I have to just speak out on what is happening in America right now. We are seeing so much hate towards our own fellow man. Muslim-Americans are just as much American as I am or you are. They are not the problem, we are! We are doing this to our fellow Americans because a group of people want you to believe that Muslims caused ISIS. Sorry but that is not even close to being accurate. We caused ISIS to become a radical terror organization. Americans glorify exactly what they are doing to innocent humans. Look at the shows you watch, the stories you read, the politicians you listen to. The President did not make Muslims mad. These types of terrorists come from normal every day families just like Dylann Roof, Robert Lewis Dear or James Holmes. Did we condemn Christians when these men killed innocent Americans? No, so why are we blaming a religion for their own extremists?
Is America immune to extreme religious ideology? Let’s think about it. Let’s talk about the extreme religious views that Christians have. Oh, wait, you don’t know want to hear that because that would prove that you are defending the same type of extreme views as those Muslim terrorists. Christians call for death to homosexuals. No, not every Christian, just the evil extreme ones like the hate group American Family Association or Westboro Baptist Church. No, they don’t act out on it, but they encourage it and radicalize it so that people, who believe their hate rhetoric, can do the dirty work. You know the lone wolf terrorist. What you would like to call “Mental Health issues” is actually no better than what jihadists do. Yet, you still want to condemn the Muslim population. How hypocritical can you be?
Somewhere along the line, we have allowed the Christian church back into our government. They are trying to inflict their superior religion over every other valid and legal religious view. Now, we are at a point where the religious views of one class of people is attempting to hijack our government. We are not a Theocracy nor do we ever need to be. Donald Trump is no more religious than any Muslim, yet the Republican Party has embraced him as if he is the Messiah. Donald Trump has only exposed the true racists that live among us. They are loud, they are angry, they are dangerous. They are acting like fascinated Germans staring at their Hitler. I am sorry, but this has gotten out of hand. I said I wanted to avoid writing about Donald Trump, but he has to be included because he is part of the problem. He is the puppet master playing the American people like marionettes. We can not and will not ban any citizen or immigrant based on religion. That is a blatant violation of the Constitution. I don’t give a rat’s ass about what those Republican “strategists” tell you about immigrants not having a right to protections until we make them American. These are human rights! This country was built by immigrants, our Statue of Liberty speaks of our promise to every country that we would welcome them with open arms with liberty and dignity. So no, he will not get his way, but he gives Daesh what they want. Sorry, but I will only say this once, ISIS is not what they are called. They do not deserve the dignity. Use Daesh, it fits appropriately. However, Trump is just a piece of the hate pie. We also now get to hear from the Supreme Court and our favorite asshat Justice Scalia.
During a hearing on ‘Affirmative Action’, Justice Antonin Scalia, a far-right conservative serving on the Supreme Court, had this nice little nugget to say out loud for the world to hear:

Now I don’t know about you but I believe that might be the most blatant and extreme piece of racism I have heard come from the mouth of this man. What the hell is a “lesser school?” Justice Scalia appears to have forgotten where he was and who was watching. A person’s skin color does not affect a person’s ability to learn, achieve and succeed. The only thing that I can see affecting those people that he assumes are less intelligent is the obvious racism that plays out in every section of our elected government. The United States is no longer the welcoming home that we used to hear about from our foreign friends and neighbors. I remember visiting London in 1999. It was beautiful, the crowds were friendly and spoke so highly of our country. I guess the year made a big difference. I was lucky enough to see part of the world before a government led us into the mess we are now experiencing. How much longer must we ignore the cold hard facts of the Iraq War?
President Obama did not create Daesh, nor did he ignore them. You can not defeat a terror that is not on the ground. Yes, we can bomb the hell out of them in Syria and Iraq. We can kill each and every one of them, but they are not just in Syria. They are everywhere. It is like a virus in a computer. Once it infects one system, it spreads across the internet to every other connection. You can only kill the connection by killing the internet. We know that will not happen. You can not shut down a whole network simply because of a virus. Nor can you eliminate a whole system such as a population of religious people. The group Daesh is a group of viruses in the world system. We can put any terrorist who uses religious extremism in the same category. We need to stop talking like we do not experience terrorism in America. Yet, we are so afraid to label a Christian a terrorist because we need to keep the Christian race superior? I mean, that’s what it sounds like. Why must we, as a united country, defend Christianity and condemn Islam or Judaism or Buddhism? We are one United States and we need to begin acting like one. Stop allowing the crazy section of America speak for the majority of America. Don’t let hate and anger create more violence. You can not defeat extremism by becoming extremists! You can not keep us safe if you only think of what is happening in Syria or Iraq. Looking at our borders doesn’t change extremism. Remember it is that virus that has infected every country. Shutting down the base doesn’t kill the ideology. You can not win this war with war! It just can not happen.
For every Congress member that says we must put boots on the ground, remember those boots are your children and grandchildren that will die for a battle that is not on the ground. For every Presidential candidate that tells you that our government is weak on Daesh, they are not the ones doing the job. It appears none of them have any degree of technical knowledge on how social media works. They are pandering for votes by trying to scare the fuck out of you. Think about it. Yes, we had a terrorist attack in San Bernardino and it was horrendous, but how is that any different that Dylann Roof killing 9 in an African-American church, or the Virginia tech shooter killing 32. No different than the over 350 mass shootings this year alone. No, I am not going to go into gun control because again, it is obvious that Republicans in Congress are afraid of the NRA. Each and every Congress member that ignores what is really happening in America already terrorized your children and grandchildren. They will grow up knowing terror each and every day. They will hear from Fox News on how to run towards an attacker as if we need to traumatize our children just acting it out.
It is time to stand up to racism and hate in America. It is time to stop acting like we are a terror free nation. Do you honestly think other countries think we are terror free? Watch other countries when they speak of the horrors Americans have been facing for years. We are not the innocent little lambs of the world. Stop playing like it because it makes you look IGNORANT! We will not bow down to any person who claims to speak for the whole America with his fascists views. We know what Fascism looks like. We know the results and I will not be in a country that would even consider that as a viable option for the country I have always been proud to live in
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