Christian militiamen decapitated a young Muslim man in the capital, Bangui, two days after peacekeepers escorted some of the last remaining Muslims from the city. Central African Republic’s conflict intensified in December when Christian militants known as anti-Balaka stormed the capital to overthrow the Muslim rebel government, which stepped down in January. Reprisal attacks on Muslim civilians accused of having collaborated with the rebels, known as Seleka, have continued despite the deployment of French and regional peacekeepers.


Christians lopping of the heads of Muslims
The Crimes do not fall off with time
Christians are continuing killing Muslims from the past to the time being
America and the Christian killed Millions of Muslims in Iraq Yamen Afghanistan Syria Algeria Pakistan
Rape of Iraqi women by U.S. soldiers
Classified Evidence: US Soldiers Raped Boys In Front Of Their Mothers at Abu Ghraib
America killed a million Muslims In IRAQ
أميركا قتلت اكثر من مليون عراقي
7. Civilian Casualties in Western Wars Continue: Though ISIS and other terrorist groups were rightly condemned for killing civilians in 2015, the West pointed fingers while committing the same crimes. In fact, one U.N. report released in September found U.S. drone strikes have killed more civilians in Yemen than al-Qaeda. Another analysis released this year proved Obama’s drone wars have killed more people than were murdered during the Spanish Inquisition. Though the U.S. military’s bombing of a Doctors Without Borders (MSF) hospital received global attention and outrage, many other incidents went underreported. In May, one U.S. airstrike on Syria killed 52 civilians in one fell swoop. Additionally, U.S.-backed coalitions have bombed civilian populations, like in Yemen, where Saudi Arabia killed at least 500 children, not to mention thousands more adult civilians. In other egregious misdeeds, it was revealed that the U.S. military sanctions pedophilia in Afghanistan.
7. Civilian Casualties in Western Wars Continue: Though ISIS and other terrorist groups were rightly condemned for killing civilians in 2015, the West pointed fingers while committing the same crimes. In fact, one U.N. report released in September found U.S. drone strikes have killed more civilians in Yemen than al-Qaeda. Another analysis released this year proved Obama’s drone wars have killed more people than were murdered during the Spanish Inquisition. Though the U.S. military’s bombing of a Doctors Without Borders (MSF) hospital received global attention and outrage, many other incidents went underreported. In May, one U.S. airstrike on Syria killed 52 civilians in one fell swoop. Additionally, U.S.-backed coalitions have bombed civilian populations, like in Yemen, where Saudi Arabia killed at least 500 children, not to mention thousands more adult civilians. In other egregious misdeeds, it was revealed that the U.S. military sanctions pedophilia in Afghanistan.
Five Myths Regarding the Paris Terror Attacks
15. Sharp Uptick in Islamophobia: Amid the carnage of the Paris terror attacks, the recent shooting in San Bernardino, and the surge in Syrian refugees seeking asylum in Western nations, attacks against Muslims skyrocketed in 2015. In the United States, Muslims have been attacked for praying in public, wearing traditional head scarves, and for simply being out in public. Sikhs have been caught in the crossfire for the crime of being brown and wearing cloth on their heads — and thus being confused with Muslims — while at least one Christian has been terrorized as a result of the unmitigated hate currently permeating modern society. Many European nations and U.S. states have rejected the influx of refugees from war-torn Syria.
Amid the increased hate against Muslims, however, has come an outpouring of love and tolerance. Muslim groups across the world have condemned terror attacks, raised money to help the families of victims, and promoted programs to discourage extremism. At the same time, citizens across Europe and throughout the United States have welcomed Syrian refugees with open arms.
2015 was a year of chaos, violence, hate, and an ongoing struggle of freedom versus oppression. In many ways, it was like the years, decades, and even centuries and millenia that came before. But amid the conflict and often discouraging headlines, humanity has continued to persevere, offering resistance to seemingly all-powerful forces and paving the way for, if nothing else, potential peace, freedom, and respect for human life.
Image of French soldiers in Cameroon. chopped Off the heads of the resistance and they were taking pictures for the memory and flaunt it .... 1956-1971
This statue is at the entrance of a church in Milano
Just imagine how would Be if its at a mosque or park in Saudi Arabia
Belgium soldiers hanging a 7 year old black child in 1908… notice the white devil on the left reading child bible scriptures before they execute him. #blackhistory #blackgenocide #whitepeoplearecrazy #belgium #racism #congo #colonialism #blackpowermatters
... Nous , citoyens algériens, vous appelons à entreprendre exiger de l’État français,la Restitution à l'Algérie les restes mortuaires de résistants algériens conservés dans les musées français.
Les manquements détestables aux règles morales les plus rudimentaires, aucune culture ne saurait y souscrire, aucune croyance ne peut les admettre. Aucune pratique de piété ne peut permettre qu’un corps soit délibérément séparé d’un bras, d’une jambe ou de la tête pour finir naturalisé dans un musée pour la postérité. Sauf à faire volontairement don de son corps à la recherche scientifique ou pour des raisons médicales envers son prochain.
Parmi les restes qui ont été identifiés au Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris, figurent les crânes appartenant à :
- Mohamed Lamjad Ben Abdelmalek, dit Chérif "Boubaghla",
- Cheikh Bouziane, chef de la révolte des Zaatchas,
- Moussa El-Derkaoui,
- Si Mokhtar Ben Kouider Al-Titraoui
- La tête momifiée d’Aïssa Al-Hamadi, qui fut le lieutenant du Chérif Boubaghla, fait partie de la découverte effectuée au début du mois de mars 2011 par Ali Farid BELKADI -Chercheur, Historien Alger/Paris, à l'origine de la rédaction de cette pétition, qui a pu constater la présence de restes mortuaires de plusieurs dizaines de partisans algériens dans le même musée.
Selon Mr Philipe Mennecier, du MNHN de Paris, "rien n’empêcherait le rapatriement de ces restes mortuaires. Il suffit que la partie algérienne en formule la demande. Ce sont à l’origine des donations qui font partie du patrimoine national. Et seul un accord entre l’État algérien et l’État français pourrait faciliter la démarche de rapatriement".
Nous, Algériens, ombrageux du sort indigne qui est fait à la mémoire de ces vaillants guerriers de l’Algérie, pays libre exerçant tous ses droits dans le concert des nations, vous demandons d’agir , sans attendre, pour le rapatriement impérieux des restes mortuaires de ces résistants à la colonisation française, afin qu’ils soient dignement enterrés dans leur sol natal.
Skulls of the Algerian Fighters against French occupation have been stored in French Museum its crimes against the Arab and Muslim people of Algeria
جماجم المجاهدين الجزائريين في متحف فرنسا جرائم فرنسا ضد الشعب العربي المسلم الجزائر
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