Keith Ellison / Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's isis VS KKK
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's KKK Analogy Sums Up ISIS Perfectly
A six-time NBA champion and league Most Valuable Player, who is also a celebrated author, filmmaker and education ambassador has said:
"When the Ku Klux Klan burns a cross in a black family’s yard, Christians aren’t required to explain how these aren’t really Christian acts"
What about when innocent people are killed by such groups as ISIS, do they represent Islam and the Muslim world?. Find out the hard hitting facts on this weeks show!
Did you know that the Christian KKK at it's prime had 5,000,000 memebers, thats right 5 million members that represented Christians in America. What's that percentage compared to ISIS ? Find out in this weeks show.
We'll also be talking about the latest Terrorist Hate Crimes that have happened, such as Chapel Hill and others where innocent Human-beings were murdered and lives lost with little, to NO media Coverage, compared to the 24/7 non stop media coverage on ISIS.
Did you know that there is a huge movement of millions of Catholic/Christians who worship a "saint of death" (No disrespect intended to true Christians). We'll be talking about it on this weeks show.
We'll also have a heartfelt message to the families of the innocent victims, all this and more on this weeks new show. Please share!
Can Hate Crimes Can Be Prevented? Read link below for answer
النائب كينث اليسون داعش هي مثل كوكلاس كلان في المسيحية
Rep. Keith Ellison on ISIS: 'It's as Islamic as Ku Klux Klan is Christian'

Rep. Keith Ellison on ISIS: 'It's as Islamic as Ku Klux Klan is Christian'
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's KKK Analogy Sums Up ISIS Perfectly
Muslim NBA champion on ISIS vs Christian KKK & Terrorism against innocent Muslims
Ku Klax Klan Increasing Recruitment, After Your Kids Next
Ku Klux Klan | America's Oldest Terrorist Group | Military
Truth and Edutainment Presents: The ORIGINAL Terrorist
Christians Terrorists Mass Murder / shooting / suicide
Hate groups in America and Britain against Muslims and immigrants
طائفة قديسة الموت الكاثوليكية
Death saint Santa Muerte Catholic Cult
MUST WATCH: Saudi FM Adel al Jubeir: Objective is the removal of Assad in Syria
أحد الحضور لوزير الخارجية السعودي : "داعش" تنظيم إسلامي ، شاهد رد "الجبير"
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