Sanctions of blasphemy and contempt of religion in Spain, Germany and Greece and the declaration of Human Rights in Islam
عقوبة المجدف في الكتاب المقدس هو الرجم حتى الموت
According to the Bible blasphemer his punishment is stoning to death
Blasphemers must be stoned to death.
Leviticus 24:13-1
In the Bible Kill who insult jesus God revenge of Mocking Elisha
قانون ضد التجديف في ايرلندا
Blasphemy law in the Republic of Ireland
قانون التجديف في ماينمار
Even some Euroupian countries such as Ireland condemns blasphemy
Myanmar Punishaed three people, including a New Zealander in a mockery of the Buddha
Sentenced to two years
Religious sanctities
when someone broke the traffic light is punishable also when badawi insult God and break the law
when you break the law there is penalty even if you use hate and insult what about insult God
Laws against hate crimes
Hate speech laws in the United Kingdom
MÁLAGA, Spain ( - Three feminists are facing criminal charges in Spain for a blasphemous public mockery of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
قانون معاداة السامية
when you break the law there is penalty even if you deny the holocust
Laws against Holocaust denial
Laws against Holocaust denial
5 years' imprisonment
Ernst Zündel
has an anti-blasphemy law dating from 1871, but it has been little used in recent decades. It was however successfully used in 1994 to ban a musical comedy that ridiculed the Catholic doctrine of the immaculate conception by portraying crucified pigs.
Italy has a law against "outrage to a religion," which has recently been used against the journalist Oriana Fallaci over her outspoken statements and writings on Islam. That case, which adds a charge of "incitation to inter-religious hatred," is still pending.
Jesus Comic Enrages Greeks
The D.- W. ^ | Feb 8 2005 | Vivian Papanayotou
Posted on 2/8/2005,
A controversial comic book depicting Jesus as a party animal is not amusing the Greeks. They have banned the book and sentenced its author to a six-month jail term.
Calling it "hurtful to public decency and blasphemous," an Athens court upheld a ban on a comic book portraying Jesus Christ as a naked surfer high on marijuana and sentenced its author to six months in jail last month.
The book's Greek publishers and four local booksellers were acquitted of all charges regarding the book, called "The Life of Jesus." A separate case on the book's seizure is pending in the Greek Supreme Court.
"If the ban is not lifted, we'll consider appealing to the European Court of Human Rights," said Haderer's lawyer, Minas Mihailovic.
Ruling is "scandalous"
Austrian author Gerhard Haderer did not attend the trial and faces imprisonment only if he enters Greece. He called the ruling "scandalous."
"I have done nothing other than to go too far in depicting the contrast between non-believers and believers," he said. "But when the state suddenly begins to set limits for humor, then that is really a reason for disquiet."
Haderer's book, which sold over 100,000 German-language copies, is reportedly the first one to be banned in Greece in more than 20 years. It first ran into trouble in February 2003 after the Greek edition was confiscated by the Greek government and the powerful and conservative Greek Orthodox Church filed a complaint against the author.
In 2000, another book, an erotic Greek novel was provisionally seized in Greece after the church condemned it as blasphemous.
Jesus on a surfing trip
The book is controversial because of its out-of-the-ordinary depictions of Jesus, such as one of his crossing the Sea of Galilee naked on a surfboard, receiving divine inspiration from frankincense. One illustration recasts the Last Supper as a drinking binge. Characters such as fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld and the late guitar wonder Jimi Hendrix mingle with Jesus in the tales.
The book has been published in Austria, Germany, France, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Hungary and South Korea. In some countries, it has sparked protests and a Czech lawmaker wanted the author fined. But in no other country has the book been banned.
"After all, Greece is a member of the European Union and, so you would think, not a religious state in which an artist's freedom of expression is kicked to the ground," said Harderer's publisher, Fritz Panzer.
Blasphemy laws hinder artistic freedom
The crackdown on the book was condemned by the Geneva-based International Publishers' Association (IPA) because of concerns that the ruling will hinder other authors.
"While IPA opposes all forms of religious intolerance, it stands for the elimination of all prohibitions limiting freedom of expression whether imposed by governments or by religious authorities," IPA officials wrote in a statement.
يمنع التعدي على الثوابت والمقدسات الاسلامية

عقوبة المجدف في الكتاب المقدس هو الرجم حتى الموت
According to the Bible blasphemer his punishment is stoning to death
Blasphemers must be stoned to death.
Leviticus 24:13-1
In the Bible Kill who insult jesus God revenge of Mocking Elisha
قانون ضد التجديف في ايرلندا
Blasphemy law in the Republic of Ireland
قانون التجديف في ماينمار
Even some Euroupian countries such as Ireland condemns blasphemy
Myanmar Punishaed three people, including a New Zealander in a mockery of the Buddha
Sentenced to two years
Religious sanctities
when someone broke the traffic light is punishable also when badawi insult God and break the law
when you break the law there is penalty even if you use hate and insult what about insult God
Laws against hate crimes
Hate speech laws in the United Kingdom
MÁLAGA, Spain ( - Three feminists are facing criminal charges in Spain for a blasphemous public mockery of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
قانون معاداة السامية
when you break the law there is penalty even if you deny the holocust
Laws against Holocaust denial
Laws against Holocaust denial
5 years' imprisonment
Ernst Zündel
has an anti-blasphemy law dating from 1871, but it has been little used in recent decades. It was however successfully used in 1994 to ban a musical comedy that ridiculed the Catholic doctrine of the immaculate conception by portraying crucified pigs.
Italy has a law against "outrage to a religion," which has recently been used against the journalist Oriana Fallaci over her outspoken statements and writings on Islam. That case, which adds a charge of "incitation to inter-religious hatred," is still pending.
Jesus Comic Enrages Greeks
The D.- W. ^ | Feb 8 2005 | Vivian Papanayotou
Posted on 2/8/2005,
A controversial comic book depicting Jesus as a party animal is not amusing the Greeks. They have banned the book and sentenced its author to a six-month jail term.
Calling it "hurtful to public decency and blasphemous," an Athens court upheld a ban on a comic book portraying Jesus Christ as a naked surfer high on marijuana and sentenced its author to six months in jail last month.
The book's Greek publishers and four local booksellers were acquitted of all charges regarding the book, called "The Life of Jesus." A separate case on the book's seizure is pending in the Greek Supreme Court.
"If the ban is not lifted, we'll consider appealing to the European Court of Human Rights," said Haderer's lawyer, Minas Mihailovic.
Ruling is "scandalous"
Austrian author Gerhard Haderer did not attend the trial and faces imprisonment only if he enters Greece. He called the ruling "scandalous."
"I have done nothing other than to go too far in depicting the contrast between non-believers and believers," he said. "But when the state suddenly begins to set limits for humor, then that is really a reason for disquiet."
Haderer's book, which sold over 100,000 German-language copies, is reportedly the first one to be banned in Greece in more than 20 years. It first ran into trouble in February 2003 after the Greek edition was confiscated by the Greek government and the powerful and conservative Greek Orthodox Church filed a complaint against the author.
In 2000, another book, an erotic Greek novel was provisionally seized in Greece after the church condemned it as blasphemous.
Jesus on a surfing trip
The book is controversial because of its out-of-the-ordinary depictions of Jesus, such as one of his crossing the Sea of Galilee naked on a surfboard, receiving divine inspiration from frankincense. One illustration recasts the Last Supper as a drinking binge. Characters such as fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld and the late guitar wonder Jimi Hendrix mingle with Jesus in the tales.
The book has been published in Austria, Germany, France, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Hungary and South Korea. In some countries, it has sparked protests and a Czech lawmaker wanted the author fined. But in no other country has the book been banned.
"After all, Greece is a member of the European Union and, so you would think, not a religious state in which an artist's freedom of expression is kicked to the ground," said Harderer's publisher, Fritz Panzer.
Blasphemy laws hinder artistic freedom
The crackdown on the book was condemned by the Geneva-based International Publishers' Association (IPA) because of concerns that the ruling will hinder other authors.
"While IPA opposes all forms of religious intolerance, it stands for the elimination of all prohibitions limiting freedom of expression whether imposed by governments or by religious authorities," IPA officials wrote in a statement.
إعلان القاهرة حول حقوق الإنسان في الإسلام
يمنع التعدي على الثوابت والمقدسات الاسلامية

All the rights and freedoms stipulated in this Declaration are subject to the Islamic Shari'ah.
The Islamic Shari'ah is the only source of reference for the explanation or clarification of any of the articles of this Declaration.
أهم ماجاء في
إعلان القاهرة حول حقوق الإنسان في الإسلام
المادة 24
كل الحقوق والحريات المقررة في هذا الإعلان مقيدة بأحكام الشريعة الإسلامية.
المادة 25
الشريعة الإسلامية هي المرجع الوحيد لتفسير أو توضيح أي مادة من مواد هذه الوثيقة.
1990 Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam, according to which any human right must be compatible with Islamic sharia law -- meaning that there are no "human rights" as thought of in the West, but only human obligations as imposed by Allah and his prophet. Whatever is inside sharia law is a human right. Whatever is outside sharia law is not a human right.
تم إجازته من قبل مجلس وزراء خارجية منظمة مؤتمر العالم الإسلامي ،القاهرة، 5 أغسطس 1990
المادة 24
كل الحقوق والحريات المقررة في هذا الإعلان مقيدة بأحكام الشريعة الإسلامية.
المادة 25
الشريعة الإسلامية هي المرجع الوحيد لتفسير أو توضيح أي مادة من مواد هذه الوثيقة.
Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam,Aug. 5, 1990,
Your freedom ends when you reach the limits of God
Human Rights in Islam
Human Rights in Islam
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