الصحفية نعومي ولف
تقول ان المخابرات تستفيد من الخوف من الارهاب للتضييق على الحريات الفردية
وذكرت عشر اسباب اخرى
ترجمه آليه كم قوقل
استدعاء العدو الداخلي والخارجي مرعب
إنشاء سجون سرية حيث يتم تعذيب مكان ( غوانتاناموا)
تطوير طائفة البلطجة أو قوة شبه عسكرية لا مسؤولة أمام المواطنين
انشاء نظام المراقبة الداخلية
مضايقة جماعات المواطنين
الانخراط في الاعتقال التعسفي وإطلاق
استهداف الأفراد الرئيسيين
السيطرة على الصحافة
علاج جميع المعارضين السياسيين بأنهم خونة
تعليق سيادة القانون
“The US benefits from … us being SO DAMN SCARED so that our intelligence agencies
Naomi Wolf, the reputed author and former advisor to Bill Clinton attracted a barrage of criticism when she expressed skepticism regarding ISIS and requested journalistic rigor.
Naomi Wolf’s Facebook post about ISIS. It was removed.
After finding herself under attack by countless journalists and observers, Wolf added:
Naomi Wolf’s Facebook post about ISIS. It was removed.
After finding herself under attack by countless journalists and observers, Wolf added:
“The US benefits from … us being SO DAMN SCARED so that our intelligence agencies can take away the last of our freedoms on behalf of corporate interests the way intelligence agencies in the West are doing all over … Britain, Canada, Australia, next NZ … so there you are.”
“I see some blogs are badly distorting the nature of what I said … Why do I often not take political narratives at face value as they are dictated to the press?
“A) Because I am a journalist and verifying skeptically is supposed be our job but more importantly b) because I worked for two Presidential campaigns, one formally and one informally, as a political consultant, and because I was a spouse of a White House speechwriter for many years.
“As a political consultant and also a longtime close-up observer of how news and statements come out of the White House and Presidential campaigns, I know that FIRST the communications team involved has to start with something handed to them that they had nothing to do with …
“And THEN the creative, talented people in the campaigns’ or nation’s communications shop are asked to construct a narrative about it and talking points and find ‘heroes’ that help the narrative along, and the narrative often finally sounds like nothing to do with the actual deal. (In fact best that way.)
“And that uplifting campaign speech or press conference or initiative or photo op often involves finding individuals with great stories to tell that have nothing to do with the deal.
“So all the people who are attacking me right now for ‘conspiracy theories’ have no idea what they are talking about … people who assume the dominant narrative MUST BE TRUE and the dominant reasons MUST BE REAL are not experienced in how that world works.”
Naomi Wolf has good reason to speak out about ISIS. In her 2007 book, “The End of America”, Wolf outlined 10 steps necessary for a fascist group (or government) to destroy the democratic character of a nation-state and subvert the social and political liberties previously exercised by its citizens.
- Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy
- Create secret prisons where torture takes place
- Develop a thug caste or paramilitary force not answerable to citizens
- Set up an internal surveillance system
- Harass citizens’ groups
- Engage in arbitrary detention and release
- Target key individuals
- Control the press
- Treat all political dissidents as traitors
- Suspend the rule of law
While the public in the Western world is quick to label anyone who questions an official story as a “conspiracy theorist”, the public in the Middle East is overwhelmingly skeptical about ISIS and its so-called “Jihad”. For instance, in Lebanon and Egypt, the idea that ISIS was a U.S. creation was so widespread (high-ranked officials were claiming it), that the US Embassy in Beirut needed to deny the rumors.
Naomi Wolf, the reputed author and former advisor to Bill Clinton attracted a barrage of criticism when she expressed skepticism regarding ISIS and requested journalistic rigor.
Naomi Wolf’s Facebook post about ISIS. It was removed.
After finding herself under attack by countless journalists and observers, Wolf added:
Naomi Wolf’s Facebook post about ISIS. It was removed.
After finding herself under attack by countless journalists and observers, Wolf added:
“The US benefits from … us being SO DAMN SCARED so that our intelligence agencies can take away the last of our freedoms on behalf of corporate interests the way intelligence agencies in the West are doing all over … Britain, Canada, Australia, next NZ … so there you are.”“I see some blogs are badly distorting the nature of what I said … Why do I often not take political narratives at face value as they are dictated to the press?“A) Because I am a journalist and verifying skeptically is supposed be our job but more importantly b) because I worked for two Presidential campaigns, one formally and one informally, as a political consultant, and because I was a spouse of a White House speechwriter for many years.“As a political consultant and also a longtime close-up observer of how news and statements come out of the White House and Presidential campaigns, I know that FIRST the communications team involved has to start with something handed to them that they had nothing to do with …“And THEN the creative, talented people in the campaigns’ or nation’s communications shop are asked to construct a narrative about it and talking points and find ‘heroes’ that help the narrative along, and the narrative often finally sounds like nothing to do with the actual deal. (In fact best that way.)“And that uplifting campaign speech or press conference or initiative or photo op often involves finding individuals with great stories to tell that have nothing to do with the deal.“So all the people who are attacking me right now for ‘conspiracy theories’ have no idea what they are talking about … people who assume the dominant narrative MUST BE TRUE and the dominant reasons MUST BE REAL are not experienced in how that world works.”
Naomi Wolf has good reason to speak out about ISIS. In her 2007 book, “The End of America”, Wolf outlined 10 steps necessary for a fascist group (or government) to destroy the democratic character of a nation-state and subvert the social and political liberties previously exercised by its citizens.
- Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy
- Create secret prisons where torture takes place
- Develop a thug caste or paramilitary force not answerable to citizens
- Set up an internal surveillance system
- Harass citizens’ groups
- Engage in arbitrary detention and release
- Target key individuals
- Control the press
- Treat all political dissidents as traitors
- Suspend the rule of law
While the public in the Western world is quick to label anyone who questions an official story as a “conspiracy theorist”, the public in the Middle East is overwhelmingly skeptical about ISIS and its so-called “Jihad”. For instance, in Lebanon and Egypt, the idea that ISIS was a U.S. creation was so widespread (high-ranked officials were claiming it), that the US Embassy in Beirut needed to deny the rumors.
أجهزة الامن الاميركية تستخدم فزاعة الارهاب لاجبار الكونغرس على اعتماد ميزانيتها
لنرى كيف تسير الامور
وزارة الامن الداخلي الاميركي ارادت اعتماد ميزانيتها
ما هي الطريقة لإجبار الكونجرس على المواقفة على الميزانية
اعتقال 3 شخص ويتهمونهم اتصال مع داعش
قبل اجتماع الكونغرس
See how things is moving
Homeland security needs funding
what is the way to compel the congress to fund home land
arrest 3 person and accuse them of connection with isis
before the congress vote
27 Feb 2015
Democrats signed on to a Senate Republican plan to avoid a partial shutdown of the Homeland Security Department, putting pressure on House Republicans to drop their insistence that any funding measure reverse President Barack Obama's orders easing immigration policies.
Spending for the department, which oversees the nation's borders, expires Friday at midnight—held hostage in a proxy battle over Obama's recent executive actions sparing millions of immigrants in this country illegally from deportation. Republicans won full control of Congress in November's midterm elections.
3 arrested in New York City for allegedly conspiring to support ISIS
There is an American administration to deformation Islam
Office of Strategic Influence (OSI)
Isis is copy of
Death Squads in El Salvador:
A Pattern of U.S. Complicity
Bankers Are Behind The Counter Culture The Aquarian Conspiracy
Exclusive video of suspected spy from Canadian intelligence assisting British girls join ISIS
Intelligence role by using ISIS to terminate peoples revolution
relatives of the coptic kidnapped in Libya accusing Haftar forces not isis
Patriot’ Terrorist Frames Muslims With Quran Bomb
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