الثلاثاء، 8 ديسمبر 2015

Hate of the Christians Anti-Japanes Anti Blacks Anti Jews Anti Muslim

The Bible Teach Hate
Luke 14:26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

Researchers Create “Hate Map” of the U.S. With Twitter Data

http://www.technologyreview.com/view/514816/researchers-create-hate-map-of-the-us-with-twitter-data/ …

الديني المسيحي مبني على الكراهية في الكتاب المقدس
ورد بما معناه في الانجيل
لن تكون من اتباع المسيح ان لم تكره امك واباك و واولادك

لوقا 26:14
نص الاية من الانجيل الكتاب المقدس

14 :26 ان كان احد ياتي الي و لا يبغض اباه و امه و امراته و اولاده و اخوته و اخواته حتى نفسه ايضا فلا يقدر ان يكون لي تلميذا

The pioneers killed Red Indian

 Catholic Church to legalize the occupation and enslavement 

and rape the land of non-Christians

Then the Blacks

A young man sizes-up an assault style rifle during the National Rifle Association's annual convention Friday, May 3, 2013.

Then The Japanese

WWII Anti-Japanese Propaganda Poster

Anti-Japanese sentiment in the United States



is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence. 
It also means "the practice of making unfair allegations

These days 


Hate Your Family!

(Luke 14:26)

Embedded image permalink

Donald Trump Calls For Muslim Ban - Intelligence Report 

Trump only loves Muslims if they give him money, like this guy

Virginia district cancels classes after Arabic calligraphy lesson angers parents

جديد العنصرية الأمريكية.. رئيس جامعة ليبيرتي يدعو طلابه لقتل المسلمين “فيديو”


Hate groups in America and UK

America Crusade killed a million Muslims In IRAQ 

US barbarism has slaughtered over 300,000 civilians at Hiroshima and Nagasaki http://www.stopwar.org.uk/index.php/news/remembering-hiroshima …

  Amputee soldier nails why blaming all #Muslims for ISIS is ridiculous


Islam or Christianity has a problem ?


Hate Crime Toward ISLAM 

جرائم الكراهية في الدول الغربية

American & Norway terrorist

Ex-Australia PM Abbott says West should 'proclaim superiority over Islam'

TRENDING: Did US Soldiers Rape Boys In Front Of Their Mothers In #Iraq?

This "School" Has Trained 64,000 Torturers For US-Backed Dictators Since 1946


Anti-Muslim attacks occurring in record numbers across US

Bush Officials Could Face Trial For Mistreatment of #Muslims After 9/11 http://bit.ly/1NnSNA1

اعتداءات تطال مسجدين في #كاليفورنيا ومخاوف من تصاعد "الإسلاموفوبيا"

اعتقال رجل في #كاليفورنيا بشبهة حرق مسجد

Russia’s Top 200 Lies


Hate Crime Toward ISLAM

جرائم الكراهية في الدول الغربية

North Carolina-33 Active Hate Groups

intolerance in the bible

God of hate war and violence in the bible

Stop Hate Crime

Black Church Burnings: Research Report Hate Groups Hate Crimes in Nine Southern States

Police record surge in anti-Muslim hate crimes in 2013 uk

hate crime UK Colchester murder: Religious


Hindus & Buddhists Terrors

A Timeline of CIA Atrocities

Violence Against British Muslims Runs Rampant In Wake of Paris Attack Home»News»Violence Against British Muslims Runs Rampant In Wake of Paris Attack

Muslim-Bashing Can Be Very Lucrative

The Statistical Invisibility of Islamist 'Terrorism' in Europe

 Sharp Uptick in Islamophobia: Amid the carnage of the Paris terror attacks, the recent shooting in San Bernardino, and the surge in Syrian refugees seeking asylum in Western nations, attacks against Muslims skyrocketed in 2015. In the United States, Muslims have been attacked for praying in publicwearing traditional head scarves, and for simply being out in public. Sikhs have been caught in the crossfire for the crime of being brown and wearing cloth on their heads — and thus being confused with Muslims — while at least one Christian has been terrorized as a result of the unmitigated hate currently permeating modern society. Many European nations and U.S. states have rejected the influx of refugees from war-torn Syria.
Amid the increased hate against Muslims, however, has come an outpouring of love and tolerance. Muslim groups across the world have condemned terror attacksraised money to help the families of victims, and promoted programs to discourage extremism. At the same time, citizens across Europe and throughout the United States have welcomed Syrian refugees with open arms.
2015 was a year of chaos, violence, hate, and an ongoing struggle of freedom versus oppression. In many ways, it was like the years, decades, and even centuries and millenia that came before. But amid the conflict and often discouraging headlines, humanity has continued to persevere, offering resistance to seemingly all-powerful forces and paving the way for, if nothing else, potential peace, freedom, and respect for human life.



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