List of hate groups in America and UK against Muslims and immigrants

Researchers Create “Hate Map” of the U.S. With Twitter Data
Hate groups in America and Britain against Muslims and immigrants
America's Promise Ministries
Ideology: Christian Identity
America's Promise Ministry is both a Christian Identity church and a major publisher and distributor of right-wing extremist tracts.
American Freedom Party
American Freedom Party
Ideology: White Nationalist
The American Freedom Party (formerly American Third Position) is a political party initially established by racist Southern California skinheads that aims to deport immigrants and return the United States to white rule.
American Renaissance conference
American Renaissance
Ideology: White Nationalist
Founded by Jared Taylor in 1990, the New Century Foundation is a self-styled think tank that promotes pseudo-scientific studies and research that purport to show the inferiority of blacks to whites. It is best known for its American Renaissance magazine and website.
Aryan Brotherhood
Aryan Brotherhood
Ideology: White Nationalist
The Aryan Brotherhood, also known as The Brand, Alice Baker, AB or One-Two, is the nation’s oldest major white supremacist prison gang and a national crime syndicate. Founded in 1964 by Irish bikers as a form of protection for white inmates in newly desegregated prisons, the AB is today the largest and deadliest prison gang in the United States, with an estimated 20,000 members inside prisons and on the streets.
Aryan Brotherhood of Texas
Ideology: White Nationalist
Founded in the early 1980s, the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas, also known as the ABT, the Tip and Ace Deuce, is an unrelated knockoff of the racist prison gang Aryan Brotherhood. It is one of the deadliest prison gangs in the Texas Department of Prisons, and also a statewide crime syndicate. Like the Aryan Brotherhood, the ABT has a strictly hierarchical leadership structure and has members both inside the state’s prisons and on the streets.
Aryan Nations symbol
Aryan Nations
Ideology: Neo-Nazi
Aryan Nations (AN) was once a powerful organizing force for white supremacists that cultivated a wide spectrum of racist and anti-Semitic ideas.
Barnes Review
Ideology: White Nationalist
Founded by Willis Carto in 1994, The Barnes Review (TBR) is one of the most virulent anti-Semitic organizations around. Its flagship journal, The Barnes Review, and its website,, are dedicated to historical revisionism and Holocaust denial.
Blood & Honour tattoo
Blood & Honour
Ideology: Racist Skinhead
Based in the United Kingdom, Blood & Honour is a shadowy international coalition of racist skinhead gangs. In the United States, two rival groups claim to be affiliated with Blood & Honour.
KKK members
Brotherhood of Klans
Ideology: Ku Klux Klan
The Brotherhood of Klans (BOK) has long been one of the largest and most widespread Ku Klux Klan organizations in the United States. It’s also the only KKK faction to establish chapters outside the U.S., with a sizable presence in Canada.
Imperial Wizard Ray Larsen
Church of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
Ideology: Ku Klux Klan
Once one of the largest and most active Klan groups in America, the Church of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan has more recently gained a kind of "Keystone Kops" reputation on the white supremacist scene for its bumbling ways.
John Hill of the Council of Conservative Citizens
Council of Conservative Citizens
Ideology: White Nationalist
The Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC) is the modern reincarnation of the old White Citizens Councils, which were formed in the 1950s and 1960s to battle school desegregation in the South. Created in 1985 from the mailing lists of its predecessor organization, the CCC has evolved into a crudely white supremacist group.
Matt Hale sieg heils in front of WCOTC flag
Creativity Movement
Ideology: Neo-Nazi
A self-styled religious organization, the Creativity Movement incessantly promotes what it sees as the inherent superiority and "creativity" of the white race — about the only tenets there are to its supposed "theology." The group was formed in 1973 as the Church of the Creator and was later renamed the World Church of the Creator (WCOTC).
David Duke
Ideology: White Nationalist
Founded in 2000 under a different name by the former Klan leader and notorious neo-Nazi David Duke, the European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO) claims to fight for "White Civil Rights" for "European and Americans Wherever They May Live." EURO serves primarily as a vehicle to publicize Duke's writing and sell his books.
FLDS church
Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Still actively practicing polygamy more than a century after the mainstream Mormon Church abandoned the practice, the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (FLDS) is a white supremacist, homophobic, antigovernment, totalitarian cult.
IKA hooded member
Imperial Klans of America
Ideology: Ku Klux Klan
Until the late 2000s the second largest Klan group in the nation, the Imperial Klans of America (IKA) today is smaller but remains active despite a $2.5 million judgment against its leader and several followers in a lawsuit brought by the Southern Poverty Law Center in 2008.
Institute for Historical Review
Ideology: Holocaust Denial
Founded in 1978 by Willis Carto, a longtime anti-Semite, the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) is a pseudo-academic organization that claims to seek "truth and accuracy in history," but whose real purpose is to promote Holocaust denial and defend Nazism.
Keystone State skinhead with sledgehammer
Keystone United
Ideology: Racist Skinhead
Keystone United, known until 2009 as the Keystone State Skinheads (KSS), is one of the largest and most active single-state racist skinhead crews in the country.
Kingdom Identity Ministries
Ideology: Christian Identity
Kingdom Identity Ministries is the largest supplier in existence of materials related to Christian Identity, a radical-right theology that generally identifies people of color as soulless sub-humans and Jews as satanic or cursed by God.
Knights of the KKK
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
Ideology: Ku Klux Klan
Founded by David Duke in 1975, the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan has attempted to put a "kinder, gentler" face on the Klan, courting media attention and attempting to portray itself as a modern "white civil rights" organization. But beneath that veneer lurks the same bigoted rhetoric.
League of the South
League of the South
Ideology: Neo-Confederate
The League of the South is a neo-Confederate group that advocates for a second Southern secession and a society dominated by “European Americans.” The league believes the “godly” nation it wants to form should be run by an “Anglo-Celtic” (read: white) elite. National Alliance
National Alliance
Ideology: Neo-Nazi
The National Alliance (NA) was for decades the most dangerous and best organized neo-Nazi formation in America. Explicitly genocidal in its ideology, NA materials call for the eradication of the Jews and other races and the creation of an all-white homeland.
NSM in Omaha
National Socialist Movement
Ideology: Neo-Nazi
An organization that specializes in theatrical and provocative protests, the National Socialist Movement (NSM) is one of the largest and most prominent neo-Nazi groups in the United States.
National Vanguard
National Vanguard
Ideology: Neo-Nazi
Formed in 2005 by longtime activist Kevin Strom, National Vanguard was a breakaway group from the neo-Nazi National Alliance. National Vanguard was increasing its membership before the arrest and imprisonment of its leader, Kevin Strom, in 2007 for child pornography and witness tampering, after which the group fell apart.
Occidental Quarterly
Ideology: White Nationalist
Founded in 2001 by Chicago millionaire publishing scion William H. Regnery, the Charles Martel Society publishes The Occidental Quarterly (TOQ), a racist journal devoted to the idea that as whites become a minority "the civilization and free governments that whites have created" will be jeopardized.
Pioneer Fund
Ideology: White Nationalist
Started in 1937 by textile magnate Wickliffe Draper, the Pioneer Fund's original mandate was to pursue "race betterment" by promoting the genetic stock of those "deemed to be descended predominantly from white persons who settled in the original thirteen states prior to the adoption of the Constitution."
Ideology: White Nationalist
Created by former Alabama Klan boss and long-time white supremacist Don Black in 1995, Stormfront was the first major hate site on the Internet. Claiming more than 130,000 registered members (though far fewer remain active), the site has been a very popular online forum for white nationalists and other racial extremists.
The Creativity Movement
The Creativity Movement
Ideology: Neo-Nazi
The Creativity Movement is the latest of several incarnations of the racist group (and religion) originally known as Church of the Creator. The movement promotes what it sees as the inherent superiority and “creativity” of the white race.
Peter Brimelow
Ideology: White Nationalist
Originally established in 1999 by the Center for American Unity, a Virginia-based nonprofit foundation started by English immigrant Peter Brimelow, is an anti-immigration hate website "dedicated to preserving our historical unity as Americans into the 21st Century."
Vinlanders Social Club
Ideology: Racist Skinhead
The Vinlanders Social Club was formed in 2003 by a handful of former members and associates of a rogue racist skinhead group, the Outlaw Hammerskins. Publicly the Vinlanders appeared to be a coalition of independent state skinhead crews, but in reality the group functioned as a single entity. The Vinlanders relished a reputation for drinking, brawling and following a racist version of Odinism, a form of ancient paganism once practiced by Vikings.
White Revolution - Roper
White Revolution
Ideology: Neo-Nazi
White Revolution is a neo-Nazi group that employs the most violent language and works with some of the most virulent leaders in the world of white supremacy, while claiming to remain legal. It has sought to unite groups across the radical spectrum, but has been singularly unsuccessful.
American Border Patrol/American Patrol
Ideology: Anti-Immigrant
American Border Patrol/American Patrol is one of the most virulent anti-immigrant groups around. On the American Patrol website and in self-produced videos, the group rails against Mexican immigrants, accusing them of bringing to the U.S. crime, drugs and squalor and of practicing “immigration via the birth canal.”
Bryan Fischer, AFA director of issue analysis for government and public policy
Barbara Coe, leader of CCIR
California Coalition for Immigration Reform
Ideology: Anti-Immigrant
Claiming an unlikely 26,000 members, the California Coalition for Immigration Reform (CCIR) is headed by Barbara Coe, an angry woman who consistently refers to Mexican immigrants as "savages." CCIR publishes a newsletter, produces DVDs, and links to many other anti-immigrant hate groups.
FAIR President Dan Stein
Federation for American Immigration Reform
Ideology: Anti-Immigrant
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is a group with one mission: to severely limit immigration into the United States. Although FAIR maintains a veneer of legitimacy that has allowed its principals to testify in Congress and lobby the federal government, this veneer hides much ugliness.
The Social Contract
The Social Contract Press
Ideology: Anti-Immigrant
The Social Contract Press (TSCP) routinely publishes race-baiting articles penned by white nationalists. The press is a program of U.S. Inc, the foundation created by John Tanton, the racist founder and principal ideologue of the modern nativist movement. TSCP puts an academic veneer of legitimacy over what are essentially racist arguments about the inferiority of today's immigrants.
ضد الشذوذ
American Family Association
Ideology: Anti-LGBT
The American Family Association (AFA) says it promotes "traditional moral values" in media. A large part of that work involves "combating the homosexual agenda" through various means, including publicizing companies that have pro-gay policies and organizing boycotts against them.
Tony Perkins
Family Research Council
Ideology: Anti-LGBT
The Family Research Council (FRC) bills itself as “the leading voice for the family in our nation’s halls of power,” but its real specialty is defaming gays and lesbians.
Traditional Values Coalition
Ideology: Anti-LGBT
Presbyterian minister Lou Sheldon founded the Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) in 1980 to spread a “moral code and behavior based upon the Old and New Testaments” and to warn Americans of the rising “gay threat.” The traditional values the TVC fights for include: the right to life (opposition to abortion and euthanasia), chastity and patriotism, along with opposition to homosexuality, pornography, the teaching of evolution in public schools and illegal immigration.
Westboro Baptist protest
Westboro Baptist Church
Ideology: Anti-LGBT
Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) is arguably the most obnoxious and rabid hate group in America. Typified by its slogan, “God Hates Fags,” WBC is known for its harsh anti-gay beliefs and the crude signs its members carry at their frequent protests.
Ideology: Patriot Movement
WorldNetDaily is an online publication founded and run by Joseph Farah that claims to pursue truth, justice and liberty. But in fact, its pages are devoted to manipulative fear-mongering and outright fabrications designed to further the paranoid, gay-hating, conspiratorial and apocalyptic visions of Farah and his hand-picked contributors from the fringes of the far-right and fundamentalist worlds.
الدفاع عن اليهود
Jewish Defense League
Jewish Defense League
The Jewish Defense League (JDL) is a radical organization that preaches a violent form of anti-Arab, Jewish nationalism. Its late founder, Rabbi Meir Kahane, claimed that Jews face fierce anti-Semitism domestically and abroad and must protect themselves by any means necessary.
Discrimination RACISM towards NATIVE
The Oprah Winfrey Show | "Racism in 1992" | Full Episode
9 people killed by white Black church Charleston South Carolina.
2 College Students Threats To Kill Black People At Mizzou
These black people are american citizen
has been killed by white police
Laquan McDonald was shot 16 times by police:
Black Church Burnings: Hate Crimes in Nine Southern States
Police in America killing Black people
White people always say to the native Americans it was 500yrs ago or to the negro slavery was 400yrs ago get over it or forget about it, get over pearl harbor get over the Holocaust and September 11, but when it comes to the "crimes" that happen to them they say never forget.SMDH
Anti-Japanese anti blacks anti Jews anti Muslim
Hate of the Christians
Sikh Man, Airlines Kicked Them Off Due to ‘Muslim Appearance’
Discrimination America Trump Ban the Muslims while himself Immegrant the real American are native
عنصرية وسفاهة بعض الامريكين وعلى شاكله #ترمب
أسطورة الملاكمة محمد علي ينتقد «عنصرية ترامب» -
America Crusade killed a million Muslims In IRAQ
10 Modern-Day Christian Terrorist Groups Mainstream Media Never Talks About
Christians Terrorists Mass Murder / shooting / suicide
العدائية ضد الاسلام / مدرسة اميركية تغلق بسبب الاسلام و جامعة تطرد دكتورة
Arabic Calligraphy Assignment Prompts Countywide School
Shutdown in Virginia
فصل دكتورة في الجامعة لانها قالت ان المسلمين و المسيحيين يعبدون نفس الاله
Christian college moves to fire professor who said Muslims worship same God
Hate crimes in England and Wales
Police recorded 52,528 hate crimes in 2014-15,
Hijab-Wearing Teenage Girl Caught On CCTV Suffering Brutal Attack
تعريف في الجماعات العنصرية في بريطانيا
The English Defence League
The Prejudice and Discrimination Faced By Islam in the UK
Racism against Aboriginal Aus
Discrimination towards indigenous Australians
Aus is belong to aboriginal and you do no a favor for themyou immigrant go back to were you belong
and practicing Racial Discrimination against aboriginal 2
Unique is what happens in Australia, where the Anglo-Saxon colonized Australia and raped the land 1
European occupies the land of Aus Aboriginal and discriminate against them 1
then an immigrant from Europe raped the rights of the Aboriginal
20 % still think it's OK to discriminate against Indigenous Australians
Muslim woman thrown off moving train in Australia
أحوازنا :توزيع كتب عنصرية في المدارس تسيء للعرب "
Iraq: Possible War Crimes by Shia Militia | Human Rights Watch
شيعي عبر قناة "الفيحاء" يفضح مدير جامعة بـ #النجف يرفض توظيف المتزوجات لكي يستغل الفتيات بـ "زواج المتعة"
UK visa sponsorship for employers
Dalits Discrimination in Nepal:
Children are banned from some schools
Dalits in Nepal: Story of Discrimination
There isn't so called Wahhabi
Racism vs. Africans in Israel (1/4)
Israel's New Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land
Experience freedom,
20 % still think it's OK to discriminate against Indigenous Australians
Discrimination towards indigenous Australians
Muslim woman thrown off moving train in Australia
Be a Democrat , and turn the land stolen by white to Aboriginal
DOCUMENTARY FILM: Aboriginal Land Rights in Australia
Black Church Burnings: Hate Crimes in Nine Southern States
Hate against Islam
Burning Mosque in Europe and America
حركة بيغيدا في بولندا و بريطانيا و فرنسا والمانيا ضد المسلمين
Christian fundamentalist extremist Groups
المسيحية الاصولية المتطرفة
List of Christian Massacres against each other
Christian pastor Saeed Abedini
The worst thing I saw was when they took some Sunnis for execution,
White supremacy militia
America's Promise Ministries
Ideology: Christian Identity
America's Promise Ministry is both a Christian Identity church and a major publisher and distributor of right-wing extremist tracts.
American Freedom Party
American Freedom Party
Ideology: White Nationalist
The American Freedom Party (formerly American Third Position) is a political party initially established by racist Southern California skinheads that aims to deport immigrants and return the United States to white rule.
American Renaissance conference
Founded by Jared Taylor in 1990, the New Century Foundation is a self-styled think tank that promotes pseudo-scientific studies and research that purport to show the inferiority of blacks to whites. It is best known for its American Renaissance magazine and website.
American Renaissance conference
American Renaissance
Ideology: White Nationalist
Aryan Brotherhood
Aryan Brotherhood
Aryan Brotherhood
Ideology: White Nationalist
The Aryan Brotherhood, also known as The Brand, Alice Baker, AB or One-Two, is the nation’s oldest major white supremacist prison gang and a national crime syndicate. Founded in 1964 by Irish bikers as a form of protection for white inmates in newly desegregated prisons, the AB is today the largest and deadliest prison gang in the United States, with an estimated 20,000 members inside prisons and on the streets.
Aryan Brotherhood of Texas
Ideology: White Nationalist
Founded in the early 1980s, the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas, also known as the ABT, the Tip and Ace Deuce, is an unrelated knockoff of the racist prison gang Aryan Brotherhood. It is one of the deadliest prison gangs in the Texas Department of Prisons, and also a statewide crime syndicate. Like the Aryan Brotherhood, the ABT has a strictly hierarchical leadership structure and has members both inside the state’s prisons and on the streets.
Aryan Nations symbol
Aryan Nations
Ideology: Neo-Nazi
Aryan Nations (AN) was once a powerful organizing force for white supremacists that cultivated a wide spectrum of racist and anti-Semitic ideas.
Barnes Review
Ideology: White Nationalist
Founded by Willis Carto in 1994, The Barnes Review (TBR) is one of the most virulent anti-Semitic organizations around. Its flagship journal, The Barnes Review, and its website,, are dedicated to historical revisionism and Holocaust denial.
Blood & Honour tattoo
The Brotherhood of Klans (BOK) has long been one of the largest and most widespread Ku Klux Klan organizations in the United States. It’s also the only KKK faction to establish chapters outside the U.S., with a sizable presence in Canada.
Blood & Honour tattoo
Blood & Honour
Ideology: Racist Skinhead
Based in the United Kingdom, Blood & Honour is a shadowy international coalition of racist skinhead gangs. In the United States, two rival groups claim to be affiliated with Blood & Honour.
KKK members
Brotherhood of Klans
Ideology: Ku Klux Klan
Founded in 2000 under a different name by the former Klan leader and notorious neo-Nazi David Duke, the European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO) claims to fight for "White Civil Rights" for "European and Americans Wherever They May Live." EURO serves primarily as a vehicle to publicize Duke's writing and sell his books.
Imperial Wizard Ray Larsen
Church of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
Ideology: Ku Klux Klan
Once one of the largest and most active Klan groups in America, the Church of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan has more recently gained a kind of "Keystone Kops" reputation on the white supremacist scene for its bumbling ways.
John Hill of the Council of Conservative Citizens
Council of Conservative Citizens
Ideology: White Nationalist
The Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC) is the modern reincarnation of the old White Citizens Councils, which were formed in the 1950s and 1960s to battle school desegregation in the South. Created in 1985 from the mailing lists of its predecessor organization, the CCC has evolved into a crudely white supremacist group.
Matt Hale sieg heils in front of WCOTC flag
Creativity Movement
Ideology: Neo-Nazi
A self-styled religious organization, the Creativity Movement incessantly promotes what it sees as the inherent superiority and "creativity" of the white race — about the only tenets there are to its supposed "theology." The group was formed in 1973 as the Church of the Creator and was later renamed the World Church of the Creator (WCOTC).
David Duke
Ideology: White Nationalist
FLDS church
Until the late 2000s the second largest Klan group in the nation, the Imperial Klans of America (IKA) today is smaller but remains active despite a $2.5 million judgment against its leader and several followers in a lawsuit brought by the Southern Poverty Law Center in 2008.
Institute for Historical Review
FLDS church
Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Still actively practicing polygamy more than a century after the mainstream Mormon Church abandoned the practice, the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (FLDS) is a white supremacist, homophobic, antigovernment, totalitarian cult.
IKA hooded member
Imperial Klans of America
Ideology: Ku Klux Klan
Institute for Historical Review
Ideology: Holocaust Denial
Founded in 1978 by Willis Carto, a longtime anti-Semite, the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) is a pseudo-academic organization that claims to seek "truth and accuracy in history," but whose real purpose is to promote Holocaust denial and defend Nazism.
Keystone State skinhead with sledgehammer
The Creativity Movement is the latest of several incarnations of the racist group (and religion) originally known as Church of the Creator. The movement promotes what it sees as the inherent superiority and “creativity” of the white race.
Keystone State skinhead with sledgehammer
Keystone United
Ideology: Racist Skinhead
Keystone United, known until 2009 as the Keystone State Skinheads (KSS), is one of the largest and most active single-state racist skinhead crews in the country.
Kingdom Identity Ministries
Ideology: Christian Identity
Kingdom Identity Ministries is the largest supplier in existence of materials related to Christian Identity, a radical-right theology that generally identifies people of color as soulless sub-humans and Jews as satanic or cursed by God.
Knights of the KKK
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
Ideology: Ku Klux Klan
Founded by David Duke in 1975, the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan has attempted to put a "kinder, gentler" face on the Klan, courting media attention and attempting to portray itself as a modern "white civil rights" organization. But beneath that veneer lurks the same bigoted rhetoric.
League of the South
League of the South
Ideology: Neo-Confederate
The League of the South is a neo-Confederate group that advocates for a second Southern secession and a society dominated by “European Americans.” The league believes the “godly” nation it wants to form should be run by an “Anglo-Celtic” (read: white) elite. National Alliance
National Alliance
Ideology: Neo-Nazi
The National Alliance (NA) was for decades the most dangerous and best organized neo-Nazi formation in America. Explicitly genocidal in its ideology, NA materials call for the eradication of the Jews and other races and the creation of an all-white homeland.
NSM in Omaha
National Socialist Movement
Ideology: Neo-Nazi
An organization that specializes in theatrical and provocative protests, the National Socialist Movement (NSM) is one of the largest and most prominent neo-Nazi groups in the United States.
National Vanguard
National Vanguard
Ideology: Neo-Nazi
Formed in 2005 by longtime activist Kevin Strom, National Vanguard was a breakaway group from the neo-Nazi National Alliance. National Vanguard was increasing its membership before the arrest and imprisonment of its leader, Kevin Strom, in 2007 for child pornography and witness tampering, after which the group fell apart.
Occidental Quarterly
Ideology: White Nationalist
Founded in 2001 by Chicago millionaire publishing scion William H. Regnery, the Charles Martel Society publishes The Occidental Quarterly (TOQ), a racist journal devoted to the idea that as whites become a minority "the civilization and free governments that whites have created" will be jeopardized.
Pioneer Fund
Ideology: White Nationalist
Started in 1937 by textile magnate Wickliffe Draper, the Pioneer Fund's original mandate was to pursue "race betterment" by promoting the genetic stock of those "deemed to be descended predominantly from white persons who settled in the original thirteen states prior to the adoption of the Constitution."
Ideology: White Nationalist
Created by former Alabama Klan boss and long-time white supremacist Don Black in 1995, Stormfront was the first major hate site on the Internet. Claiming more than 130,000 registered members (though far fewer remain active), the site has been a very popular online forum for white nationalists and other racial extremists.
The Creativity Movement
The Creativity Movement
Ideology: Neo-Nazi
Peter Brimelow
The Vinlanders Social Club was formed in 2003 by a handful of former members and associates of a rogue racist skinhead group, the Outlaw Hammerskins. Publicly the Vinlanders appeared to be a coalition of independent state skinhead crews, but in reality the group functioned as a single entity. The Vinlanders relished a reputation for drinking, brawling and following a racist version of Odinism, a form of ancient paganism once practiced by Vikings.
Peter Brimelow
Ideology: White Nationalist
Originally established in 1999 by the Center for American Unity, a Virginia-based nonprofit foundation started by English immigrant Peter Brimelow, is an anti-immigration hate website "dedicated to preserving our historical unity as Americans into the 21st Century."
Vinlanders Social Club
Ideology: Racist Skinhead
White Revolution - Roper
White Revolution - Roper
White Revolution
Ideology: Neo-Nazi
White Revolution is a neo-Nazi group that employs the most violent language and works with some of the most virulent leaders in the world of white supremacy, while claiming to remain legal. It has sought to unite groups across the radical spectrum, but has been singularly unsuccessful.
American Border Patrol/American Patrol
Ideology: Anti-Immigrant
American Border Patrol/American Patrol is one of the most virulent anti-immigrant groups around. On the American Patrol website and in self-produced videos, the group rails against Mexican immigrants, accusing them of bringing to the U.S. crime, drugs and squalor and of practicing “immigration via the birth canal.”
Bryan Fischer, AFA director of issue analysis for government and public policy
Barbara Coe, leader of CCIR
California Coalition for Immigration Reform
Ideology: Anti-Immigrant
Claiming an unlikely 26,000 members, the California Coalition for Immigration Reform (CCIR) is headed by Barbara Coe, an angry woman who consistently refers to Mexican immigrants as "savages." CCIR publishes a newsletter, produces DVDs, and links to many other anti-immigrant hate groups.
FAIR President Dan Stein
Federation for American Immigration Reform
Ideology: Anti-Immigrant
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is a group with one mission: to severely limit immigration into the United States. Although FAIR maintains a veneer of legitimacy that has allowed its principals to testify in Congress and lobby the federal government, this veneer hides much ugliness.
The Social Contract
The Social Contract Press (TSCP) routinely publishes race-baiting articles penned by white nationalists. The press is a program of U.S. Inc, the foundation created by John Tanton, the racist founder and principal ideologue of the modern nativist movement. TSCP puts an academic veneer of legitimacy over what are essentially racist arguments about the inferiority of today's immigrants.
The Social Contract
The Social Contract Press
Ideology: Anti-Immigrant
ضد الشذوذ
American Family Association
Ideology: Anti-LGBT
The American Family Association (AFA) says it promotes "traditional moral values" in media. A large part of that work involves "combating the homosexual agenda" through various means, including publicizing companies that have pro-gay policies and organizing boycotts against them.
Tony Perkins
Family Research Council
Ideology: Anti-LGBT
The Family Research Council (FRC) bills itself as “the leading voice for the family in our nation’s halls of power,” but its real specialty is defaming gays and lesbians.
Traditional Values Coalition
الدفاع عن اليهود
Traditional Values Coalition
Ideology: Anti-LGBT
Presbyterian minister Lou Sheldon founded the Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) in 1980 to spread a “moral code and behavior based upon the Old and New Testaments” and to warn Americans of the rising “gay threat.” The traditional values the TVC fights for include: the right to life (opposition to abortion and euthanasia), chastity and patriotism, along with opposition to homosexuality, pornography, the teaching of evolution in public schools and illegal immigration.
Westboro Baptist protest
Westboro Baptist Church
Ideology: Anti-LGBT
Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) is arguably the most obnoxious and rabid hate group in America. Typified by its slogan, “God Hates Fags,” WBC is known for its harsh anti-gay beliefs and the crude signs its members carry at their frequent protests.
Ideology: Patriot Movement
WorldNetDaily is an online publication founded and run by Joseph Farah that claims to pursue truth, justice and liberty. But in fact, its pages are devoted to manipulative fear-mongering and outright fabrications designed to further the paranoid, gay-hating, conspiratorial and apocalyptic visions of Farah and his hand-picked contributors from the fringes of the far-right and fundamentalist worlds.
Jewish Defense League
Jewish Defense League
The Jewish Defense League (JDL) is a radical organization that preaches a violent form of anti-Arab, Jewish nationalism. Its late founder, Rabbi Meir Kahane, claimed that Jews face fierce anti-Semitism domestically and abroad and must protect themselves by any means necessary.
USADiscrimination RACISM towards NATIVE
The Oprah Winfrey Show | "Racism in 1992" | Full Episode
9 people killed by white Black church Charleston South Carolina.
2 College Students Threats To Kill Black People At Mizzou
These black people are american citizen
has been killed by white police
Laquan McDonald was shot 16 times by police:
Black Church Burnings: Hate Crimes in Nine Southern States
Police in America killing Black people
White people always say to the native Americans it was 500yrs ago or to the negro slavery was 400yrs ago get over it or forget about it, get over pearl harbor get over the Holocaust and September 11, but when it comes to the "crimes" that happen to them they say never forget.SMDH
Anti-Japanese anti blacks anti Jews anti Muslim
Hate of the Christians
Sikh Man, Airlines Kicked Them Off Due to ‘Muslim Appearance’
Discrimination America Trump Ban the Muslims while himself Immegrant the real American are native
عنصرية وسفاهة بعض الامريكين وعلى شاكله #ترمب
أسطورة الملاكمة محمد علي ينتقد «عنصرية ترامب» -
America Crusade killed a million Muslims In IRAQ
10 Modern-Day Christian Terrorist Groups Mainstream Media Never Talks About
Christians Terrorists Mass Murder / shooting / suicide
العدائية ضد الاسلام / مدرسة اميركية تغلق بسبب الاسلام و جامعة تطرد دكتورة
Arabic Calligraphy Assignment Prompts Countywide School
Shutdown in Virginia
Christian college moves to fire professor who said Muslims worship same God
Hate crimes in England and Wales
Police recorded 52,528 hate crimes in 2014-15,
Hijab-Wearing Teenage Girl Caught On CCTV Suffering Brutal Attack
تعريف في الجماعات العنصرية في بريطانيا
The English Defence League
The Prejudice and Discrimination Faced By Islam in the UK
Racism against Aboriginal Aus
Discrimination towards indigenous Australians
Aus is belong to aboriginal and you do no a favor for themyou immigrant go back to were you belong
and practicing Racial Discrimination against aboriginal 2
Unique is what happens in Australia, where the Anglo-Saxon colonized Australia and raped the land 1
European occupies the land of Aus Aboriginal and discriminate against them 1
then an immigrant from Europe raped the rights of the Aboriginal
20 % still think it's OK to discriminate against Indigenous Australians
Muslim woman thrown off moving train in Australia
أحوازنا :توزيع كتب عنصرية في المدارس تسيء للعرب "
Iraq: Possible War Crimes by Shia Militia | Human Rights Watch
شيعي عبر قناة "الفيحاء" يفضح مدير جامعة بـ #النجف يرفض توظيف المتزوجات لكي يستغل الفتيات بـ "زواج المتعة"
UK visa sponsorship for employers
Dalits Discrimination in Nepal:
Children are banned from some schools
Dalits in Nepal: Story of Discrimination
There isn't so called Wahhabi
Racism vs. Africans in Israel (1/4)
Israel's New Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land
Experience freedom,
20 % still think it's OK to discriminate against Indigenous Australians
Discrimination towards indigenous Australians
Muslim woman thrown off moving train in Australia
Be a Democrat , and turn the land stolen by white to Aboriginal
DOCUMENTARY FILM: Aboriginal Land Rights in Australia
Black Church Burnings: Hate Crimes in Nine Southern States
Hate against Islam
Burning Mosque in Europe and America
حركة بيغيدا في بولندا و بريطانيا و فرنسا والمانيا ضد المسلمين
Christian fundamentalist extremist Groups
المسيحية الاصولية المتطرفة
List of Christian Massacres against each other
Christian pastor Saeed Abedini
The worst thing I saw was when they took some Sunnis for execution,
White supremacy militia
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