الجمعة، 25 ديسمبر 2015

الامارات تدعم مؤسسة الايمان التي اسسها توني بلير المتخصصة في الحركات الاسلامية

الامارات تدعم مؤسسة الايمان التي اسسها توني بلير المتخصصة في الحركات الاسلامية 

تنشر معلومات مغلوطة عن الحركات الثورية في سوريا

David Cameron's shameful U-turn on Muslim Brotherhood 

Do not be surprised as long as Blair employee for Mohammed bin Zayed would write what his Boss wants 1
who supports Bashar and suffers from a phobia Muslim Brotherhood


مؤسسة الايمان التابعة لتوني بلير تنشر معلومات مغلوطة عن الثوار في سوريا
والباحث تشارلز ليستر يستنكر ما ذكرته المؤسسة

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الباحث تشارلز ليستر يستنكر المعلومات التي ذكرها الباحثون في مؤسسة الايمان التابعة الي توني بلير

I’m honestly speechless at the conclusions from this report. Extraordinary lack of knowledge on :

PT: Labelling & al-Nusra as the same as Fastaqm Kama Umrat & Nour al-Din al-Zinki is utterly absurd. It’s literally beyond debatable.

Moreover, how can the pro-Al-Qaeda/Taliban group Imam Bukhari Jamat be rated as the same (more moderate) as US vetted FSA groups? It cannot.

Many groups, inc. the Kurdish Islamic Front, Liwa al-Ummah, Durou al-Thowra & Liwa al-Tawhid have not existed operationally for 6-12 months.

Do Fastaqm, Zinki, Ajnad al-Sham (Sufi/Zaydi roots) & Liwa al-Haq really all share ’ ideology?? Seriously?! This is totally ridiculous

The report contains no information on methodology. How many of these groups did 
actually meet/interview or witness first-hand?

PTs: For what it’s worth, I personally know the leaders of 31/40 groups ID’d in the report & have interviewed many members of 6 others.


مغالطة اخرى ذكرتها مؤسسة الايمان التابعة لبلير انه لايمكن تمييز الحركات الثورية المتطرفة من المعتدلة في سوريا

He mentioned another fallacy of the Blair Faith Foundation that he could not distinguish the 
revolutionary movements of extremist and moderates in Syria

Syria's rebels cannot be divided into radicals and moderates Any attempt by international powers to distinguish between acceptable 'moderates' and unacceptable 'extremists' is flawed. Where short- or long-term objectives overlap, groups form coalitions regardless of ideology. Across Syria, Islamists battle Assad or ISIS alongside non-Islamists, and Western-supplied arms are used as fire support for extremists. http://tonyblairfaithfoundation.org/religion-geopolitics/reports-analysis/report/if-castle-falls?utm_content=buffer1b342&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

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