. The LRA, according to Human Rights Watch, has committed thousands of killings and kidnappings—and along the way, its terrorism spread from Uganda to parts of the Congo, the Central African Republic (CAR) and South Sudan. The word “jihadist” is seldom used in connection with the LRA, but in fact, the LRA’s tactics are not unlike those of ISIS or Boko Haram. And the governments Kony hopes to establish in Sub-Saharan Africa would implement a Christianist equivalent of Islamic Sharia law.
The Concerned Christians
One of the ironic things about some Christianists is the fact that although they believe that Jews must be converted to Christianity, they consider themselves staunch supporters of Israel. And some of them believe in violently forcing all Muslims out of Israel. The Concerned Christians, a Christianist doomsday cult that was founded by pastor Monte “Kim” Miller in Denver in the 1980s, alarmed Colorado residents when, in 1998, at least 60 of its members suddenly quit their jobs, abandoned their homes and went missing—and it turned out there was reason for concern. In 1999, Israeli officials arrested 14 members of the Concerned Christians in Jerusalem and deported them from Israel because they suspected them of plotting terrorist attacks against Muslims. One likely target, according to Israeli police, was Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque—the same mosque that was targeted in 1969 (when a Christianist from Australia named Denis Michael Rohan unsuccessfully tried to destroy it by arson) and, Israeli police suspect, was a likely target in 2014 (when Adam Everett Livix, a Christianist from Texas, was arrested by Israeli police on suspicion of plotting to blow up Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem).
In 2008, Denver’s KUSA-TV (an NBC affiliate) reported that members of the Concerned Citizens had gone into hiding and that Miller hadn’t been seen in ten years.

RELIGIOUS TERRORISM: Crusades, Inquisition, Witch burnings and hangings, Russian Pogroms, “Convert or die” genocidal wars against indigenous, Irish-Catholic Wars, Oppression of women and gays, Catholic Denial of clergy marriages in violation of the Bible, Catholic official policies of harboring and protecting child rapists, KKK, Christian Identity Movement (militias), Lambs of God, Sovereign Citizen Movement, Women’s clinic bombers, Women’s doctor shooters, Westboro Baptist Church
Biblical belief of Bush invaded Iraq to defeat Gog magog Bush, God, Iraq and Gog' http://www.counterpunch.org/2009/05/22/bush-god-iraq-and-gog/
Christians Terrorists Mass Murder / shooting / suicide
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